936 research outputs found

    Full waveform inversion of narrow-azimuth towed-streamer seismic data

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    Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a computational scheme that produces high-fidelity, high-resolution models of the Earth's subsurface from surface seismic data. FWI has become a standard tool in velocity-model building and performs well on full-azimuth long-offset ocean-bottom seismic datasets. However, the majority of marine seismic datasets use narrow-azimuth towed streamers (NATS) which often lack long-offset refracted energy. Here I explore the capability of conventional FWI when it is applied to marine deep-water reflection-dominated NATS field data. I applied FWI to three datasets: the first used a deep-towed 10-km cable and was specifically acquired for 2D FWI; the other two datasets were both 3D reflection-dominated surveys to which FWI had been previously applied with limited success - these datasets were from Gabon and Brazil, and were chosen specifically because FWI had been previously tried and had failed. Applying FWI to these datasets, I reached the following conclusions: 1) When the input data have adequate turning energy and adequate low-frequency energy, acoustic anisotropic FWI can generate accurate high-resolution velocity models of increasing complexity and resolution up to about 40 Hz. 2) Extending FWI to the full bandwidth of the field data produces minimal further change in the macro-velocity model, but nonetheless continues to improve resolution up to and perhaps beyond that which can be recovered by conventional Kirchhoff-based pre-stack depth migration. 3) Applying 2D and full-3D FWI to a single 2D sail line produces similar outcomes. 4) The Gabon dataset proved almost entirely resistant to FWI; the available evidence suggests that the nominally-raw field data were corrupt in some unknown way. 5) The Brazilian dataset was inverted using a third-party FWI code that assumed constant density; this assumption is detrimental to FWI.Open Acces

    Seismic reverse-time migration in viscoelastic media

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    Seismic images are key to exploration seismology. They help identify structures in the subsurface and locate potential reservoirs. However, seismic images suffer from the problem of low resolution caused by the viscoelasticity of the medium. The viscoelasticity of the media is caused by the combination of fractured solid rock and fluids, such as water, oil and gas. This viscoelasticity of the medium causes attenuation of seismic waves, which includes energy absorption and velocity dispersion. These two attenuation effects significantly change the seismic data, and thus the seismic imaging. The aim of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of seismic wave propagation in attenuating media and to further investigate the method for high-resolution seismic imaging. My work, presented in this dissertation, comprises the following three parts. First, the determination of the viscoelastic parameters in the generalised viscoelastic wave equation. The viscoelasticity of subsurface media is succinctly represented in the generalised wave equation by a fractional temporal derivative. This generalised viscoelastic wave equation is characterised by the viscoelastic parameter and the viscoelastic velocity, but these parameters are not well formulated and therefore unfavourable for seismic implementation. The causality and stability of the generalised wave equation are proved by deriving the rate-of-relaxation function. On this basis, the viscoelastic parameter is formulated based on the constant Q model, and the viscoelastic velocity is formulated in terms of the reference velocity and the viscoelastic parameter. These two formulations adequately represent the viscoelastic effect in seismic wave propagation. Second, the development of a fractional spatial derivatives wave equation with a spatial filter. This development aims to effectively and efficiently solve the generalised viscoelastic wave equation with fractional temporal derivative, which is numerically challenging. I have transferred the fractional temporal derivative into fractional spatial derivatives, which can be solved using the pseudo-spectral implementation. However, this method is inaccurate in heterogeneous media. I introduced a spatial filter to correct the simulation error caused by the averaging in this implementation. The numerical test shows that the proposed spatial filter can significantly improve the accuracy of the seismic simulation and maintain high efficiency. Moreover, the proposed wave equation with fractional spatial derivatives is applied to compensate for the attenuation effects in reverse-time migration. This allows the dispersion correction and energy compensation to be performed simultaneously, which improves the resolution of the migration results. Finally, the development of reverse-time migration using biaxial wavefield decomposition to reduce migration artefacts and further improve the resolution of seismic images. In reverse-time migration, the cross-correlation of unphysical waves leads to large artefacts. By decomposing the wavefield both horizontally and vertically, and selecting only the causal waves for cross-correlation, the artefacts are greatly reduced, and the delicate structures can be identified. This decomposition method is also suitable for reverse-time migration with attenuation compensation. The migration results show that the resolution of the final seismic image is significantly improved, compared to conventional reverse-time migration.Open Acces

