37 research outputs found


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    In most metropolitan areas, an emergency evacuation may demand a potentially large number of evacuees to use transit systems or to walk over some distance to access their passenger cars. In the process of approaching designated pick-up points for evacuation, the massive number of pedestrians often incurs tremendous burden to vehicles in the roadway network. Hence, one critical issue in a multi-modal evacuation planning is the effective coordination of the vehicle and pedestrian flows by considering their complex interactions. The purpose of this research is to develop an integrated system that is capable of generating the optimal evacuation plan and reflecting the real-world network traffic conditions caused by the conflicts of these two types of flows. The first part of this research is an integer programming model designed to optimize the control plans for massive mixed pedestrian-vehicle flows within the evacuation zone. The proposed model, integrating the pedestrian and vehicle networks, can effectively account for their potential conflicts during the evacuation. The model can generate the optimal routing strategies to guide evacuees moving toward either their pick-up locations or parking areas and can also produce a responsive plan to accommodate the massive pedestrian movements. The second part of this research is a mixed-flow simulation tool that can capture the conflicts between pedestrians, between vehicles, and between pedestrians and vehicles in an evacuation network. The core logic of this simulation model is the Mixed-Cellular Automata (MCA) concept, which, with some embedded components, offers a realistic mechanism to reflect the competing and conflicting interactions between vehicle and pedestrian flows. This study is expected to yield the following contributions * Design of an effective framework for planning a multi-modal evacuation within metropolitan areas; * Development of an integrated mixed-flow optimization model that can overcome various modeling and computing difficulties in capturing the mixed-flow dynamics in urban network evacuation; * Construction and calibration of a new mixed-flow simulation model, based on the Cellular Automaton concept, to reflect various conflicting patterns between vehicle and pedestrian flows in an evacuation network

    Modelling the Selection of Waiting Areas on Subway Platforms Based on the Bacterial Chemotaxis Algorithm

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    Based on the bacterial chemotaxis algorithm, a new waiting-area selection model (WASM) is proposed that predicts well the pedestrian distribution in subway waiting areas. WASM regards passengers waiting on a subway platform as two-dimensional points and adopts an essential rejection factor to determine the target waiting area. Based on WASM, three experiments were carried out to explore how passenger volume, waiting-area capacity, and staircase position affect the number and distribution of waiting passengers. The experimental results show the following. 1) Regardless of the passenger flow, passengers prefer waiting areas that are between the stairs. 2) Setting proper capacity limits on waiting areas can help to improve subway transportation efficiency when passenger flow is relatively high. 3) The experimental results show that the closer the staircases, the more passengers are left stranded on the platform

    Developing an agent-based evacuation simulation model based on the study of human behaviour in fire investigation reports

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    Fire disasters happen every day all over the world. These hazardous events threaten people's lives and force an immediate movement of people wanting to escape from a dangerous area. Evacuation drills are held to encourage people to practise evacuation skills and to ensure they are familiar with the environment. However, these drills cannot accurately represent real emergency situations and, in some cases, people may be injured during practice. Therefore, modelling pedestrian motion and crowd dynamics in evacuation situations has important implications for human safety, building design, and evacuation processes. This thesis focuses on indoor pedestrian evacuation in fire disasters. To understand how humans behave in emergency situations, and to simulate more realistic human behaviour, this thesis studies human behaviour from fire investigation reports, which provide a variety details about the building, fire circumstance, and human behaviour from professional fire investigation teams. A generic agent-based evacuation model is developed based on common human behaviour that indentified in the fire investigation reports studied. A number of human evacuation behaviours are selected and then used to design different types of agents, assigning with various characteristics. In addition, the interactions between various agents and an evacuation timeline are modelled to simulate human behaviour and evacuation phenomena during evacuation. The application developed is validated using three specific real fire cases to evaluate how closely the simulation results reflected reality. The model provides information on the number of casualties, high-risk areas, egress selections, and evacuation time. In addition, changes to the building configuration, number of occupants, and location of fire origin are tested in order to predict potential risk areas, building capacity and evacuation time for different situations. Consequently, the application can be used to inform building designs, evacuation plans, and priority rescue processes

    Flood-pedestrian simulator: an agent-based modelling framework for urban evacuation planning

