139,435 research outputs found

    Socio-Economic Mechanisms to Coordinate the Internet of Services: The Simulation Environment SimIS

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    Visions of 21st century information systems show highly specialized digital services and resources, which interact continuously and with a global reach. Especially with the emergence of technologies, such as the semantic web or software agents, intelligent services within these settings can be implemented, automatically communicating and negotiating over the Internet about digital resources without human intervention. Such environments will eventually realize the vision of an open and global Internet of Services (IoS). In this paper we present an agent-based simulation model and toolkit for the IoS: 'SimIS - Simulating an Internet of Services'. Employing SimIS, distributed management mechanisms and protocols can be investigated in a simulated IoS environment before their actual deployment.Multi-Agent Simulation, Internet, Simulation Tools

    Applications of Agent-Based Methods in Multi-Energy Systems—A Systematic Literature Review

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    The need for a greener and more sustainable energy system evokes a need for more extensive energy system transition research. The penetration of distributed energy resources and Internet of Things technologies facilitate energy system transition towards the next generation of energy system concepts. The next generation of energy system concepts include “integrated energy system”, “multi-energy system”, or “smart energy system”. These concepts reveal that future energy systems can integrate multiple energy carriers with autonomous intelligent decision making. There are noticeable trends in using the agent-based method in research of energy systems, including multi-energy system transition simulation with agent-based modeling (ABM) and multi-energy system management with multi-agent system (MAS) modeling. The need for a comprehensive review of the applications of the agent-based method motivates this review article. Thus, this article aims to systematically review the ABM and MAS applications in multi-energy systems with publications from 2007 to the end of 2021. The articles were sorted into MAS and ABM applications based on the details of agent implementations. MAS application papers in building energy systems, district energy systems, and regional energy systems are reviewed with regard to energy carriers, agent control architecture, optimization algorithms, and agent development environments. ABM application papers in behavior simulation and policy-making are reviewed with regard to the agent decision-making details and model objectives. In addition, the potential future research directions in reinforcement learning implementation and agent control synchronization are highlighted. The review shows that the agent-based method has great potential to contribute to energy transition studies with its plug-and-play ability and distributed decision-making process

    Applications of agent architectures to decision support in distributed simulation and training systems

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    This work develops the approach and presents the results of a new model for applying intelligent agents to complex distributed interactive simulation for command and control. In the framework of tactical command, control communications, computers and intelligence (C4I), software agents provide a novel approach for efficient decision support and distributed interactive mission training. An agent-based architecture for decision support is designed, implemented and is applied in a distributed interactive simulation to significantly enhance the command and control training during simulated exercises. The architecture is based on monitoring, evaluation, and advice agents, which cooperate to provide alternatives to the dec ision-maker in a time and resource constrained environment. The architecture is implemented and tested within the context of an AWACS Weapons Director trainer tool. The foundation of the work required a wide range of preliminary research topics to be covered, including real-time systems, resource allocation, agent-based computing, decision support systems, and distributed interactive simulations. The major contribution of our work is the construction of a multi-agent architecture and its application to an operational decision support system for command and control interactive simulation. The architectural design for the multi-agent system was drafted in the first stage of the work. In the next stage rules of engagement, objective and cost functions were determined in the AWACS (Airforce command and control) decision support domain. Finally, the multi-agent architecture was implemented and evaluated inside a distributed interactive simulation test-bed for AWACS Vv\u27Ds. The evaluation process combined individual and team use of the decision support system to improve the performance results of WD trainees. The decision support system is designed and implemented a distributed architecture for performance-oriented management of software agents. The approach provides new agent interaction protocols and utilizes agent performance monitoring and remote synchronization mechanisms. This multi-agent architecture enables direct and indirect agent communication as well as dynamic hierarchical agent coordination. Inter-agent communications use predefined interfaces, protocols, and open channels with specified ontology and semantics. Services can be requested and responses with results received over such communication modes. Both traditional (functional) parameters and nonfunctional (e.g. QoS, deadline, etc.) requirements and captured in service requests

    Distributed Adaptive Control for a Class of Heterogeneous Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems with Nonidentical Dimensions

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    A novel feedback distributed adaptive control strategy based on radial basis neural network (RBFNN) is proposed for the consensus control of a class of leaderless heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems with the same and different dimensions. The distributed control, which consists of a sequence of comparable matrices or vectors, can make that all the states of each agent to attain consensus dynamic behaviors are defined with similar parameters of each agent with nonidentical dimensions. The coupling weight adaptation laws and the feedback management of neural network weights ensure that all signals in the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded. Finally, two simulation examples are carried out to validate the effectiveness of the suggested control design strategy

    An architecture for modular distributed simulation with agent-based models

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    Agent-based simulations are an increasingly popular means of exploring and understanding complex social systems. In order to be useful, these simulations must capture a range of aspects of the modeled situation, each possibly requiring distinct expertise. Moreover, different paradigms may be useful in modelling, ranging from those that use many lightweight reactive agents, to those that use cognitive agents, to those that focus on agent teams and organisational structures. There is need for an architecture which supports the development of a large simulation, through the integration of separately developed modules. This paper describes a framework and architecture which facilitates the integration of multiple agent-based simulations into a single global simulation. This architecture naturally supports distributed simulation and incremental development, which are ways of addressing the computational and conceptual complexity of such systems. In this paper we focus particularly on how to ensure proper management of simulation data that is affected by agents in different modules, at the same logical time. We also provide some preliminary performance evaluation addressing scalability, as well as a comparison of how other available systems handle the issue of shared data

