281 research outputs found

    Distributed object-oriented discrete event simulation

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    This paper presents criteria for an \u27ideal\u27 simulation language, compares four traditional simulation languages to this ideal and concludes that an object-oriented approach to simulation comes closer to the ideal than the traditional procedural approach. It also examines how the object-oriented approach can be very beneficial for distributing a simulation problem among several machines. A distributed object-oriented package is described and a manufacturing example written and explained using this package

    An Erlang multirate loss model supporting elastic traffic under the threshold policy

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    In this paper, we propose a multirate teletraffic loss model of a single link with certain bandwidth capacity that accommodates Poisson arriving calls, which can tolerate bandwidth compression (elastic traffic), under the threshold policy. When compression occurs, the service time of new and in-service calls increases. The threshold policy provides different QoS among service-classes by limiting the number of calls of a service-class up to a pre-defined threshold, which can be different for each service-class. Due to the bandwidth compression mechanism, the steady state probabilities in the proposed model do not have a product form solution. However, we approximate the model by a reversible Markov chain, and prove recursive formulas for the calculation of call blocking probabilities and link utilization. The accuracy of the proposed formulas is verified through simulation and found to be very satisfactory

    NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, 1990, Volume 1

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    The 1990 Johnson Space Center (JSC) NASA/American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Summer Faculty Fellowship Program was conducted by the University of Houston-University Park and JSC. A compilation of the final reports on the research projects are presented. The topics covered include: the Space Station; the Space Shuttle; exobiology; cell biology; culture techniques; control systems design; laser induced fluorescence; spacecraft reliability analysis; reduced gravity; biotechnology; microgravity applications; regenerative life support systems; imaging techniques; cardiovascular system; physiological effects; extravehicular mobility units; mathematical models; bioreactors; computerized simulation; microgravity simulation; and dynamic structural analysis

    User interfaces and discrete event simulation models.

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    A user interface is critical to the success of any computer-based system. Numerous studies have shown that interface design has a significant influence on factors such as learning time, performance speed, error rates, and user satisfaction. Computer-based simulation modelling is one of the domains that is particularly demanding in terms of user interfaces. It is also an area that often pioneers new technologies that are not necessarily previously researched in terms of human-computer interaction. The dissertation describes research into user interfaces for discrete event simulation. Issues that influence the 'usability' of such systems are examined. Several representative systems were investigated in order to generate some general assumptions with respect to those characteristics of user interfaces employed in simulation systems. A case study was carried out to gain practical experience and to identify possible problems that can be encountered in user interface development. There is a need for simulation systems that can support the developments of simulation models in many domains, which are not supported by contemporary simulation software. Many user interface deficiencies are discovered and reported. On the basis of findings in this research, proposals are made on how user interfaces for simulation systems can be enhanced to match better the needs specific to the domain of simulation modelling, and on how better to support users in simulation model developments. Such improvements in user interfaces that better support users in simulation model developments could achieve a reduction in the amount of time needed to learn simulation systems, support retention of learned concepts over time, reduce the number of errors during interaction, reduce the amount of time and effort needed for model development, and provide greater user satisfaction

    Computer Center Bulletin / February 26, 1988

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    This publication is published as required and is written by members of the staff, W. R. Church Computer Cente

    Extremely high data-rate, reliable network systems research

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    Significant progress was made over the year in the four focus areas of this research group: gigabit protocols, extensions of metropolitan protocols, parallel protocols, and distributed simulations. Two activities, a network management tool and the Carrier Sensed Multiple Access Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) protocol, have developed to the point that a patent is being applied for in the next year; a tool set for distributed simulation using the language SIMSCRIPT also has commercial potential and is to be further refined. The year's results for each of these areas are summarized and next year's activities are described

    A critical evaluation and comparison of four manufacturing simulators using analytic hierarchy process

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    In the period of continuous change in global business environment, organizations, large and small, are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with, and adjust to the demands for such change. Simulation is a powerful tool for allowing designers imagine new systems and for enabling them to both quantify and to observe behaviour. Currently the market offers a variety of simulation software packages. Some are less expensive than others. Some are generic and can be used in a wide variety of application areas while others are more specific. Some have powerful features for modelling while others provide only basic features. Modelling approaches and strategies are different for different packages. Companies are seeking advice about the desirable features of software to manufacture simulation, depending on the purpose of its use. Because of this, the importance of an adequate approach to simulation software evaluation and comparison is apparent. This paper presents a critical evaluation of four widely used manufacturing simulators: NX-IDEAS, Star-CD, Micro Saint Sharp and ProModel. Following a review of research into simulation software evaluation, an evaluation and comparison of the above simulators is performed. This paper illustrates and assesses the role the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) played in simulation software evaluation and selection. The main purpose of this evaluation and comparison is to discover the suitability of certain types of simulators for particular purposes

    Construction time-cost model in Croatia

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    The paper deals with the applicability of the time-cost model for calculating the sustainable construction time for building projects in Croatia. In this model the time is expressed as a function of money in the project, while the specific constants K and B need to be determined. These constants depend on economic characteristics of the country or a larger area, therefore had to be separately calculated for a region with similar economic characteristics. The modelling of the constants was performed for two groups of building projects - the roads and residential and office multi-storey buildings. The obtained results have been analyzed and compared to the corresponding results from abroad

    Uplink blocking probabilities in priority-based cellular CDMA networks with finite source population

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    Fast proliferation of mobile Internet and high-demand mobile applications necessitates the introduction of different priority classes in next-generation cellular networks. This is especially crucial for efficient use of radio resources in the heterogeneous and virtualized network environments. Despite the fact that many analytical tools have been proposed for capacity and radio resource modelling in cellular networks, only a few of them explicitly incorporate priorities among services. We propose a novel analytical model to analyse the performance of a priority-based cellular CDMA system with finite source population. When the cell load is above a certain level, low-priority calls may be blocked to preserve the quality of service of high-priority calls. The proposed model leads to an efficient closed-form solution that enables fast and very accurate calculation of resource occupancy of the CDMA system and call blocking probabilities, for different services and many priority classes. To achieve them, the system is modelled as a continuous-time Markov chain. We evaluate the accuracy of the proposed analytical model by means of computer simulations and find that the introduced approximation errors are negligible

    Mobility-aware QoS assurance in software-defined radio access networks: an analytical study

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) has gained a tremendous attention in the recent years, both in academia and industry. This revolutionary networking paradigm is an attempt to bring the advances in computer science and software engineering into the information and communications technology (ICT) domain. The aim of these efforts is to pave the way for completely programmable networks and control-data plane separation. Recent studies on feasibility and applicability of SDN concepts in cellular networks show very promising results and this trend will most likely continue in near future. In this work, we study the benefits of SDN on the radio resource management (RRM) of future-generation cellular networks. Our considered cellular network architecture is in line with the recently proposed Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Release 12 concepts, such as user/control plane split, heterogeneous networks (HetNets) environment, and network densification through deployment of small cells. In particular, the aim of our RRM scheme is to enable the macro base station (BS) to efficiently allocate radio resources for small cell BSs in order to assure quality-of-service (QoS) of moving users/vehicles during handovers. We develop an approximate, but very time- and space-efficient algorithm for radio resource allocation within a HetNet. Experiments on commodity hardware show algorithm running times in the order of a few seconds, thus making it suitable even in cases of fast moving users/vehicles. We also confirm a good accuracy of our proposed algorithm by means of computer simulations