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    Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) is an increasingly used approach for characterisation of human behaviour in evacuation simulation modelling. ABM-based evacuation models used in flood emergency are developed mostly for vehicular scenarios at regional scale. Only a few models exist for simulating evacuations of on-foot pedestrians responding to floods in small and congested urban areas. These models do not include the heterogeneity and variability of individuals’ behaviour influenced by their dynamic interactions with the floodwater properties. This limitation is due to the modelling restrictions pertaining to the computational complexity and the modelling flexibility for agent characterisation. This PhD research has aimed to develop a new ABM-based pedestrian evacuation model that overcomes these challenges through an ABM platform called Flexible Large-scale Agent Modelling Environment for the Graphics Processing Units (FLAME GPU). To achieve this aim, a hydrodynamic model has been integrated into a pedestrian model within the FLAME GPU framework. The dynamic interactions between the flood and pedestrians have been formulated based on a number of behavioural rules driving the mobility states and way-finding decisions of individuals in and around the floodwaters as well as the local changes in the floodwater properties as a result of pedestrians’ crowding. These rules have been progressively improved and their added value has been explored systematically by diagnostically comparing the simulation results obtained from the base setup and the augmented version of the model applied to a synthetic test case. A real-world case study has been further used to specifically evaluate the added value of rules relating the individuals’ way-finding mechanism to various levels of flood-risk perception. The findings from this research have shown that increasing the level of pedestrians’ heterogeneity and the effect of pedestrians’ crowding on the floodwater hydrodynamics yield to a considerably different prediction of flood risk and evacuation time. Besides, accounting for pedestrians’ various levels of flood-risk perception has been found to be one determinant factor in the analysis of flood risk and evacuation time when there are multiple destinations. Finally, the sensitivity analysis on the simulation results have shown that the deviations in the simulation outcomes increases in line with the increase in the sophistication of human behavioural rules

    Mapping the danger to life in flash flood events adopting a mechanics based methodology and planning evacuation routes

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    Extreme flood events are becoming more frequent and challenging due to climate change. Key objectives of this study are to evaluate different criteria used in assessing the hazard to people during flood events and, once determined, the most suitable method is then used to assess the hazard and the safest route(s) for evacuation during a flood event and for a particular case study. The results of the application of two criteria are analysed in terms of the flood hazard assessment with the two criteria being based on a widely used empirical approach and a mechanics based approach. Both criteria are used to assess the flood hazard to people during an extreme flash flood, which occurred on 16th August 2004 in Boscastle (UK). Results obtained for this study have highlighted that the mechanics based criteria are preferable in identifying the ideal escape routes, when considering the flood characteristics and the corresponding response of a human body. The main novelty of this study lies in linking the flood hazard rating with the human body characteristics, when determining the safest route and with a revised formula being developed, which includes the effects of ground slope in the application to a real case study

    Flood modelling and hazard assessment for extreme events in Riverine Basin

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    Throughout the history of mankind, floods have caused destruction and negatively impacted communities. Recently, effects of climate change and the increasing rate of anthropic activities in flood-prone areas are aggravating the dangers posed by floods to people. Hence, it is crucial to have a better understanding of flood hazard aspects, particularly when considering pedestrians. Indeed, one of the main reasons for fatality during flood events is walking through floodwaters. Although authorities strongly advise against wading in floodwaters, people continue this dangerous behaviour. Alternatively, evacuations or the accessing of flooded areas by emergency services might be necessary. The scope of this research work is to contribute to improving flood hazard assessment and to the design of flood evacuation plans from a pedestrian perspective. To enhance flood hazard assessment a mechanics-based method has been improved by considering effects of terrain slope and updating values of human body characteristics, as well considering body mass index to identify the critical pedestrian category. Different criteria to assess flood hazard have been considered, including the revised mechanics-based approach reported herein. Results from the application of the different criteria to two different case studies, namely Boscastle and Borth, showed that methods based on a full physical analysis, and which also consider human characteristics, give more insight and reliability in assessing flood hazard, especially when considering pedestrians. Results in terms of flood hazard assessments can be used to: i) design evacuation plans; ii) identify hotspots in the study area which will help with prioritisation of the adaption measures; iii) improve resilience of sites prone to flooding and plan more resilient future developments. In this regard this research work proposes a novel approach to increasing flood resilience by retrofitting existing infrastructures to enhance evacuation and access routes by reducing flood hazard rate. Results of the application of this novel methodology to the aforementioned case studies highlighted that retrofitting small portions of the existing roads can enhance iii people’s safety during the evacuation, and hence provide a cost-effective solution to improve the resilience of the existing environment

