25,609 research outputs found

    Microwave Measurements Part I: Linear Measurements

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    An Overview of the most relevant issues concerning RF and microwave linear measurements is presented. Vector Network Analyzer foremost used instrumentation for this kind of measures is describe

    Locally-Stable Macromodels of Integrated Digital Devices for Multimedia Applications

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    This paper addresses the development of accurate and efficient behavioral models of digital integrated circuits for the assessment of high-speed systems. Device models are based on suitable parametric expressions estimated from port transient responses and are effective at system level, where the quality of functional signals and the impact of supply noise need to be simulated. A potential limitation of some state-of-the-art modeling techniques resides in hidden instabilities manifesting themselves in the use of models, without being evident in the building phase of the same models. This contribution compares three recently-proposed model structures, and selects the local-linear state-space modeling technique as an optimal candidate for the signal integrity assessment of data links. In fact, this technique combines a simple verification of the local stability of models with a limited model size and an easy implementation in commercial simulation tools. An application of the proposed methodology to a real problem involving commercial devices and a data-link of a wireless device demonstrates the validity of this approac

    Stability, Causality, and Passivity in Electrical Interconnect Models

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    Modern packaging design requires extensive signal integrity simulations in order to assess the electrical performance of the system. The feasibility of such simulations is granted only when accurate and efficient models are available for all system parts and components having a significant influence on the signals. Unfortunately, model derivation is still a challenging task, despite the extensive research that has been devoted to this topic. In fact, it is a common experience that modeling or simulation tasks sometimes fail, often without a clear understanding of the main reason. This paper presents the fundamental properties of causality, stability, and passivity that electrical interconnect models must satisfy in order to be physically consistent. All basic definitions are reviewed in time domain, Laplace domain, and frequency domain, and all significant interrelations between these properties are outlined. This background material is used to interpret several common situations where either model derivation or model use in a computer-aided design environment fails dramatically.We show that the root cause for these difficulties can always be traced back to the lack of stability, causality, or passivity in the data providing the structure characterization and/or in the model itsel

    Towards more Dependable Verification of Mixed-Signal Systems

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    The verification of complex mixed-signal systems is a challenge, especially considering the impact of parameter variations. Besides the established approaches like Monte-Carlo or Corner-Case simulation, a novel semi-symbolic approach emerged in recent years. In this approach, parameter variations and tolerances are maintained as symbolic ranges during numerical simulation runs by using affine arithmetic. Maintaining parameter variations and tolerances in a symbolic way significantly increases verification coverage. In the following we give a brief introduction and an overview of research on semi-symbolic simulation of both circuits and systems and discuss possible application for system level verification and optimization

    A VHDL-AMS Simulation Environment for an UWB Impulse Radio Transceiver

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    Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) communication based on the impulse radio paradigm is becoming increasingly popular. According to the IEEE 802.15 WPAN Low Rate Alternative PHY Task Group 4a, UWB will play a major role in localization applications, due to the high time resolution of UWB signals which allow accurate indirect measurements of distance between transceivers. Key for the successful implementation of UWB transceivers is the level of integration that will be reached, for which a simulation environment that helps take appropriate design decisions is crucial. Owing to this motivation, in this paper we propose a multiresolution UWB simulation environment based on the VHDL-AMS hardware description language, along with a proper methodology which helps tackle the complexity of designing a mixed-signal UWB System-on-Chip. We applied the methodology and used the simulation environment for the specification and design of an UWB transceiver based on the energy detection principle. As a by-product, simulation results show the effectiveness of UWB in the so-called ranging application, that is the accurate evaluation of the distance between a couple of transceivers using the two-way-ranging metho