    Meta-Processing: A robust framework for multi-tasks seismic processing

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    Machine learning-based seismic processing models are typically trained separately to perform specific seismic processing tasks (SPTs), and as a result, require plenty of training data. However, preparing training data sets is not trivial, especially for supervised learning (SL). Nevertheless, seismic data of different types and from different regions share generally common features, such as their sinusoidal nature and geometric texture. To learn the shared features, and thus, quickly adapt to various SPTs, we develop a unified paradigm for neural network-based seismic processing, called Meta-Processing, that uses limited training data for meta learning a common network initialization, which offers universal adaptability features. The proposed Meta-Processing framework consists of two stages: meta-training and meta-testing. In the meta-training stage, each SPT is treated as a separate task and the training dataset is divided into support and query sets. Unlike conventional SL methods, here, the neural network (NN) parameters are updated by a bilevel gradient descent from the support set to the query set, iterating through all tasks. In the meta-testing stage, we also utilize limited data to fine-tune the optimized NN parameters in an SL fashion to conduct various SPTs, such as denoising, interpolation, ground-roll attenuation, image enhancement, and velocity estimation, aiming to converge quickly to ideal performance. Comprehensive numerical examples are performed to evaluate the performance of Meta-Processing on both synthetic and field data. The results demonstrate that our method significantly improves the convergence speed and prediction accuracy of the NN

    JUNO Conceptual Design Report

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is proposed to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy using an underground liquid scintillator detector. It is located 53 km away from both Yangjiang and Taishan Nuclear Power Plants in Guangdong, China. The experimental hall, spanning more than 50 meters, is under a granite mountain of over 700 m overburden. Within six years of running, the detection of reactor antineutrinos can resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy at a confidence level of 3-4σ\sigma, and determine neutrino oscillation parameters sin2θ12\sin^2\theta_{12}, Δm212\Delta m^2_{21}, and Δmee2|\Delta m^2_{ee}| to an accuracy of better than 1%. The JUNO detector can be also used to study terrestrial and extra-terrestrial neutrinos and new physics beyond the Standard Model. The central detector contains 20,000 tons liquid scintillator with an acrylic sphere of 35 m in diameter. \sim17,000 508-mm diameter PMTs with high quantum efficiency provide \sim75% optical coverage. The current choice of the liquid scintillator is: linear alkyl benzene (LAB) as the solvent, plus PPO as the scintillation fluor and a wavelength-shifter (Bis-MSB). The number of detected photoelectrons per MeV is larger than 1,100 and the energy resolution is expected to be 3% at 1 MeV. The calibration system is designed to deploy multiple sources to cover the entire energy range of reactor antineutrinos, and to achieve a full-volume position coverage inside the detector. The veto system is used for muon detection, muon induced background study and reduction. It consists of a Water Cherenkov detector and a Top Tracker system. The readout system, the detector control system and the offline system insure efficient and stable data acquisition and processing.Comment: 328 pages, 211 figure

    Ambient Seismic Noise Interferometry on the Island of Hawai‘i.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    Detector Improvements and Optimization to Advance Gravitational-wave Astronomy

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    The thesis covers a range of topics relevant to the current and future gravitational-wave facilities. After the last science observing run, O3, that ended in March 2020, the aLIGO and VIRGO gravitational-wave detectors are undergoing upgrades to improve their sensitivity. My thesis focuses on the work done at the LIGO Hanford Observatory to facilitate these upgrade activities. I worked to develop two novel technologies with applications to gravitational-wave detectors. First, I developed a high-bandwidth, low-noise, flexure-based piezo-deformable mirror for active mode-matching. Mode-matching losses limit improvements from squeezing as they distort the ground state of the squeezed beam. For broadband sensitivity improvements from frequency-dependent squeezing, it is critical to ensure low mode-mismatch losses. These piezo-deformable mirrors are being installed at the aLIGO facilities. Second, I worked to develop and test a high-resolution wavefront sensor that employs a time-of-flight sensor. By achieving phase-locking between the demodulation signal for the time-of-flight sensor and the incident modulated laser beam, this camera is capable of sensing higher-order mode distortions of the incident beam. Cosmic Explorer is a proposed next-generation gravitational-wave observatory in the United States that is planned to be operational by the mid-2030s. Cosmic Explorer along with Einstein Telescope will form a network of next-generation gravitational-wave detectors. I propose the science-goal-focused tunable design of the Cosmic Explorer detectors that allow for the possibility to tune with sensitivity at low, mid, and high frequencies. These tuning options give Cosmic Explorer the flexibility to target a diverse set of science goals with the same detector infrastructure. The technological challenges to achieving these tunable configurations are presented. I find that a 40 km Cosmic Explorer detector outperforms a 20 km in all key science goals other than access to post-merger physics. This suggests that Cosmic Explorer should include at least one 40 km facility. I also explore the detection prospects of core-collapse supernovae with the third-generation facilities -- Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope. I find that the weak gravitational-wave signature from core-collapse supernovae limits the likely sources within our galaxy. This corresponds to a low event rate of two per century