    Smart Grid Ecosystem Modeling Using a Novel Framework for Heterogenous Agent Communities

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    The modeling of smart grids using multi-agent systems is a common approach due to the ability to model complex and distributed systems using an agent-based solution. However, the use of a multi-agent system framework can limit the integration of new operation and management models, especially artificial intelligence algorithms. Therefore, this paper presents a study of available open-source multi-agent systems frameworks developed in Python, as it is a growing programming language and is largely used for data analytics and artificial intelligence models. As a consequence of the presented study, the authors proposed a novel open-source multi-agent system framework built for smart grid modeling, entitled Python-based framework for heterogeneous agent communities (PEAK). This framework enables the use of simulation environments but also allows real integration at pilot sites using a real-time clock. To demonstrate the capabilities of the PEAK framework, a novel agent ecosystem based on agent communities is shown and tested. This novel ecosystem, entitled Agent-based ecosystem for Smart Grid modeling (A4SG), takes full advantage of the PEAK framework and enables agent mobility, agent branching, and dynamic agent communities. An energy community of 20 prosumers, of which six have energy storage systems, that can share energy among them, using a peer-to-peer market, is used to test and validate the PEAK and A4SG solutions.The authors acknowledge the work facilities and equipment provided by the GECAD research center (UIDB/00760/2020) to the project team.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Special Issue ``Multi-Agent Systems'': Editorial

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    Multi-agent systems (MAS) allow and promote the development of distributed and intelligent applications in complex and dynamic environments. Applications of this kind have a crucial role in our everyday life, as witnessed by the broad range of domains they are deployed to---such as manufacturing, management sciences, e-commerce, biotechnology, etc. Despite heterogeneity, those domains share common requirements such as autonomy, structured interaction, mobility, and openness---which are well suited for MAS. Therein, in fact, goal-oriented processes can enter and leave the system dynamically and interact with each other according to structured protocols. This special issue gathers 17 contributions spanning from agent-based modelling and simulation to applications of MAS in situated and socio-technical systems


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    Nowadays, several distributed systems and applications rely on interactions between unknown agents that cooperate in order to exchange resources and services. The distributed nature of these systems, and the consequent lack of a single centralized point of control, let agents to adopt selfish and malicious behaviors in order to maximize their own utility. To address such issue, many applications rely on Reputation Management Systems (RMSs) to estimate the future behavior of unknown agents before establishing actual interactions. The relevance of these systems is even greater if the malicious or selfish behavior exhibited by a few agents may reduce the utility perceived by cooperative agents, leading to a damage to the whole community. RMSs allow to estimate the expected outcome of a given interaction, thus providing relevant information that can be exploited to take decisions about the convenience of interacting with a certain agent. Agents and their behavior are constantly evolving and becoming even more complex, so it is increasingly difficult to successfully develop the RMS, able to resist the threats presented. A possible solution to this problem is the use of agent-based simulation software designed to support researchers in evaluating distributed reputation management systems since the design phase. This dissertation presents the design and the development of a distributed simulation platform based on HPC technologies called DRESS. This solution allows researchers to assess the performance of a generic reputation management system and provides a comprehensive assessment of its ability to withstand security attacks. In the scientific literature, a tool that allows the comparison of distinct RMS and different design choices through a set of defined metrics, also supporting large-scale simulations, is still missing. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by the application scenario of user energy sharing systems within smart-grids and by considering user preferences differently from other work. The platform has proved to be useful for the development of an energy sharing system among users, which with the aim of maximizing the amount of energy transferred has exploited the reputation of users once learned their preferences

    A Distributed Optimization Method for Optimal Energy Management in Smart Grid

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    This chapter presents a distributed optimization method named sequential distributed consensus-based ADMM for solving nonlinear constrained convex optimization problems arising in smart grids in order to derive optimal energy management strategies. To develop such distributed optimization method, multi-agent system and consensus theory are employed. Next, two smart grid problems are investigated and solved by the proposed distributed algorithm. The first problem is called the dynamic social welfare maximization problem where the objective is to simultaneously minimize the generation costs of conventional power plants and maximize the satisfaction of consumers. In this case, there are renewable energy sources connected to the grid, but energy storage systems are not considered. On the other hand, in the second problem, plug-in electric vehicles are served as energy storage systems, and their charging or discharging profiles are optimized to minimize the overall system operation cost. It is then shown that the proposed distributed optimization algorithm gives an efficient way of energy management for both problems above. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the proposed theoretical approach

    Parallel Sort-Based Matching for Data Distribution Management on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

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    In this paper we consider the problem of identifying intersections between two sets of d-dimensional axis-parallel rectangles. This is a common problem that arises in many agent-based simulation studies, and is of central importance in the context of High Level Architecture (HLA), where it is at the core of the Data Distribution Management (DDM) service. Several realizations of the DDM service have been proposed; however, many of them are either inefficient or inherently sequential. These are serious limitations since multicore processors are now ubiquitous, and DDM algorithms -- being CPU-intensive -- could benefit from additional computing power. We propose a parallel version of the Sort-Based Matching algorithm for shared-memory multiprocessors. Sort-Based Matching is one of the most efficient serial algorithms for the DDM problem, but is quite difficult to parallelize due to data dependencies. We describe the algorithm and compute its asymptotic running time; we complete the analysis by assessing its performance and scalability through extensive experiments on two commodity multicore systems based on a dual socket Intel Xeon processor, and a single socket Intel Core i7 processor.Comment: Proceedings of the 21-th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2017). Best Paper Award @DS-RT 201