    Urban flood simulation and integrated flood risk management

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    Climate change induces the probability of occurring natural disasters; e.g. floods, Sea Level Rise, Green House Gases. Flood is considered one of the most dangerous phenomena that tremendously and dramatically threatening the human being and environment worldwide. Rapid urban growth, demographic explosion, and unplanned land uses have exacerbated the problem of urban flooding, particularly in the cities of China. In addition to that, the concept of flood risk management and adaptation measures and strategies are still missed in the cities’ development future plans. The main objective of this Ph.D. dissertation is to investigate the flood risk analysis and assessment based on flood simulation and adaptive strategies for flood event through two case studies of Changsha city in south-central China. In case study I, fluvial flooding was considered on mesoscale and an MCA-based approach was proposed to assess the integrated flood risk of Changsha central city. HEC-RAS 1-D model was used to simulation the inundation characteristics for hazard analysis based on four risk dimensions: economic, social, environmental, and infrastructural risk. For infrastructural dimension, apart for direct damage on road segments, network analysis method was combined with inundation information and macroscopic traffic simulation to evaluate the impact on traffic volume as well as a decrease of road service level. Closeness centrality weighted with a travel time of pre- and after- flood was compared in order to measure the impact on urban accessibility. Integrated risk values were calculated using various weighting criteria sets. Sobol' indices were used as a tool of spatially-explicit global Uncertainty Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis (UA/SA) for damage models. In case study II, an agent-based modeling approach was proposed to simulate the emergency pluvial flood event caused by a short-time rainstorm in local areas of cities aiming at developing an interactive flood emergency management system capable of interpreting the risk and reduction strategy of the pluvial flood. The simulation integrated an inundation model with microscopic traffic simulation. It also reveals that all agents can benefit significantly from both engineering measures and the only pedestrian obtain relatively more benefits from risk warning with high awareness. The method provided potentials in studies on the adaptive emergency management and risk reduction, help both decision-makers and stakeholders to acquire deeper and comprehensive understanding of the flood risk. This Ph.D. study has investigated holistic methods and models’ selection in flood risk assessment and management to overcome data deficiency and to achieve the integration of different data. The results of the first case study reveal that the integrated methods have proved to be able to improved flood risk analysis and assessment especially for indirect damage of infrastructural system with network features. The global UA/SA based on Sobol' method and visualization with maps enable to gain the spatial distribution of uncertainty for various factors, the validation of damage models, and deeper and more comprehensive understanding of flood risk. Then based on the integrated risk assessment, functions of spatial planning in flood risk management were discussed, potentially providing guidance and support for decision-making. The results of the second case study denote that agent-based modeling and simulation can be effectively utilized for flood emergency management. Two scenarios focusing on specific risk reduction interventions were designed and compared. Engineering measures by improving capability of the drainage system and the surface permeability of waterlogging areas are the most effective means for damage mitigation. High public risk awareness still has great potential benefits of the in the event of emergencies, which can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the official warning. The agent-based modeling and simulation provided an effective method for analyzing the effectiveness of different strategies for reducing flood risk at the local scale and for supporting urban flood emergency management. The case studies also indicate the significance and necessity of establishing a platform and database to realize full sharing and synergies of spatial information resources for flood risk management, which is a vital issue to manage the urban flood risk and take effective measures correspondingly with responding to emergency extreme flood event. Keywords: urban flood; flood risk assessment; network analysis; flood simulation; flood risk managemen

    Modeling Crowd Mobility and Communication in Wireless Networks

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    This dissertation presents contributions to the fields of mobility modeling, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with mobile sinks, and opportunistic communication in theme parks. The two main directions of our contributions are human mobility models and strategies for the mobile sink positioning and communication in wireless networks. The first direction of the dissertation is related to human mobility modeling. Modeling the movement of human subjects is important to improve the performance of wireless networks with human participants and the validation of such networks through simulations. The movements in areas such as theme parks follow specific patterns that are not taken into consideration by the general purpose mobility models. We develop two types of mobility models of theme park visitors. The first model represents the typical movement of visitors as they are visiting various attractions and landmarks of the park. The second model represents the movement of the visitors as they aim to evacuate the park after a natural or man-made disaster. The second direction focuses on the movement patterns of mobile sinks and their communication in responding to various events and incidents within the theme park. When an event occurs, the system needs to determine which mobile sink will respond to the event and its trajectory. The overall objective is to optimize the event coverage by minimizing the time needed for the chosen mobile sink to reach the incident area. We extend this work by considering the positioning problem of mobile sinks and preservation of the connected topology. We propose a new variant of p-center problem for optimal placement and communication of the mobile sinks. We provide a solution to this problem through collaborative event coverage of the WSNs with mobile sinks. Finally, we develop a network model with opportunistic communication for tracking the evacuation of theme park visitors during disasters. This model involves people with smartphones that store and carry messages. The mobile sinks are responsible for communicating with the smartphones and reaching out to the regions of the emergent events

    Mutual information for the detection of crush conditions

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    Fatal crush conditions occur in crowds with tragic frequency. Event organizers and architects are often criticised for failing to consider the causes and implications of crush conditions, but the reality is that the prediction of such conditions o ers signi cant challenges. This thesis investigates the use of crush metrics in simulation environments, which can be used to help quantify the danger of crush conditions forming during real life evacuations. An investigation is carried out in the use of computer models for the purpose of simulating building evacuation. From this review we identify the most suitable methodologies for modelling crowd behaviour, and we detail the speci c areas of functionality which must be in place before modellers can incorporate crush analysis into an evacuation simulation. We nd that full treatment of physical force within crowd simulations is precise but computationally expensive; the more common method, human interpretation of simulation output, is computationally \cheap" but subjective and timeconsuming. A technique which admits a low computational cost alternative to the explicit modelling of physical force, yet still o ers a quantitative metric for the level of force present during an in silico evacuation is proposed. This technique and the precise manner in which we apply it to the problem of crush detection is shown and we present the results of initial experiments. To further test the ability of our technique to identify dangerous evacuation conditions, we recreate a well-known historical evacuation. Results of these experiments show that we do o er an e ective and e cient route towards the low cost automatic detection of crush, and an alternative approach to traditional methods