3 research outputs found

    Modelling non-Markovian dynamics in biochemical reactions

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    Verification of Spatial and Temporal Modalities in Biochemical Systems

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    AbstractBiochemical systems such as metabolic and signaling pathways tend to be arranged in a physical space: the product of one reaction must be in the right place to become the reactant for the subsequent reaction in the pathway. Moreover, in some cases, the behavior of the systems can depend on both, the location of the reactants as well as on the time needed for the reaction to occur. We address the problem of specifying and verifying properties of biochemical systems that exhibit both temporal and spatial modalities at the same time. For that, we use as specification language a fragment of intuitionistic linear logic with subexponentials (SELL). The subexponential signature allows us to capture the spatial relations among the different components of the system and the timed constraints for reactions to occur. We show that our framework is general enough to give a declarative semantics to P-Systems and we show that such logical characterization has a strong level of adequacy. Hence, derivations in SELL follow exactly the behavior of the modeled system

    Modelling non-Markovian dynamics in biochemical reactions

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    Biochemical reactions are often modelled as discrete-state continuous-time stochastic processes evolving as memoryless Markov processes. However, in some cases, biochemical systems exhibit non-Markovian dynamics. We propose here a methodology for building stochastic simulation algorithms which model more precisely non-Markovian processes in some specific situations. Our methodology is based on Constraint Programming and is implemented by using Gecode, a state-of-the-art framework for constraint solving