1,666 research outputs found

    A cloudification methodology for multidimensional analysis: Implementation and application to a railway power simulator

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    Many scientific areas make extensive use of computer simulations to study complex real-world processes. These computations are typically very resource-intensive and present scalability issues as experiments get larger even in dedicated clusters, since these are limited by their own hardware resources. Cloud computing raises as an option to move forward into the ideal unlimited scalability by providing virtually infinite resources, yet applications must be adapted to this new paradigm. This process of converting and/or migrating an application and its data in order to make use of cloud computing is sometimes known as cloudifying the application. We propose a generalist cloudification method based in the MapReduce paradigm to migrate scientific simulations into the cloud to provide greater scalability. We analysed its viability by applying it to a real-world railway power consumption simulatior and running the resulting implementation on Hadoop YARN over Amazon EC2. Our tests show that the cloudified application is highly scalable and there is still a large margin to improve the theoretical model and its implementations, and also to extend it to a wider range of simulations. We also propose and evaluate a multidimensional analysis tool based on the cloudified application. It generates, executes and evaluates several experiments in parallel, for the same simulation kernel. The results we obtained indicate that out methodology is suitable for resource intensive simulations and multidimensional analysis, as it improves infrastructure’s utilization, efficiency and scalability when running many complex experiments.This work has been partially funded under the grant TIN2013-41350-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, and the COST Action IC1305 "Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Platforms" (NESUS)

    Overcoming Challenges in Predictive Modeling of Laser-Plasma Interaction Scenarios. The Sinuous Route from Advanced Machine Learning to Deep Learning

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    The interaction of ultrashort and intense laser pulses with solid targets and dense plasmas is a rapidly developing area of physics, this being mostly due to the significant advancements in laser technology. There is, thus, a growing interest in diagnosing as accurately as possible the numerous phenomena related to the absorption and reflection of laser radiation. At the same time, envisaged experiments are in high demand of increased accuracy simulation software. As laser-plasma interaction modelings are experiencing a transition from computationally-intensive to data-intensive problems, traditional codes employed so far are starting to show their limitations. It is in this context that predictive modelings of laser-plasma interaction experiments are bound to reshape the definition of simulation software. This chapter focuses an entire class of predictive systems incorporating big data, advanced machine learning algorithms and deep learning, with improved accuracy and speed. Making use of terabytes of already available information (literature as well as simulation and experimental data) these systems enable the discovery and understanding of various physical phenomena occurring during interaction, hence allowing researchers to set up controlled experiments at optimal parameters. A comparative discussion in terms of challenges, advantages, bottlenecks, performances and suitability of laser-plasma interaction predictive systems is ultimately provided

    Enabling Artificial Intelligence Analytics on The Edge

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    This thesis introduces a novel distributed model for handling in real-time, edge-based video analytics. The novelty of the model relies on decoupling and distributing the services into several decomposed functions, creating virtual function chains (V F C model). The model considers both computational and communication constraints. Theoretical, simulation and experimental results have shown that the V F C model can enable the support of heavy-load services to an edge environment while improving the footprint of the service compared to state-of-the art frameworks. In detail, results on the V F C model have shown that it can reduce the total edge cost, compared with a monolithic and a simple frame distribution models. For experimenting on a real-case scenario, a testbed edge environment has been developed, where the aforementioned models, as well as a general distribution framework (Apache Spark ©), have been deployed. A cloud service has also been considered. Experiments have shown that V F C can outperform all alternative approaches, by reducing operational cost and improving the QoS. Finally, a migration model, a caching model and a QoS monitoring service based on Long-Term-Short-Term models are introduced

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015) Krakow, Poland

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015
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