248 research outputs found

    Simulating liquids on dynamically warping grids

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    We introduce dynamically warping grids for adaptive liquid simulation. Our primary contributions are a strategy for dynamically deforming regular grids over the course of a simulation and a method for efficiently utilizing these deforming grids for liquid simulation. Prior work has shown that unstructured grids are very effective for adaptive fluid simulations. However, unstructured grids often lead to complicated implementations and a poor cache hit rate due to inconsistent memory access. Regular grids, on the other hand, provide a fast, fixed memory access pattern and straightforward implementation. Our method combines the advantages of both: we leverage the simplicity of regular grids while still achieving practical and controllable spatial adaptivity. We demonstrate that our method enables adaptive simulations that are fast, flexible, and robust to null-space issues. At the same time, our method is simple to implement and takes advantage of existing highly-tuned algorithms

    NASA Tech Briefs, September 2010

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    Topics covered include: Instrument for Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Materials at Low Temperatures; Multi-Axis Accelerometer Calibration System; Pupil Alignment Measuring Technique and Alignment Reference for Instruments or Optical Systems; Autonomous System for Monitoring the Integrity of Composite Fan Housings; A Safe, Self-Calibrating, Wireless System for Measuring Volume of Any Fuel at Non-Horizontal Orientation; Adaptation of the Camera Link Interface for Flight-Instrument Applications; High-Performance CCSDS Encapsulation Service Implementation in FPGA; High-Performance CCSDS AOS Protocol Implementation in FPGA; Advanced Flip Chips in Extreme Temperature Environments; Diffuse-Illumination Systems for Growing Plants; Microwave Plasma Hydrogen Recovery System; Producing Hydrogen by Plasma Pyrolysis of Methane; Self-Deployable Membrane Structures; Reactivation of a Tin-Oxide-Containing Catalys; Functionalization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes by Photo-Oxidation; Miniature Piezoelectric Macro-Mass Balance; Acoustic Liner for Turbomachinery Applications; Metering Gas Strut for Separating Rocket Stages; Large-Flow-Area Flow-Selective Liquid/Gas Separator; Counterflowing Jet Subsystem Design; Water Tank with Capillary Air/Liquid Separation; True Shear Parallel Plate Viscometer; Focusing Diffraction Grating Element with Aberration Control; Universal Millimeter-Wave Radar Front End; Mode Selection for a Single-Frequency Fiber Laser; Qualification and Selection of Flight Diode Lasers for Space Applications; Plenoptic Imager for Automated Surface Navigation; Maglev Facility for Simulating Variable Gravity; Hybrid AlGaN-SiC Avalanche Photodiode for Deep-UV Photon Detection; High-Speed Operation of Interband Cascade Lasers; 3D GeoWall Analysis System for Shuttle External Tank Foreign Object Debris Events; Charge-Spot Model for Electrostatic Forces in Simulation of Fine Particulates; Hidden Statistics Approach to Quantum Simulations; Reconstituted Three-Dimensional Interactive Imaging; Determining Atmospheric-Density Profile of Titan; Digital Microfluidics Sample Analyzer; Radiation Protection Using Carbon Nanotube Derivatives; Process to Selectively Distinguish Viable from Non-Viable Bacterial Cells; and TEAMS Model Analyzer

    Constraint bubbles and affine regions: reduced fluid models for efficient immersed bubbles and flexible spatial coarsening

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    Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. © 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. 0730-0301/2020/7-ART43 $15.00 https://doi.org/10.1145/3386569.3392455We propose to enhance the capability of standard free-surface flow simulators with efficient support for immersed bubbles through two new models: constraint-based bubbles and affine fluid regions. Unlike its predecessors, our constraint-based model entirely dispenses with the need for advection or projection inside zero-density bubbles, with extremely modest additional computational overhead that is proportional to the surface area of all bubbles. This surface-only approach is easy to implement, realistically captures many familiar bubble behaviors, and even allows two or more distinct liquid bodies to correctly interact across completely unsimulated air. We augment this model with a per-bubble volume-tracking and correction framework to minimize the cumulative effects of gradual volume drift. To support bubbles with non-zero densities, we propose a novel reduced model for an irregular fluid region with a single pointwise incompressible affine vector field. This model requires only 11 interior velocity degrees of freedom per affine fluid region in 3D, and correctly reproduces buoyant, stationary, and sinking behaviors of a secondary fluid phase with non-zero density immersed in water. Since the pressure projection step in both the above schemes is a slightly modified Poisson-style system, we propose novel Multigrid-based preconditioners for Conjugate Gradients for fast numerical solutions of our new discretizations. Furthermore, we observe that by enforcing an incompressible affine vector field over a coalesced set of grid cells, our reduced model is effectively an irregular coarse super-cell. This offers a convenient and flexible adaptive coarsening strategy that integrates readily with the standard staggered grid approach for fluid simulation, yet supports coarsened regions that are arbitrary voxelized shapes, and provides an analytically divergence-free interior. We demonstrate its effectiveness with a new adaptive liquid simulator whose interior regions are coarsened into a mix of tiles with regular and irregular shapes.This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and En- gineering Research Council of Canada (RGPIN-04360-2014), the Rutgers University start-up grant, and the Ralph E. Powe Junior Fac- ulty Enhancement Award. We would like to thank Cristin Barghiel and SideFX for their generous software donation and Ryoichi Ando for his insightful discussion on comparing our constraint method with stream functions

