5,954 research outputs found

    TVL<sub>1</sub> Planarity Regularization for 3D Shape Approximation

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    The modern emergence of automation in many industries has given impetus to extensive research into mobile robotics. Novel perception technologies now enable cars to drive autonomously, tractors to till a field automatically and underwater robots to construct pipelines. An essential requirement to facilitate both perception and autonomous navigation is the analysis of the 3D environment using sensors like laser scanners or stereo cameras. 3D sensors generate a very large number of 3D data points when sampling object shapes within an environment, but crucially do not provide any intrinsic information about the environment which the robots operate within. This work focuses on the fundamental task of 3D shape reconstruction and modelling from 3D point clouds. The novelty lies in the representation of surfaces by algebraic functions having limited support, which enables the extraction of smooth consistent implicit shapes from noisy samples with a heterogeneous density. The minimization of total variation of second differential degree makes it possible to enforce planar surfaces which often occur in man-made environments. Applying the new technique means that less accurate, low-cost 3D sensors can be employed without sacrificing the 3D shape reconstruction accuracy

    Flexible calibration of a stereo vision system by active display

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    Abstract Camera calibration plays a fundamental role for 3D computer vision since it is the first step to recover reliable metric information from 2D images. The calibration of a stereo-vision system is a two-step process: firstly, the calibration of the individual cameras must be carried out, then the two individual calibrations are combined to retrieve the relative placement between the two cameras, and to refine intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. The most commonly adopted calibration methodology uses multiple images of a physical checkerboard pattern. However, the process is time-consuming since the operator must move the calibration target into different positions, typically from 15 to 20. Moreover, the calibration of different optical setups requires the use of calibration boards, which differ for size and number of target points depending on the desired working volume. This paper proposes an innovative approach to the calibration, which is based on the use of a conventional computer screen to actively display the calibration checkerboard. The potential non-planarity of the screen is compensated by an iterative approach, which also estimate the actual screen shape during the calibration process. The use of an active display greatly enhances the flexibility of the stereo-camera calibration process since the same device can be used to calibrate different optical setups by simply varying number and size of the displayed squared patterns

    Fleksibilni optički digitalizacijski sustav s proizvoljnim brojem kamera

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    Development of the flexible multi-camera optical surface digitization system which projects non coherent coded light in two perpendicular directions is presented. By the introduction of the absolute method for stereopairs indexing the need for twofold searching through the phase images is eliminated, as well as the influence of discontinuities. Critical areas responsible for outlier generation are eliminated prior to triangulation by combining the modulation filtering of phase images and gradient filtering of the absolute phase images. Sequential triangulation process enabled triangulation of points that are not visible in all the cameras, thus providing means for digitization of partially occluded areas. Free form calibration object eliminated the need for specialized planar calibration objects, which combined with variable external camera parameters resulted in a system that can be adjusted depending on the measurement problem. In comparison to the commercial single and stereo camera systems our approach reduces the number of projections for the digitization of the complete objects.Razmatrana je problematika razvoja fleksibilnog optičkog sustava s proizvoljnim brojem slobodnih kamera koji digitalizaciju oblika površine provodi dvostrukim projiciranjem nekoherentnog kodiranog svjetla. Apsolutnom metodom određivanja stereoparova eliminirana je potreba za dvostrukim pretraživanjem faznih slika, te utjecaj diskontinuiteta. Kombinacijom amplitudnog filtriranja slike parcijalnih faza i gradijentnog filtriranja slike apsolutnih faza eliminirana su kritična područja, te smanjen broj pogrešno identificiranih stereoparova. Uvođenjem slijednog postupka triangulacije omogućeno je trianguliranje i onih točaka koje nisu istovremeno vidljive u svim kamerama, odnosno uvedena je mogućnost digitalizacije površina djelomično zasjenjenih površinskim artefaktima. Kroz kalibraciju slobodnim kalibrom eliminirana je potreba za specijalnim planarnim kalibracijskim objektima, u sprezi sa varijabilnim vanjskim parametrima kalibracije sustav postaje prilagodljiv mjernom zadatku. U odnosu na komercijalno dostupne sustave s jednom i dvije kamere novi sustav omogućava smanjenje broja potrebnih projekcija za digitalizaciju kompletnog mjernog volumena