132 research outputs found

    Microfluidics and Bio-MEMS for Next Generation Healthcare.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Light‐Powered Microrobots: Challenges and Opportunities for Hard and Soft Responsive Microswimmers

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    Worldwide research in microrobotics has exploded in the past two decades, leading to the development of microrobots propelled in various manners. Despite significant advances in the field and successful demonstration of a wide range of applications, microrobots have yet to become the preferred choice outside a laboratory environment. After introducing available microrobotic propulsion and control mechanisms, microrobots that are manufactured and powered by light are focused herein. Referring to pioneering works and recent interesting examples, light is presented not only as a fabrication tool, by means of twophoton polymerization direct laser writing, but also as an actuator for microrobots in both hard and soft stimuli–responsive polymers. In this scenario, a number of challenges that yet prevent polymeric light-powered microrobots from reaching their full potential are identified, whereas potential solutions to overcome said challenges are suggested. As an outlook, a number of real-world applications that light-powered microrobots should be particularly suited for are mentioned, together with the advances needed for them to achieve such purposes. An interdisciplinary approach combining materials science, microfabrication, photonics, and data science should be conducive to the next generation of microrobots and will ultimately foster the translation of microrobotic applications into the real world

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation presents results documenting advancements on the control of untethered magnetic devices, such as magnetic \microrobots" and magnetically actuated capsuleendoscopes, motivated by problems in minimally invasive medicine. This dissertationfocuses on applying rotating magnetic elds for magnetic manipulation. The contributions include advancements in the way that helical microswimmers (devices that mimicthe propulsion of bacterial agella) are controlled in the presence of gravitational forces, advancements in ways that groups of untethered magnetic devices can be dierentiated and semi-independently controlled, advancements in the way that untethered magnetic device can be controlled with a single rotating permanent magnet, and an improved understanding in the nature of the magnetic force applied to an untethered device by a rotating magnet

    Drug-Loaded IRONSperm clusters: modeling, wireless actuation, and ultrasound imaging

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    Individual biohybrid microrobots have the potential to perform biomedical in vivo tasks such as remote-controlled drug and cell delivery and minimally invasive surgery. This work demonstrates the formation of biohybrid sperm-templated clusters under the influence of an external magnetic field and essential functionalities for wireless actuation and drug delivery. Ferromagnetic nanoparticles are electrostatically assembled around dead sperm cells, and the resulting nanoparticle-coated cells are magnetically assembled into three-dimensional biohybrid clusters. The aim of this clustering is threefold: First, to enable rolling locomotion on a nearby solid boundary using a rotating magnetic field; second, to allow for noninvasive localization; third, to load the cells inside the cluster with drugs for targeted therapy. A magneto-hydrodynamic model captures the rotational response of the clusters in a viscous fluid, and predicts an upper bound for their step-out frequency, which is independent of their volume or aspect ratio. Below the step-out frequency, the rolling velocity of the clusters increases nonlinearly with their perimeter and actuation frequency. During rolling locomotion, the clusters are localized using ultrasound images at a relatively large distance, which makes these biohybrid clusters promising for deep-tissue applications. Finally, we show that the estimated drug load scales with the number of cells in the cluster and can be retained for more than 10 h. The aggregation of microrobots enables them to collectively roll in a predictable way in response to an external rotating magnetic field, and enhances ultrasound detectability and drug loading capacity compared to the individual microrobots. The favorable features of biohybrid microrobot clusters place emphasis on the importance of the investigation and development of collective microrobots and their potential for in vivo applications

    System integration of magnetic medical microrobots: from design to control

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    Magnetic microrobots are ideal for medical applications owing to their deep tissue penetration, precise control, and flexible movement. After decades of development, various magnetic microrobots have been used to achieve medical functions such as targeted delivery, cell manipulation, and minimally invasive surgery. This review introduces the research status and latest progress in the design and control systems of magnetic medical microrobots from a system integration perspective and summarizes the advantages and limitations of the research to provide a reference for developers. Finally, the future development direction of magnetic medical microrobot design and control systems are discussed

    Cooperative Manipulation using a Magnetically Navigated Microrobot and a Micromanipulator