    Efficient Liquid Animation: New Discretizations for Spatially Adaptive Liquid Viscosity and Reduced-Model Two-Phase Bubbles and Inviscid Liquids

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    The work presented in this thesis focuses on improving the computational efficiency when simulating viscous liquids and air bubbles immersed in liquids by designing new discretizations to focus computational effort in regions that meaningfully contribute to creating realistic motion. For example, when simulating air bubbles rising through a liquid, the entire bubble volume is traditionally simulated despite the bubble’s interior being visually unimportant. We propose our constraint bubbles model to avoid simulating the interior of the bubble volume by reformulating the usual incompressibility constraint throughout a bubble volume as a constraint over only the bubble’s surface. Our constraint method achieves qualitatively similar results compared to a two-phase simulation ground-truth for bubbles with low densities (e.g., air bubbles in water). For bubbles with higher densities, we propose our novel affine regions to model the bubble’s entire velocity field with a single affine vector field. We demonstrate that affine regions can correctly achieve hydrostatic equilibrium for bubble densities that match the surrounding liquid and correctly sink for higher densities. Finally, we introduce a tiled approach to subdivide large-scale affine regions into smaller subregions. Using this strategy, we are able to accelerate single-phase free surface flow simulations, offering a novel approach to adaptively enforce incompressibility in free surface liquids without complex data structures. While pressure forces are often the bottleneck for inviscid fluid simulations, viscosity can impose orders of magnitude greater computational costs. We observed that viscous liquids require high simulation resolution at the surface to capture detailed viscous buckling and rotational motion but, because viscosity dampens relative motion, do not require the same resolution in the liquid’s interior. We therefore propose a novel adaptive method to solve free surface viscosity equations by discretizing the variational finite difference approach of Batty and Bridson (2008) on an octree grid. Our key insight is that the variational method guarantees a symmetric positive definite linear system by construction, allowing the use of fast numerical solvers like the Conjugate Gradients method. By coarsening simulation grid cells inside the liquid volume, we rapidly reduce the degrees-of-freedom in the viscosity linear system up to a factor of 7.7x and achieve performance improvements for the linear solve between 3.8x and 9.4x compared to a regular grid equivalent. The results of our adaptive method closely match an equivalent regular grid for common scenarios such as: rotation and bending, buckling and folding, and solid-liquid interactions

