372 research outputs found

    Computational Methods for Sparse Solution of Linear Inverse Problems

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    The goal of the sparse approximation problem is to approximate a target signal using a linear combination of a few elementary signals drawn from a fixed collection. This paper surveys the major practical algorithms for sparse approximation. Specific attention is paid to computational issues, to the circumstances in which individual methods tend to perform well, and to the theoretical guarantees available. Many fundamental questions in electrical engineering, statistics, and applied mathematics can be posed as sparse approximation problems, making these algorithms versatile and relevant to a plethora of applications

    Ensemble Joint Sparse Low Rank Matrix Decomposition for Thermography Diagnosis System

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    Composite is widely used in the aircraft industry and it is essential for manufacturers to monitor its health and quality. The most commonly found defects of composite are debonds and delamination. Different inner defects with complex irregular shape is difficult to be diagnosed by using conventional thermal imaging methods. In this paper, an ensemble joint sparse low rank matrix decomposition (EJSLRMD) algorithm is proposed by applying the optical pulse thermography (OPT) diagnosis system. The proposed algorithm jointly models the low rank and sparse pattern by using concatenated feature space. In particular, the weak defects information can be separated from strong noise and the resolution contrast of the defects has significantly been improved. Ensemble iterative sparse modelling are conducted to further enhance the weak information as well as reducing the computational cost. In order to show the robustness and efficacy of the model, experiments are conducted to detect the inner debond on multiple carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites. A comparative analysis is presented with general OPT algorithms. Not withstand above, the proposed model has been evaluated on synthetic data and compared with other low rank and sparse matrix decomposition algorithms

    New Trends in Biologically-Inspired Audio Coding

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    This book chapter deals with the generation of auditory-inspired spectro-temporal features aimed at audio coding. To do so, we first generate sparse audio representations we call spikegrams, using projections on gammatone or gammachirp kernels that generate neural spikes. Unlike Fourier-based representations, these representations are powerful at identifying auditory events, such as onsets, offsets, transients and harmonic structures. We show that the introduction of adaptiveness in the selection of gammachirp kernels enhances the compression rate compared to the case where the kernels are non-adaptive. We also integrate a masking model that helps reduce bitrate without loss of perceptible audio quality. We then quantize coding values using the genetic algorithm that is more optimal than uniform quantization for this framework. We finally propose a method to extract frequent auditory objects (patterns) in the aforementioned sparse representations. The extracted frequency-domain patterns (auditory objects) help us address spikes (auditory events) collectively rather than individually. When audio compression is needed, the different patterns are stored in a small codebook that can be used to efficiently encode audio materials in a lossless way. The approach is applied to different audio signals and results are discussed and compared. This work is a first step towards the design of a high-quality auditory-inspired \"object-based\" audio coder

