367 research outputs found

    Simulation of an Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Array by Using Analytical Method and FDTD

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    Previously, we developed a method based on FEM and FDTD for the study of an Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer Array (EMAT). This paper presents a new analytical solution to the eddy current problem for the meander coil used in an EMAT, which is adapted from the classic Deeds and Dodd solution originally intended for circular coils. The analytical solution resulting from this novel adaptation exploits the large radius extrapolation and shows several advantages over the finite element method (FEM), especially in the higher frequency regime. The calculated Lorentz force density from the analytical EM solver is then coupled to the ultrasonic simulations, which exploit the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to describe the propagation of ultrasound waves, in particular for Rayleigh waves. Radiation pattern obtained with Hilbert transform on time-domain waveforms is proposed to characterise the sensor in terms of its beam directivity and field distribution along the steering angle, which can produce performance parameters for an EMAT array, facilitating the optimum design of such sensors

    Application of Elastodynamic Finite Integration Technique (EFIT) to Three-Dimensional Wave Propagation and Scattering in Arbitrary Geometries

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    Over several decades, railroad Ultrasonic Testing (UT) industry techniques have primarily been developed through simple analytical modelling and experimental approaches. However, with present-day computational capabilities, we can use numerical techniques like the Elastodynamic Finite Integration Technique (EFIT) to fine-tune systems for complex applications before the fabrication process begins. EFIT is well-established as a useful method in numerical analysis of ultrasonic wave propagation with distinct advantages over the Finite Difference Time Domain method. Several software packages exist that use EFIT as the primary method for simulating the behavior of ultrasonic waves over time in 2 or 3 dimensions, but none of them are well-suited for railroad UT research and development. This thesis explores the complete development of a custom tool for this purpose which was designed to: (1) allow for the input of various profile geometries, boundary conditions, and material inclusion geometries (such as a bolt hole in a railroad track); and (2) allow for the input of specific ultrasonic impulses from varying emitter designs. The custom software produced results that closely matched expected wave propagation behavior. The results were processed into useful visual representations of that behavior

    Plasmonic nanoantenna hydrophones

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    Ultrasound is a valuable biomedical imaging modality and diagnostic tool. Here we theoretically demonstrate that a single dipole plasmonic nanoantenna can be used as an optical hydrophone for MHz-range ultrasound. The nanoantenna is tuned to operate on a high-order plasmon mode, which provides an increased sensitivity to ultrasound in contrast to the usual approach of using the fundamental dipolar plasmon resonance. Plasmonic nanoantenna hydrophones may be useful for ultrasonic imaging of biological cells, cancer tissues or small blood vessels, as well as for Brillouin spectroscopy at the nanoscale

    Acoustic modelling of bat pinnae utilising the TLM method

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    This thesis describes the numerical modelling of bioacoustic structures, the focus being the outer ear or pinnae of the Rufous Horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus rouxii). There have been several novel developments derived from this work including: • A method of calculating directionality based on the sphere with a distribution of measuring points such that each lies in an equal area segment. • Performance estimation of the pinna by considering the directionality of an equivalent radiating aperture. • A simple synthetic geometry that appears to give similar performance to a bat pinna. The outcome of applying the methods have yielded results that agree with measurements, indeed, this work is the first time TLM has been applied to a structure of this kind. It paves the way towards a greater understanding of bioacoustics and ultimately towards generating synthetic structures that can perform as well as those found in the natural world

    Time domain analysis of switching transient fields in high voltage substations

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    Switching operations of circuit breakers and disconnect switches generate transient currents propagating along the substation busbars. At the moment of switching, the busbars temporarily acts as antennae radiating transient electromagnetic fields within the substations. The radiated fields may interfere and disrupt normal operations of electronic equipment used within the substation for measurement, control and communication purposes. Hence there is the need to fully characterise the substation electromagnetic environment as early as the design stage of substation planning and operation to ensure safe operations of the electronic equipment. This paper deals with the computation of transient electromagnetic fields due to switching within a high voltage air-insulated substation (AIS) using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) metho

    ESHO benchmarks for computational modeling and optimization in hyperthermia therapy

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    Background: The success of cancer hyperthermia (HT) treatments is strongly dependent on the temperatures achieved in the tumor and healthy tissues as it correlates with treatment efficacy and safety, respectively. Hyperthermia treatment planning (HTP) simulations have become pivotal for treatment optimization due to the possibility for pretreatment planning, optimization and decision making, as well as real-time treatment guidance. Materials and methods: The same computational methods deployed in HTP are also used for in silico studies. These are of great relevance for the development of new HT devices and treatment approaches. To aid this work, 3 D patient models have been recently developed and made available for the HT community. Unfortunately, there is no consensus regarding tissue properties, simulation settings, and benchmark applicators, which significantly influence the clinical relevance of computational outcomes. Results and discussion: Herein, we propose a comprehensive set of applicator benchmarks, efficacy and safety optimization algorithms, simulation settings and clinical parameters, to establish benchmarks for method comparison and code verification, to provide guidance, and in view of the 2021 ESHO Grand Challenge (Details on the ESHO grand challenge on HTP will be provided at https://www.esho.info/). Conclusion: We aim to establish guidelines to promote standardization within the hyperthermia community such that novel approaches can quickly prove their benefit as quickly as possible in clinically relevant simulation scenarios. This paper is primarily focused on radiofrequency and microwave hyperthermia but, since 3 D simulation studies on heating with ultrasound are now a reality, guidance as well as a benchmark for ultrasound-based hyperthermia are also included

    A Forward-Adjoint Operator Pair Based on the Elastic Wave Equation for Use in Transcranial Photoacoustic Computed Tomography

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    Photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) is an emerging imaging modality that exploits optical contrast and ultrasonic detection principles to form images of the photoacoustically induced initial pressure distribution within tissue. The PACT reconstruction problem corresponds to an inverse source problem in which the initial pressure distribution is recovered from measurements of the radiated wavefield. A major challenge in transcranial PACT brain imaging is compensation for aberrations in the measured data due to the presence of the skull. Ultrasonic waves undergo absorption, scattering, and longitudinal-to-shear wave mode conversion as they propagate through the skull. To properly account for these effects, a wave-equation-based inversion method should be employed that can model the heterogeneous elastic properties of the skull. In this work, a forward model based on a finite-difference time-domain discretization of the three-dimensional elastic wave equation is established and a procedure for computing the corresponding adjoint of the forward operator is presented. Massively parallel implementations of these operators employing multiple graphics processing units are also developed. The developed numerical framework is validated and investigated in computer-simulation and experimental phantom studies whose designs are motivated by transcranial PACT applications
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