    Shallow waters simulation

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringRealistic simulation and rendering of water in real-time is a challenge within the field of computer graphics, as it is very computationally demanding. A common simulation approach is to reduce the problem from 3D to 2D by treating the water surface as a 2D heightfield. When simulating 2D fluids, the Shallow Water Equations (SWE) are often employed, which work under the assumption that the water’s horizontal scale is much greater than it’s vertical scale. There are several methods that have been developed or adapted to model the SWE, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. A common solution is to use grid-based methods where there is the classic approach of solving the equations in a grid, but also the Lattice-Boltzmann Method (LBM) which originated from the field of statistical physics. Particle based methods have also been used for modeling the SWE, namely as a variation of the popular Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. This thesis presents an implementation for real-time simulation and rendering of a heightfield surface water volume. The water’s behavior is modeled by a grid-based SWE scheme with an efficient single kernel compute shader implementation. When it comes to visualizing the water volume created by the simulation, there are a variety of effects that can contribute to its realism and provide visual cues for its motion. In particular, When considering shallow water, there are certain features that can be highlighted, such as the refraction of the ground below and corresponding light attenuation, and the caustics patterns projected on it. Using the state produced by the simulation, a water surface mesh is rendered, where set of visual effects are explored. First, the water’s color is defined as a combination of reflected and transmitted light, while using a Cook- Torrance Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) to describe the Sun’s reflection. These results are then enhanced by data from a separate pass which provides caustics patterns and improved attenuation computations. Lastly, small-scale details are added to the surface by applying a normal map generated using noise. As part of the work, a thorough evaluation of the developed application is performed, providing a showcase of the results, insight into some of the parameters and options, and performance benchmarks.Simulação e renderização realista de água em tempo real é um desafio dentro do campo de computação gráfica, visto que é muito computacionalmente exigente. Uma abordagem comum de simulação é de reduzir o problema de 3D para 2D ao tratar a superfície da água como um campo de alturas 2D. Ao simular fluidos em 2D, é frequente usar as equações de águas rasas, que funcionam sobre o pressuposto de que a escala horizontal da água é muito maior que a sua escala vertical. Há vários métodos que foram desenvolvidos ou adaptados para modelar as equações de águas rasas, cada uma com as suas vantagens e desvantagens. Uma solução comum é utilizar métodos baseados em grelhas onde existe a abordagem clássica de resolver as equações numa grelha, mas também existe o método de Lattice Boltzmann que originou do campo de física estatística. Métodos baseados em partículas também já foram usados para modelar as equações de águas rasas, nomeadamente como uma variação do popular método de SPH. Esta tese apresenta uma implementação para simulação e renderização em tempo real de um volume de água com uma superfície de campo de alturas. O comportamento da água é modelado por um esquema de equações de águas rasas baseado na grelha com uma implementação eficiente de um único kernel de compute shader. No que toca a visualizar o volume de água criado pela simulação, existe uma variedade de efeitos que podem contribuir para o seu realismo e fornecer dicas visuais sobre o seu movimento. Ao considerar águas rasas, existem certas características que podem ser destacadas, como a refração do terreno por baixo e correspondente atenuação da luz, e padrões de cáusticas projetados nele. Usando o estado produzido pela simulação, uma malha da superfície da água é renderizada, onde um conjunto de efeitos visuais são explorados. Em primeiro lugar, a cor da água é definida como uma combinação de luz refletida e transmitida, sendo que uma BRDF de Cook-Torrance é usada para descrever a reflexão do Sol. Estes resultados são depois complementados com dados gerados num passo separado que fornece padrões de cáusticas e melhora as computações de atenuação. Por fim, detalhes de pequena escala são adicionados à superfície ao aplicar um mapa de normais gerado com ruído. Como parte do trabalho desenvolvido, é feita uma avaliação detalhada da aplicação desenvolvida, onde é apresentada uma demonstração dos resultados, comentários sobre alguns dos parâmetros e opções, e referências de desempenho

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Computer graphics is an extremely exciting field for two reasons. On the one hand, there is a healthy injection of pragmatism coming from the visual effects industry that want robust algorithms that work so they can produce results at an increasingly frantic pace. On the other hand, they must always try to push the envelope and achieve the impossible to wow their audiences in the next blockbuster, which means that the industry has not succumb to conservatism, and there is plenty of room to try out new and crazy ideas if there is a chance that it will pan into something useful. Water simulation has been in visual effects for decades, however it still remains extremely challenging because of its high computational cost and difficult artdirectability. The work in this thesis tries to address some of these difficulties. Specifically, we make the following three novel contributions to the state-of-the-art in water simulation for visual effects. First, we develop the first algorithm that can convert any sequence of closed surfaces in time into a moving triangle mesh. State-of-the-art methods at the time could only handle surfaces with fixed connectivity, but we are the first to be able to handle surfaces that merge and split apart. This is important for water simulation practitioners, because it allows them to convert splashy water surfaces extracted from particles or simulated using grid-based level sets into triangle meshes that can be either textured and enhanced with extra surface dynamics as a post-process. We also apply our algorithm to other phenomena that merge and split apart, such as morphs and noisy reconstructions of human performances. Second, we formulate a surface-based energy that measures the deviation of a water surface froma physically valid state. Such discrepancies arise when there is a mismatch in the degrees of freedom between the water surface and the underlying physics solver. This commonly happens when practitioners use a moving triangle mesh with a grid-based physics solver, or when high-resolution grid-based surfaces are combined with low-resolution physics. Following the direction of steepest descent on our surface-based energy, we can either smooth these artifacts or turn them into high-resolution waves by interpreting the energy as a physical potential. Third, we extend state-of-the-art techniques in non-reflecting boundaries to handle spatially and time-varying background flows. This allows a novel new workflow where practitioners can re-simulate part of an existing simulation, such as removing a solid obstacle, adding a new splash or locally changing the resolution. Such changes can easily lead to new waves in the re-simulated region that would reflect off of the new simulation boundary, effectively ruining the illusion of a seamless simulation boundary between the existing and new simulations. Our non-reflecting boundaries makes sure that such waves are absorbed

    Animation, Simulation, and Control of Soft Characters using Layered Representations and Simplified Physics-based Methods

