251 research outputs found

    Hardware Impairments Aware Transceiver Design for Bidirectional Full-Duplex MIMO OFDM Systems

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    In this paper we address the linear precoding and decoding design problem for a bidirectional orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (OFDM) communication system, between two multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) full-duplex (FD) nodes. The effects of hardware distortion as well as the channel state information error are taken into account. In the first step, we transform the available time-domain characterization of the hardware distortions for FD MIMO transceivers to the frequency domain, via a linear Fourier transformation. As a result, the explicit impact of hardware inaccuracies on the residual selfinterference (RSI) and inter-carrier leakage (ICL) is formulated in relation to the intended transmit/received signals. Afterwards, linear precoding and decoding designs are proposed to enhance the system performance following the minimum-mean-squarederror (MMSE) and sum rate maximization strategies, assuming the availability of perfect or erroneous CSI. The proposed designs are based on the application of alternating optimization over the system parameters, leading to a necessary convergence. Numerical results indicate that the application of a distortionaware design is essential for a system with a high hardware distortion, or for a system with a low thermal noise variance.Comment: Submitted to IEEE for publicatio

    Joint source and relay optimization for interference MIMO relay networks

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    This paper considers multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay communication in multi-cellular (interference) systems in which MIMO source-destination pairs communicate simultaneously. It is assumed that due to severe attenuation and/or shadowing effects, communication links can be established only with the aid of a relay node. The aim is to minimize the maximal mean-square-error (MSE) among all the receiving nodes under constrained source and relay transmit powers. Both one- and two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying mechanisms are considered. Since the exactly optimal solution for this practically appealing problem is intractable, we first propose optimizing the source, relay, and receiver matrices in an alternating fashion. Then we contrive a simplified semidefinite programming (SDP) solution based on the error covariance matrix decomposition technique, avoiding the high complexity of the iterative process. Numerical results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed schemes

    Sum-Rate Maximization for Linearly Precoded Downlink Multiuser MISO Systems with Partial CSIT: A Rate-Splitting Approach

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    This paper considers the Sum-Rate (SR) maximization problem in downlink MU-MISO systems under imperfect Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT). Contrary to existing works, we consider a rather unorthodox transmission scheme. In particular, the message intended to one of the users is split into two parts: a common part which can be recovered by all users, and a private part recovered by the corresponding user. On the other hand, the rest of users receive their information through private messages. This Rate-Splitting (RS) approach was shown to boost the achievable Degrees of Freedom (DoF) when CSIT errors decay with increased SNR. In this work, the RS strategy is married with linear precoder design and optimization techniques to achieve a maximized Ergodic SR (ESR) performance over the entire range of SNRs. Precoders are designed based on partial CSIT knowledge by solving a stochastic rate optimization problem using means of Sample Average Approximation (SAA) coupled with the Weighted Minimum Mean Square Error (WMMSE) approach. Numerical results show that in addition to the ESR gains, the benefits of RS also include relaxed CSIT quality requirements and enhanced achievable rate regions compared to conventional transmission with NoRS.Comment: accepted to IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Robust Joint Precoder and Equalizer Design in MIMO Communication Systems

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    We address joint design of robust precoder and equalizer in a MIMO communication system using the minimization of weighted sum of mean square errors. In addition to imperfect knowledge of channel state information, we also account for inaccurate awareness of interference plus noise covariance matrix and power shaping matrix. We follow the worst-case model for imperfect knowledge of these matrices. First, we derive the worst-case values of these matrices. Then, we transform the joint precoder and equalizer optimization problem into a convex scalar optimization problem. Further, the solution to this problem will be simplified to a depressed quartic equation, the closed-form expressions for roots of which are known. Finally, we propose an iterative algorithm to obtain the worst-case robust transceivers.Comment: 2 figures, 5 pages, conferenc

    A worst-case robust MMSE transceiver design for nonregenerative MIMO relaying

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    Transceiver designs have been a key issue in guaranteeing the performance of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay systems, which are, however, often subject to imperfect channel state information (CSI). In this paper, we aim to design a robust MIMO transceiver for nonregenerative MIMO relay systems against imperfect CSI from a worst-case robust perspective. Specifically, we formulate the robust transceiver design, under the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) criterion, as a minimax problem. Then, by decomposing the minimax problem into two subproblems with respect to the relay precoder and destination equalizer, respectively, we show that the optimal solution to each subproblem has a favorable channel-diagonalizing structure under some mild conditions. Based on this finding, we transform the two complex-matrix subproblems into their equivalent scalar forms, both of which are proven to be convex and can be efficiently solved by our proposed methods. We further propose an alternating algorithm to jointly optimize the precoder and equalizer that only requires scalar operations. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed robust design is verified by simulation results

    Robust Linear Hybrid Beamforming Designs Relying on Imperfect CSI in mmWave MIMO IoT Networks

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    Linear hybrid beamformer designs are conceived for the decentralized estimation of a vector parameter in a millimeter wave (mmWave) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Internet of Things network (IoTNe). The proposed designs incorporate both total IoTNe and individual IoTNo power constraints, while also eliminating the need for a baseband receiver combiner at the fusion center (FC). To circumvent the non-convexity of the hybrid beamformer design problem, the proposed approach initially determines the minimum mean square error (MMSE) digital transmit precoder (TPC) weights followed by a simultaneous orthogonal matching pursuit (SOMP)-based framework for obtaining the analog RF and digital baseband TPCs. Robust hybrid beamformers are also derived for the realistic imperfect channel state information (CSI) scenario, utilizing both the stochastic and norm-ball CSI uncertainty frameworks. The centralized MMSE bound derived in this work serves as a lower bound for the estimation performance of the proposed hybrid TPC designs. Finally, our simulation results quantify the benefits of the various designs developed.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Transceiver Optimization for Interference MIMO Relay Communication Systems

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    This thesis focuses on transceivers design for interference MIMO relay systems. Based on the MMSE criterion, several iterative algorithms are proposed to jointly optimize the source, relay, and receiver matrices subjecting to the individual power constraints at the source and the relay nodes. These algorithms have better performance than some existing algorithms and provide a better performance-complexity trade-off which is interesting in practical interference MIMO relay communication systems

    Joint Transceiver Design Algorithms for Multiuser MISO Relay Systems with Energy Harvesting

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    In this paper, we investigate a multiuser relay system with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer. Assuming that both base station (BS) and relay station (RS) are equipped with multiple antennas, this work studies the joint transceiver design problem for the BS beamforming vectors, the RS amplify-and-forward transformation matrix and the power splitting (PS) ratios at the single-antenna receivers. Firstly, an iterative algorithm based on alternating optimization (AO) and with guaranteed convergence is proposed to successively optimize the transceiver coefficients. Secondly, a novel design scheme based on switched relaying (SR) is proposed that can significantly reduce the computational complexity and overhead of the AO based designs while maintaining a similar performance. In the proposed SR scheme, the RS is equipped with a codebook of permutation matrices. For each permutation matrix, a latent transceiver is designed which consists of BS beamforming vectors, optimally scaled RS permutation matrix and receiver PS ratios. For the given CSI, the optimal transceiver with the lowest total power consumption is selected for transmission. We propose a concave-convex procedure based and subgradient-type iterative algorithms for the non-robust and robust latent transceiver designs. Simulation results are presented to validate the effectiveness of all the proposed algorithms
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