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    The cooperative manipulation of a common object using two or more manipulators is a popular research field in both industry and institutions. Different types of manipulators are used in cooperative manipulation for carrying heavy loads and delicate operations. Their applications range from macro to micro. In this thesis, we are interested in the development of a novel cooperative manipulator for manipulation tasks in a small workspace. The resultant cooperative manipulation system consists of a magnetically navigated microrobot (MNM) and a motorized micromanipulator (MM). The MNM is a small cylinder permanent magnet with 10mm diameter and 10mm height. The MM model is MP-285 which is a commercialized product. Here, the MNM is remotely controlled by an external magnetic field. The property of non-contact manipulation makes it a suitable choice for manipulation in a confined space. The cooperative manipulation system in this thesis used a master/slave mechanism as the central control strategy. The MM is the master side. The MNM is the slave side. During the manipulation process, the master manipulator MM is always position controlled, and it leads the object translation according to the kinematic constraints of the cooperative manipulation task. The MNM is position controlled at the beginning of the manipulation. In the translation stage, the MNM is switched to force control to maintain a successful holding of the object, and at the same time to prevent damaging the object by large holding force. Under the force control mode, the motion command to the MNM is calculated from a position-based impedance controller that enforces a relationship between the position of the MNM and the force. In this research, the accurate motion control of both manipulators are firstly studied before the cooperative manipulation is conducted. For the magnetic navigation system, the magnetic field in its workspace is modeled using an experimental measurement data-driven technique. The developed model is then used to develop a motion controller for navigating of a small cylindrical permanent magnet. The accuracy of motion control is reached at 20 µm in three degrees of freedom. For the motorized micromanipulator, a standard PID controller is designed to control its motion stage. The accuracy of the MM navigation is 0.8 µm. Since the MNM is remotely manipulated by an external magnetic field in a small space, it is challenging to install an on-board force sensor to measure the contact force between the MNM and the object. Therefore, a dual-axial o_-board force determination mechanism is proposed. The force is determined according to the linear relation between the minimum magnetic potential energy point and the real position of the MNM in the workspace. For convenience, the minimum magnetic potential energy point is defined as the Bmax in the literature. In this thesis, the dual-axial Bmax position is determined by measuring the magnetic ux density passing through the workspace using four Hall-effect sensors installed at the bottom of an iron pole-piece. The force model is experimentally validated in a horizontal plane with an accuracy of 2 µN in the x- and y- direction of horizontal planes. The proposed cooperative manipulator is then used to translate a hard-shell small object in two directions of a vertical plane, while one direction is constrained with a desired holding force. During the manipulation process, a digital camera is used to capture the real-time position of the MNM, the MM end-effector, and the manipulated object. To improve the performance of force control on the MNM, the proposed dual-axial force model is used to examine the compliant force control of the MNM while it is navigated to contact with uncertain environments. Here, uncertain refers to unknown environmental stiffness. An adaptive position-based impedance controller is implemented to estimate the stiffness of the environment and the contact force. The controller is examined by navigating the MNM to push a thin aluminum beam whose stiffness is unknown. The studied cooperative manipulation system has potential applications in biomedical microsurgery and microinjection. It should be clarified that the current system setup with 10mm ×10 mm MNM is not proper for this micromanipulation. In order to conduct research on microinjection, the size of the MNM and the end-effector of the MNM should be down-scaled to micrometers. In addition, the navigation accuracy of the MNM should also be improved to adopt the micromanipulation tasks

    Modeling and Control of a Magnetically Levitated Microrobotic System

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    Magnetically levitated microrobotic systems have shown a great deal of promise for micromanipulation tasks. A new large-gap magnetic suspension system has recently been developed at the University of Waterloo in order to develop microrobotic systems for various applications. In order to achieve motion with the system, a model is needed in order to facilitate the design of various aspects of the system, such as the microrobot and the controller. In order to derive equations of motion for the system attempts were made to characterize the force produced by the magnetic drive unit in terms of a simple analytical equation. The force produced by the magnetic drive unit was estimated with the aid of a finite element model. The derived equations were able to predict the general trend of the force curves, and with sufficient parameter tweaking the error between the force estimated by the finite element model and the force estimated by the analytical equation could be minimized. System models describing the motion of the system in the horizontal and vertical directions are identified and compared to the actual system response. The vertical position response is identified through a least squares parameter estimate of the closed loop response combined with a partial reconstruction of the root locus diagram, with the model structure based on the known dynamics of a simplified form of magnetic levitation. This model was able to provide a reasonable prediction of the system response for a variety of PID controllers under a variety of input conditions. The horizontal models are identified using a least-squares parameter estimate of the open loop characteristics of the system. The horizontal models are able to provide a reasonable prediction of the system response under PD and PID control. Full spatial motion of a microrobot prototype is demonstrated over a working range of 20x22x30 mm3, with PID controller parameters and reference trajectories adjusted to minimize disturbances. The RMS error at steady state is on the order of 0. 020 mm for vertical positioning and 0. 008 mm for horizontal positioning. A linear quadratic regulator implemented for vertical position control was able to reduce the vertical position RMS error to 0. 014 mm

    Design, Actuation, and Functionalization of Untethered Soft Magnetic Robots with Life-Like Motions: A Review

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    Soft robots have demonstrated superior flexibility and functionality than conventional rigid robots. These versatile devices can respond to a wide range of external stimuli (including light, magnetic field, heat, electric field, etc.), and can perform sophisticated tasks. Notably, soft magnetic robots exhibit unparalleled advantages among numerous soft robots (such as untethered control, rapid response, and high safety), and have made remarkable progress in small-scale manipulation tasks and biomedical applications. Despite the promising potential, soft magnetic robots are still in their infancy and require significant advancements in terms of fabrication, design principles, and functional development to be viable for real-world applications. Recent progress shows that bionics can serve as an effective tool for developing soft robots. In light of this, the review is presented with two main goals: (i) exploring how innovative bioinspired strategies can revolutionize the design and actuation of soft magnetic robots to realize various life-like motions; (ii) examining how these bionic systems could benefit practical applications in small-scale solid/liquid manipulation and therapeutic/diagnostic-related biomedical fields

    A Magnetic Localization Technique Designed for use with Magnetic Levitation Systems.

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    M.S. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017