5 research outputs found

    Fruit abscission pattern of ‘Valencia’ orange with canopy shaker system

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    Fruit detachment can occur due to natural causes or be mechanically performed by a combination of mechanical stresses that cause tissue breakage in the plant. Forced abscission should not coincide with natural abscission zones (AZ). Abscission zones are very important in citrus harvesting both in terms of the destination market and of the possible damage caused to the tree or fruit. The objective of this study is to determine the abscission pattern of sweet oranges with a canopy shaker and compare it with other detachment systems. Five plots of Valencia oranges were tested during the 2017 and 2018 harvesting seasons, using a commercial tractor-drawn canopy shaker. The diameter, weight and breakage type were evaluated in the cases of natural fall, snap method, mechanical harvesting with canopy shaker, and pull test. Breakage type AZ-C predominated in natural fall (89.0%) and the snap method (79.5%). Similarly, AZ-A predominated for the canopy shaker (58.8%) and pull test (45.3%). Mechanical action on the fruit produced peel tear by breaking the flavedo, which reached highest frequency in the snap method (7.6%). Peel tear breakage required a mean fruit detachment force value of 99.3 N, higher than the average abscission values for AZ-C (88.7 N) and AZ-A (66.6 N). The fruit that remained on the tree after canopy shaker harvesting showed lower mean values of fruit detachment force (16.3%) than the pre-harvest fruit. The frequency of fruit with calyx with the canopy shaker and snap methods was similar, with a mean value of 36%

    Patrones de desprendimiento de cítricos y respuesta del árbol bajo recolección mecanizada con sistemas sacudidores de copa

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    La recolección mecanizada es una importante alternativa para afrontar los problemas de disponibilidad de mano de obra, los costes de producción y mejorar la rentabilidad de la explotación. La viabilidad de la recolección mecanizada está marcada por la calidad de la fruta y la eficiencia su derribo y para ello es necesaria una adaptación entre máquina y árbol. El objetivo del trabajo es la determinación del patrón de abscisión de naranja dulce con sistema sacudidor de copa en comparación con otros sistemas de desprendimiento y, al mismo tiempo, establecer recomendaciones para alcanzar un elevado porcentaje de derribo. Se ensayaron 4 parcelas de naranja variedad ‘Valencia’ durante las campañas 2017/2018, empleando un sacudidor de copa Oxbo-3210. El patrón de desprendimiento según el tipo de recolección fue determinado junto el análisis de la vibración en la copa del árbol. La frecuencia de rotura tipo AZ-C predominó en caída natural (89,0%) y la recolección manual (79,5%) y se fue igualando con AZ-A en el sacudidor de copa (58,8%). La zona de contacto con las varas mostró un valor medio de ARMS de 2,3 veces mayor que la zona sin contacto, además de un 85% de desprendimiento frente a un 27%. Se definió que la forma de seto ancho debe ser adaptado para facilitar el acceso de las varas y que la máquina debe ajustarse entre el valor ARMS y el tiempo mayor de 300 ms-2 para lograr un desprendimiento del 100%

    Mechanical damage characteristics and nondestructive testing techniques of fruits: a review

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    Abstract Fruits will be subjected inevitably to various external forces in the process of harvesting, transportation, processing, and storage, which will cause mechanical damage. The research on mechanical properties and damage mechanisms of fruit can effectively control its loss. In this study, fruits are divided into different types according to their morphology and structure. The impact, vibration, static pressure, and other mechanical damage on fruits are studied. It is important to identify the damaged parts of fruit after damage quickly and accurately. Therefore, this study analyzes the application of nondestructive testing technologies such as spectral detection technology, NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) detection technology, and acoustic and electrical characteristics detection technology in fruit damage detection

    X Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería = X Congresso Ibérico de Agroengenharia : Libro de actas = Livro de atas

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    In 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) issued a report on the challenges that Agriculture is facing and will face into the 21st century, which can be summarized in one question: will we be able to sustainably and effectively feed everyone by 2050 and beyond, while meeting the additional demand for agricultural commodities due to non- food uses? Agricultural engineers can contribute in this process by releasing the biological and technical constraints on crop and animal productivity, reducing the contribution of the agricultural sector to environmental degradation, and enabling agricultural practices to adapt to environmental changes. To achieve optimal results for agribusiness and the society, the expertise of agricultural engineers must be integrated with expertise from other sciences: breakthrough technologies are needed for agricultural enterprises to meet the increasing list of standards and norms in the areas of energy, animal welfare, product quality, water, and volatile emissions. Recognition of trends in society and networking and participation in debates have thus become important activities for agricultural engineers. The Iberian Agroengineering Congress series brings together Spanish and Portuguese engineers, researchers, educators and practitioners to present and discuss innovations, trends, and solutions to the aforementioned challenges in the interdisciplinary field of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. This biennial congress, jointly organized by the Spanish Society of Agroengineering and the Specialized Section of Rural Engineering of the Sociedade de Ciências Agrárias de Portugal, has proven to be an excellent opportunity to network and discuss future developments. In its 10th edition, the Congress has been held from 3-6 September in Huesca (Spain), at the Escuela Politécnica Superior, located on the Huesca Campus of the University of Zaragoza. The topics of the Congress have included the main areas of Agricultural Engineering: mechanization; soils and water; animal production technology and aquaculture; rural constructions; energy; information technologies and process control; projects, environment, and territory; postharvest technology; and educational innovation in agroengineering. The Congress has received 123 participants, who have submitted 144 papers, 86 oral communications and 58 poster. 22 universities, 4 research centers and 8 companies/professional associations have been represented. The quality of the papers presented to the congress is endorsed not only by the long trajectory of the Iberian Agroengineering Congress, but also by the edition of a Special Issue of Agronomy journal (ISSN 2073-4395) entitled “Selected Papers form 10th Iberian Agroengineering Congress”