    Application of vertical seismic profiling for the characterisation of hard rock

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    Seismic imaging in hard rock environments is gaining wider acceptance as a mineral exploration technique and as a mine-planning tool. However, the seismic images generated from hard rock targets are complex due to high rock velocities, low contrasts in elastic rock properties, fractionated geology, complicated steep dipping structures and mineralogical alterations. In order to comprehend the complexity and utilise seismic images for structural mapping and rock characterisation, it is essential to correlate these images to known geology. An ideal tool for this purpose is Vertical Seismic Profiling or VSP. The VSP method can provide not only a means to correlate seismic images to geology but also to study the properties of the transmitted seismic field as it is modified by different rock formations, the origin of the reflected events and the corresponding reflector geometry. However, the VSP technique is rarely used in hard rock environments because of the cost and operational issues related to using clamping geophones in exploration boreholes, which are 96 mm or less in diameter. Consequently the main objective of this research is to produce an efficient VSP methodology that can be readily deployed for mineral exploration.An alternative to the clamping geophone is the hydrophone. Hydrophones are suspended in, and acoustically coupled to the borehole wall through, the borehole fluid. Borehole acoustic modes known as "tube-waves" are generated by seismic body waves passing the water column and are guided in the borehole due to the high acoustic impedance contrast between the rock and fluid. Tube-waves are 1-2 orders in magnitude higher in amplitude than seismic signal and mask reflected energy in hydrophone VSP profiles. As such the use of borehole hydrophone arrays to date has been restricted to direct body wave measurements only. I have effectively mitigated tube-waves in hydrophone VSP surveys with specific acquisition methodologies and refined signal processing techniques. The success of wavefield separation of tubewaves from hydrophone data depends critically upon; having high signal to noise ratio, well sampled data, pre-conditioning of the field data and processing in the field record (FFID) domain. Improvements in data quality through the use of high viscosity drilling fluids and baffle systems have been tested and developed. The increased signal to noise ratio and suppression of tube-wave energy through these technologies greatly enhances the performance of hydrophone VSP imaging.Non-standard wavefield separation techniques successfully removed strong coherent tube-wave noise. The additional wavefield separation steps required to remove high amplitude tube-waves does degrade the overall result with some fidelity and coherency being lost. However, a direct comparison of hydrophone and borehole clamping geophone VSP surveys has been conducted in the Kambalda nickel district and the two methodologies produced comparable results. The difference was that the hydrophone data were collected in a fraction of the time compared to clamping geophone equipment with significantly less risk of equipment loss and with reduced cost.The results of these field experiments and the data processing methodology used, demonstrate the potential of hydrophone VSP surveys in the small diameter boreholes typical of hard rock exploration. Thus, these results show that hydrophone VSP is a viable, cost effective and efficient solution that should be employed more routinely in hard rock environments in order to enhance the value of the surface seismic datasets being acquired


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    Three-dimensional, time-lapse (TL) reflection seismic datasets and well logs collected for Phase I CO2 sequestration project in Weyburn oilfield (southern Saskatchewan, Canada) are utilized for developing new approaches in three research areas: 1) estimation of seismic source waveforms, 2) evaluation of TL acoustic impedance (AI) variations for monitoring CO2 propagation, and 3) rigorous modeling of seismic waves propagating through finely layered rock. All three study areas are interconnected and important for accurate analysis of seismic data and TL monitoring of this and other oil reservoirs undergoing fluid injection. The first approach focuses on estimating the source waveforms from reflection seismic data, which is critical for evaluating accurate well-to-seismic ties as well as in other applications. A simple and effective method is proposed, based on iterative identification of the strongest and sparse reflections in seismic records, which allows estimation of source waveforms through an optimization approach, without well-log control and statistical hypotheses. The method allows correcting for coherent noise which seems to occur in stacked Weyburn data, consisting in (de)amplification and time shifts of the low-frequency components of the records. The method is tested on real and self-similar synthetic well-log models and applied to the Weyburn seismic data. For the second topic, a post-stack waveform-calibration processing procedure is developed in order to achieve accurate consistency of TL datasets. Time shifts between the monitor and baseline records are also measured during this procedure, and an improved method for calculating the TL reflectivity differences is proposed. Further, instead of subtraction of the baseline and monitor AIs, TL AI variations are evaluated directly from the reflectivity differences and baseline AI. AI inversion is performed by an accurate and stable method using the stacked reflection and well-log data, and also seismic velocities measured during data processing. The inverted time shifts and TL AI variations correlate with CO2 distributions within the reservoir and allow estimating parameters of the reservoir. In the third research area, a completely new approach to seismic wave modeling is proposed. Rigorous first-principle continuum mechanics is used instead of the conventional viscoelastic approximation. This modeling considers the existence of internal variables, body-force internal friction, and boundary conditions for internal variables. These factors are disregarded in the viscoelastic model, but they should cause dominant effects on seismic-wave attenuation and velocity dispersion in layered media. Numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation is performed in a model of the Weyburn Field. The resulting wavefield and seismic attenuation parameters are found to strongly depend on the internal boundary conditions between layers. Several types of quality (Q) factors are measured in the modeled synthetic waveforms