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    Realistic behavior of computer generated characters is key to bringing virtual environments, computer games, and other interactive applications to life. The plausibility of a virtual scene is strongly influenced by the way objects move around and interact with each other. Traditionally, actions are limited to motion capture driven or pre-scripted motion of the characters. Physics enhance the sense of realism: physical simulation is required to make objects act as expected in real life. To make gaming and virtual environments truly immersive,it is crucial to simulate the response of characters to collisions and to produce secondary effects such as skin wrinkling and muscle bulging. Unfortunately, existing techniques cannot generally achieve these effects in real time, do not address the coupled response of a character's skeleton and skin to collisions nor do they support artistic control. In this dissertation, I present interactive algorithms that enable physical simulation of deformable characters with high surface detail and support for intuitive deformation control. I propose a novel unified framework for real-time modeling of soft objects with skeletal deformations and surface deformation due to contact, and their interplay for object surfaces with up to tens of thousands of degrees of freedom.I make use of layered models to reduce computational complexity. I introduce dynamic deformation textures, which map three dimensional deformations in the deformable skin layer to a two dimensional domain for extremely efficient parallel computation of the dynamic elasticity equations and optimized hierarchical collision detection. I also enhance layered models with responsive contact handling, to support the interplay between skeletal motion and surface contact and the resulting two-way coupling effects. Finally, I present dynamic morph targets, which enable intuitive control of dynamic skin deformations at run-time by simply sculpting pose-specific surface shapes. The resulting framework enables real-time and directable simulation of soft articulated characters with frictional contact response, capturing the interplay between skeletal dynamics and complex,non-linear skin deformations

    Visual modeling and simulation of multiscale phenomena

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    Many large-scale systems seen in real life, such as human crowds, fluids, and granular materials, exhibit complicated motion at many different scales, from a characteristic global behavior to important small-scale detail. Such multiscale systems are computationally expensive for traditional simulation techniques to capture over the full range of scales. In this dissertation, I present novel techniques for scalable and efficient simulation of these large, complex phenomena for visual computing applications. These techniques are based on a new approach of representing a complex system by coupling together separate models for its large-scale and fine-scale dynamics. In fluid simulation, it remains a challenge to efficiently simulate fine local detail such as foam, ripples, and turbulence without compromising the accuracy of the large-scale flow. I present two techniques for this problem that combine physically-based numerical simulation for the global flow with efficient local models for detail. For surface features, I propose the use of texture synthesis, guided by the physical characteristics of the macroscopic flow. For turbulence in the fluid motion itself, I present a technique that tracks the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the turbulent fluctuations and synthesizes these fluctuations procedurally, allowing extremely efficient visual simulation of turbulent fluids. Another large class of problems which are not easily handled by traditional approaches is the simulation of very large aggregates of discrete entities, such as dense pedestrian crowds and granular materials. I present a technique for crowd simulation that couples a discrete per-agent model of individual navigation with a novel continuum formulation for the collective motion of pedestrians. This approach allows simulation of dense crowds of a hundred thousand agents at near-real-time rates on desktop computers. I also present a technique for simulating granular materials, which generalizes this model and introduces a novel computational scheme for friction. This method efficiently reproduces a wide range of granular behavior and allows two-way interaction with simulated solid bodies. In all of these cases, the proposed techniques are typically an order of magnitude faster than comparable existing methods. Through these applications to a diverse set of challenging simulation problems, I demonstrate the benefits of the proposed approach, showing that it is a powerful and versatile technique for the simulation of a broad range of large and complex systems

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 260)

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    This bibliography lists 405 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in December, 1990. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Interactive Simulation of Fluid Flow

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    The simulation of fluid flow on rectangular grids using a discretized version of the Navier Stokes Equations for incompressible fluid flow can be simultaneously described as an aesthetically pleasing and computationally intensive embarrassingly parallel problem. Ideally, the aesthetics of the fluid simulation should, given some set of parameters, feel natural despite the synthetic nature of the underlying grids. This natural feel, paramount to the success of the system, should fool a person into believing that they are interacting with a real fluid. The number of calculations and data accesses increases with the number of cells present in the rectangular grid upon which the fluid is simulated. An increased number of calculations are required for augmented accuracy, different external forces, and additional dimensions. Since it is a trivial task to increase the complexity of the simulation, interactivity becomes a challenge of balancing accuracy, stability, and detail against speed of execution. A simple solution is to throw more processing power through increased instruction execution speeds or additional cores. Throwing additional cores at the problem strains the memory bus making it the point that slows down the simulation. Therefore for a given algorithm, respecting data locality and processor peculiarities can be used to minimize execution times. This document introduces a means of caching corrected velocity fields, a task scheduler that attempts to maximize the usage of the cache on multi-core processors, and a na\"ive compression algorithm based on run-length encoding