    Faktorizacija matrik nizkega ranga pri učenju z večjedrnimi metodami

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    The increased rate of data collection, storage, and availability results in a corresponding interest for data analyses and predictive models based on simultaneous inclusion of multiple data sources. This tendency is ubiquitous in practical applications of machine learning, including recommender systems, social network analysis, finance and computational biology. The heterogeneity and size of the typical datasets calls for simultaneous dimensionality reduction and inference from multiple data sources in a single model. Matrix factorization and multiple kernel learning models are two general approaches that satisfy this goal. This work focuses on two specific goals, namely i) finding interpretable, non-overlapping (orthogonal) data representations through matrix factorization and ii) regression with multiple kernels through the low-rank approximation of the corresponding kernel matrices, providing non-linear outputs and interpretation of kernel selection. The motivation for the models and algorithms designed in this work stems from RNA biology and the rich complexity of protein-RNA interactions. Although the regulation of RNA fate happens at many levels - bringing in various possible data views - we show how different questions can be answered directly through constraints in the model design. We have developed an integrative orthogonality nonnegative matrix factorization (iONMF) to integrate multiple data sources and discover non-overlapping, class-specific RNA binding patterns of varying strengths. We show that the integration of multiple data sources improves the predictive accuracy of retrieval of RNA binding sites and report on a number of inferred protein-specific patterns, consistent with experimentally determined properties. A principled way to extend the linear models to non-linear settings are kernel methods. Multiple kernel learning enables modelling with different data views, but are limited by the quadratic computation and storage complexity of the kernel matrix. Considerable savings in time and memory can be expected if kernel approximation and multiple kernel learning are performed simultaneously. We present the Mklaren algorithm, which achieves this goal via Incomplete Cholesky Decomposition, where the selection of basis functions is based on Least-angle regression, resulting in linear complexity both in the number of data points and kernels. Considerable savings in approximation rank are observed when compared to general kernel matrix decompositions and comparable to methods specialized to particular kernel function families. The principal advantages of Mklaren are independence of kernel function form, robust inducing point selection and the ability to use different kernels in different regions of both continuous and discrete input spaces, such as numeric vector spaces, strings or trees, providing a platform for bioinformatics. In summary, we design novel models and algorithms based on matrix factorization and kernel learning, combining regression, insights into the domain of interest by identifying relevant patterns, kernels and inducing points, while scaling to millions of data points and data views.V času pospešenega zbiranja, organiziranja in dostopnosti podatkov se pojavlja potreba po razvoju napovednih modelov na osnovi hkratnega učenja iz več podatkovnih virov. Konkretni primeri uporabe obsegajo področja strojnega učenja, priporočilnih sistemov, socialnih omrežij, financ in računske biologije. Heterogenost in velikost tipičnih podatkovnih zbirk vodi razvoj postopkov za hkratno zmanjšanje velikosti (zgoščevanje) in sklepanje iz več virov podatkov v skupnem modelu. Matrična faktorizacija in jedrne metode (ang. kernel methods) sta dve splošni orodji, ki omogočata dosego navedenega cilja. Pričujoče delo se osredotoča na naslednja specifična cilja: i) iskanje interpretabilnih, neprekrivajočih predstavitev vzorcev v podatkih s pomočjo ortogonalne matrične faktorizacije in ii) nadzorovano hkratno faktorizacijo več jedrnih matrik, ki omogoča modeliranje nelinearnih odzivov in interpretacijo pomembnosti različnih podatkovnih virov. Motivacija za razvoj modelov in algoritmov v pričujočem delu izhaja iz RNA biologije in bogate kompleksnosti interakcij med proteini in RNA molekulami v celici. Čeprav se regulacija RNA dogaja na več različnih nivojih - kar vodi v več podatkovnih virov/pogledov - lahko veliko lastnosti regulacije odkrijemo s pomočjo omejitev v fazi modeliranja. V delu predstavimo postopek hkratne matrične faktorizacije z omejitvijo, da se posamezni vzorci v podatkih ne prekrivajo med seboj - so neodvisni oz. ortogonalni. V praksi to pomeni, da lahko odkrijemo različne, neprekrivajoče načine regulacije RNA s strani različnih proteinov. Z vzključitvijo več podatkovnih virov izboljšamo napovedno točnost pri napovedovanju potencialnih vezavnih mest posameznega RNA-vezavnega proteina. Vzorci, odkriti iz podatkov so primerljivi z eksperimentalno določenimi lastnostmi proteinov in obsegajo kratka zaporedja nukleotidov na RNA, kooperativno vezavo z drugimi proteini, RNA strukturnimi lastnostmi ter funkcijsko anotacijo. Klasične metode matrične faktorizacije tipično temeljijo na linearnih modelih podatkov. Jedrne metode so eden od načinov za razširitev modelov matrične faktorizacije za modeliranje nelinearnih odzivov. Učenje z več jedri (ang. Multiple kernel learning) omogoča učenje iz več podatkovnih virov, a je omejeno s kvadratno računsko zahtevnostjo v odvisnosti od števila primerov v podatkih. To omejitev odpravimo z ustreznimi približki pri izračunu jedrnih matrik (ang. kernel matrix). V ta namen izboljšamo obstoječe metode na način, da hkrati izračunamo aproksimacijo jedrnih matrik ter njihovo linearno kombinacijo, ki modelira podan tarčni odziv. To dosežemo z metodo Mklaren (ang. Multiple kernel learning based on Least-angle regression), ki je sestavljena iz Nepopolnega razcepa Choleskega in Regresije najmanjših kotov (ang. Least-angle regression). Načrt algoritma vodi v linearno časovno in prostorsko odvisnost tako glede na število primerov v podatkih kot tudi glede na število jedrnih funkcij. Osnovne prednosti postopka so poleg računske odvisnosti tudi splošnost oz. neodvisnost od uporabljenih jedrnih funkcij. Tako lahko uporabimo različne, splošne jedrne funkcije za modeliranje različnih delov prostora vhodnih podatkov, ki so lahko zvezni ali diskretni, npr. vektorski prostori, prostori nizov znakov in drugih podatkovnih struktur, kar je prikladno za uporabo v bioinformatiki. V delu tako razvijemo algoritme na osnovi hkratne matrične faktorizacije in jedrnih metod, obravnavnamo modele linearne in nelinearne regresije ter interpretacije podatkovne domene - odkrijemo pomembna jedra in primere podatkov, pri čemer je metode mogoče poganjati na milijonih podatkovnih primerov in virov

    Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representations With Applications to Blind Source Separation.

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    During the past decade, sparse representation has attracted much attention in the signal processing community. It aims to represent a signal as a linear combination of a small number of elementary signals called atoms. These atoms constitute a dictionary so that a signal can be expressed by the multiplication of the dictionary and a sparse coefficients vector. This leads to two main challenges that are studied in the literature, i.e. sparse coding (find the coding coefficients based on a given dictionary) and dictionary design (find an appropriate dictionary to fit the data). Dictionary design is the focus of this thesis. Traditionally, the signals can be decomposed by the predefined mathematical transform, such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), which forms the so-called analytical approach. In recent years, learning-based methods have been introduced to adapt the dictionary from a set of training data, leading to the technique of dictionary learning. Although this may involve a higher computational complexity, learned dictionaries have the potential to offer improved performance as compared with predefined dictionaries. Dictionary learning algorithm is often achieved by iteratively executing two operations: sparse approximation and dictionary update. We focus on the dictionary update step, where the dictionary is optimized with a given sparsity pattern. A novel framework is proposed to generalize benchmark mechanisms such as the method of optimal directions (MOD) and K-SVD where an arbitrary set of codewords and the corresponding sparse coefficients are simultaneously updated, hence the term simultaneous codeword optimization (SimCO). Moreover, its extended formulation ‘regularized SimCO’ mitigates the major bottleneck of dictionary update caused by the singular points. First and second order optimization procedures are designed to solve the primitive and regularized SimCO. In addition, a tree-structured multi-level representation of dictionary based on clustering is used to speed up the optimization process in the sparse coding stage. This novel dictionary learning algorithm is also applied for solving the underdetermined blind speech separation problem, leading to a multi-stage method, where the separation problem is reformulated as a sparse coding problem, with the dictionary being learned by an adaptive algorithm. Using mutual coherence and sparsity index, the performance of a variety of dictionaries for underdetermined speech separation is compared and analyzed, such as the dictionaries learned from speech mixtures and ground truth speech sources, as well as those predefined by mathematical transforms. Finally, we propose a new method for joint dictionary learning and source separation. Different from the multistage method, the proposed method can simultaneously estimate the mixing matrix, the dictionary and the sources in an alternating and blind manner. The advantages of all the proposed methods are demonstrated over the state-of-the-art methods using extensive numerical tests