2 research outputs found

    Single Multiplicative Neuron Model Artificial Neural Network with Autoregressive Coefficient for Time Series Modelling

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    Bas, Eren/0000-0002-0263-8804; Egrioglu, Erol/0000-0003-4301-4149WOS: 000434268000024Single multiplicative neuron model and multilayer perceptron have been commonly used for time series prediction problem. Having a simple structure and features of easily applicable differentiates the single multiplicative neuron model from the multilayer perception. While, multilayer perceptron just as many other artificial neural networks are data-based methods, single multiplicative neuron model has a model structure due to it is composed of a single neuron. Multilayer perceptron can highly compliance with data by changing its architecture, though single multiplicative neuron model, in this respect, is insufficient. In this study, to overcome this problem of single multiplicative neuron model, a new model that its weights and biases are obtained by way of autoregressive equations is proposed. Since the time indexes are considered to determine weights and biases from the autoregressive models, the proposed neural network can be evaluated as a data-based model. To show the performance and capability of the proposed method, various implementations have been executed over some well-known data sets. And the obtained results demonstrate that data-based proposed method has outstanding forecasting performance

    Contribution to Financial Modeling and Financial Forecasting

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    This thesis consists of three chapters. Each chapter is independent research that is conducted during my study. This research is concentrated on financial time series modeling and forecasting. On first chapter, the research aims to prove that any abnormal behavior in debt level is a signal of future unexpected return for firms that is listed in indexes in this study, hence it is a signal to buy. In order to prove this theory multiple indexes from around the world were taken into consideration. This behavior is consistent in most of indexes around the word. The second chapter investigate the effect of United State president speech on value of United State Currency in Foreign Exchange Rate market. In this analysis it is shown that during the time the president is delivering a speech there is distinctive changes in USD value and volatility in global markets. This chapter implies that this effect cannot be captured by linear models, and the impact of the presidential speech is short term. Finally, the third chapter which is the major research of this thesis, suggest two new methods that potentially enhance the financial time series forecasting. Firstly, the new ARMA-RNN model is presented. The suggested model is inheriting the process of Autoregressive Moving Average model which is extensively studied, and train a recurrent neural network based on it to benefit from unique ability of ARMA model as well as strength and nonlinearity of artificial neural network. Secondly the research investigates the use of different frequency of data for input layer to predict the same data on output layer. In other words, artificial neural networks are trained on higher frequency data to predict lower frequency. Finally, both stated method is combined to achieve more superior predictive model