2,082 research outputs found

    Stochastic analysis of nonlinear dynamics and feedback control for gene regulatory networks with applications to synthetic biology

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    The focus of the thesis is the investigation of the generalized repressilator model (repressing genes ordered in a ring structure). Using nonlinear bifurcation analysis stable and quasi-stable periodic orbits in this genetic network are characterized and a design for a switchable and controllable genetic oscillator is proposed. The oscillator operates around a quasi-stable periodic orbit using the classical engineering idea of read-out based control. Previous genetic oscillators have been designed around stable periodic orbits, however we explore the possibility of quasi-stable periodic orbit expecting better controllability. The ring topology of the generalized repressilator model has spatio-temporal symmetries that can be understood as propagating perturbations in discrete lattices. Network topology is a universal cross-discipline transferable concept and based on it analytical conditions for the emergence of stable and quasi-stable periodic orbits are derived. Also the length and distribution of quasi-stable oscillations are obtained. The findings suggest that long-lived transient dynamics due to feedback loops can dominate gene network dynamics. Taking the stochastic nature of gene expression into account a master equation for the generalized repressilator is derived. The stochasticity is shown to influence the onset of bifurcations and quality of oscillations. Internal noise is shown to have an overall stabilizing effect on the oscillating transients emerging from the quasi-stable periodic orbits. The insights from the read-out based control scheme for the genetic oscillator lead us to the idea to implement an algorithmic controller, which would direct any genetic circuit to a desired state. The algorithm operates model-free, i.e. in principle it is applicable to any genetic network and the input information is a data matrix of measured time series from the network dynamics. The application areas for readout-based control in genetic networks range from classical tissue engineering to stem cells specification, whenever a quantitatively and temporarily targeted intervention is required

    Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) Pogo testing and results

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    To effectively assess the Pogo stability of the space shuttle vehicle, it was necessary to characterize the structural, propellant, and propulsion dynamics subsystems. Extensive analyses and comprehensive testing programs were established early in the project as an implementation of management philosophy of Pogo prevention for space shuttle. The role of the space shuttle main engine (SSMF) in the Pogo prevention plans, the results obtained from engine ground testing with analysis, and measured data from STS-1 flight are discussed

    A Survey on Continuous Time Computations

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    We provide an overview of theories of continuous time computation. These theories allow us to understand both the hardness of questions related to continuous time dynamical systems and the computational power of continuous time analog models. We survey the existing models, summarizing results, and point to relevant references in the literature

    Alternatives for jet engine control

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    The development of models of tensor type for a digital simulation of the quiet, clean safe engine (QCSE) gas turbine engine; the extension, to nonlinear multivariate control system design, of the concepts of total synthesis which trace their roots back to certain early investigations under this grant; the role of series descriptions as they relate to questions of scheduling in the control of gas turbine engines; the development of computer-aided design software for tensor modeling calculations; further enhancement of the softwares for linear total synthesis, mentioned above; and calculation of the first known examples using tensors for nonlinear feedback control are discussed

    Index to 1981 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 6, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1981 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, January - June 1967

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    Technological innovations for January-June 1967, abstracts and subject inde