3,638 research outputs found

    Sparse-to-Continuous: Enhancing Monocular Depth Estimation using Occupancy Maps

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    This paper addresses the problem of single image depth estimation (SIDE), focusing on improving the quality of deep neural network predictions. In a supervised learning scenario, the quality of predictions is intrinsically related to the training labels, which guide the optimization process. For indoor scenes, structured-light-based depth sensors (e.g. Kinect) are able to provide dense, albeit short-range, depth maps. On the other hand, for outdoor scenes, LiDARs are considered the standard sensor, which comparatively provides much sparser measurements, especially in areas further away. Rather than modifying the neural network architecture to deal with sparse depth maps, this article introduces a novel densification method for depth maps, using the Hilbert Maps framework. A continuous occupancy map is produced based on 3D points from LiDAR scans, and the resulting reconstructed surface is projected into a 2D depth map with arbitrary resolution. Experiments conducted with various subsets of the KITTI dataset show a significant improvement produced by the proposed Sparse-to-Continuous technique, without the introduction of extra information into the training stage.Comment: Accepted. (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Sparsity Invariant CNNs

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    In this paper, we consider convolutional neural networks operating on sparse inputs with an application to depth upsampling from sparse laser scan data. First, we show that traditional convolutional networks perform poorly when applied to sparse data even when the location of missing data is provided to the network. To overcome this problem, we propose a simple yet effective sparse convolution layer which explicitly considers the location of missing data during the convolution operation. We demonstrate the benefits of the proposed network architecture in synthetic and real experiments with respect to various baseline approaches. Compared to dense baselines, the proposed sparse convolution network generalizes well to novel datasets and is invariant to the level of sparsity in the data. For our evaluation, we derive a novel dataset from the KITTI benchmark, comprising 93k depth annotated RGB images. Our dataset allows for training and evaluating depth upsampling and depth prediction techniques in challenging real-world settings and will be made available upon publication

    FrameNet: Learning Local Canonical Frames of 3D Surfaces from a Single RGB Image

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    In this work, we introduce the novel problem of identifying dense canonical 3D coordinate frames from a single RGB image. We observe that each pixel in an image corresponds to a surface in the underlying 3D geometry, where a canonical frame can be identified as represented by three orthogonal axes, one along its normal direction and two in its tangent plane. We propose an algorithm to predict these axes from RGB. Our first insight is that canonical frames computed automatically with recently introduced direction field synthesis methods can provide training data for the task. Our second insight is that networks designed for surface normal prediction provide better results when trained jointly to predict canonical frames, and even better when trained to also predict 2D projections of canonical frames. We conjecture this is because projections of canonical tangent directions often align with local gradients in images, and because those directions are tightly linked to 3D canonical frames through projective geometry and orthogonality constraints. In our experiments, we find that our method predicts 3D canonical frames that can be used in applications ranging from surface normal estimation, feature matching, and augmented reality

    Confidence Propagation through CNNs for Guided Sparse Depth Regression

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    Generally, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) process data on a regular grid, e.g. data generated by ordinary cameras. Designing CNNs for sparse and irregularly spaced input data is still an open research problem with numerous applications in autonomous driving, robotics, and surveillance. In this paper, we propose an algebraically-constrained normalized convolution layer for CNNs with highly sparse input that has a smaller number of network parameters compared to related work. We propose novel strategies for determining the confidence from the convolution operation and propagating it to consecutive layers. We also propose an objective function that simultaneously minimizes the data error while maximizing the output confidence. To integrate structural information, we also investigate fusion strategies to combine depth and RGB information in our normalized convolution network framework. In addition, we introduce the use of output confidence as an auxiliary information to improve the results. The capabilities of our normalized convolution network framework are demonstrated for the problem of scene depth completion. Comprehensive experiments are performed on the KITTI-Depth and the NYU-Depth-v2 datasets. The results clearly demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves superior performance while requiring only about 1-5% of the number of parameters compared to the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 14 pages, 14 Figure

    Depth Estimation via Affinity Learned with Convolutional Spatial Propagation Network

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    Depth estimation from a single image is a fundamental problem in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective convolutional spatial propagation network (CSPN) to learn the affinity matrix for depth prediction. Specifically, we adopt an efficient linear propagation model, where the propagation is performed with a manner of recurrent convolutional operation, and the affinity among neighboring pixels is learned through a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). We apply the designed CSPN to two depth estimation tasks given a single image: (1) To refine the depth output from state-of-the-art (SOTA) existing methods; and (2) to convert sparse depth samples to a dense depth map by embedding the depth samples within the propagation procedure. The second task is inspired by the availability of LIDARs that provides sparse but accurate depth measurements. We experimented the proposed CSPN over two popular benchmarks for depth estimation, i.e. NYU v2 and KITTI, where we show that our proposed approach improves in not only quality (e.g., 30% more reduction in depth error), but also speed (e.g., 2 to 5 times faster) than prior SOTA methods.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, ECCV 201
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