2,595 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the effectiveness of biomedical document indexing and retrieval based on terminologies

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    International audienceThe aim of this work is to evaluate a set of indexing and retrieval strategies based on the integration of several biomedical terminologies on the available TREC Genomics collections for an ad hoc information retrieval (IR) task.Materials and methodsWe propose a multi-terminology based concept extraction approach to selecting best concepts from free text by means of voting techniques. We instantiate this general approach on four terminologies (MeSH, SNOMED, ICD-10 and GO). We particularly focus on the effect of integrating terminologies into a biomedical IR process, and the utility of using voting techniques for combining the extracted concepts from each document in order to provide a list of unique concepts.ResultsExperimental studies conducted on the TREC Genomics collections show that our multi-terminology IR approach based on voting techniques are statistically significant compared to the baseline. For example, tested on the 2005 TREC Genomics collection, our multi-terminology based IR approach provides an improvement rate of +6.98% in terms of MAP (mean average precision) (p < 0.05) compared to the baseline. In addition, our experimental results show that document expansion using preferred terms in combination with query expansion using terms from top ranked expanded documents improve the biomedical IR effectiveness.ConclusionWe have evaluated several voting models for combining concepts issued from multiple terminologies. Through this study, we presented many factors affecting the effectiveness of biomedical IR system including term weighting, query expansion, and document expansion models. The appropriate combination of those factors could be useful to improve the IR performance

    Concept-based query expansion for retrieving gene related publications from MEDLINE

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advances in biotechnology and in high-throughput methods for gene analysis have contributed to an exponential increase in the number of scientific publications in these fields of study. While much of the data and results described in these articles are entered and annotated in the various existing biomedical databases, the scientific literature is still the major source of information. There is, therefore, a growing need for text mining and information retrieval tools to help researchers find the relevant articles for their study. To tackle this, several tools have been proposed to provide alternative solutions for specific user requests.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This paper presents QuExT, a new PubMed-based document retrieval and prioritization tool that, from a given list of genes, searches for the most relevant results from the literature. QuExT follows a concept-oriented query expansion methodology to find documents containing concepts related to the genes in the user input, such as protein and pathway names. The retrieved documents are ranked according to user-definable weights assigned to each concept class. By changing these weights, users can modify the ranking of the results in order to focus on documents dealing with a specific concept. The method's performance was evaluated using data from the 2004 TREC genomics track, producing a mean average precision of 0.425, with an average of 4.8 and 31.3 relevant documents within the top 10 and 100 retrieved abstracts, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>QuExT implements a concept-based query expansion scheme that leverages gene-related information available on a variety of biological resources. The main advantage of the system is to give the user control over the ranking of the results by means of a simple weighting scheme. Using this approach, researchers can effortlessly explore the literature regarding a group of genes and focus on the different aspects relating to these genes.</p

    Integrating Medical Ontology and Pseudo Relevance Feedback For Medical Document Retrieval

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    The purpose of this thesis is to undertake and improve the accuracy of locating the relevant documents from a large amount of Electronic Medical Data (EMD). The unique goal of this research is to propose a new idea for using medical ontology to find an easy and more reliable approach for patients to have a better understanding of their diseases and also help doctors to find and further improve the possible methods of diagnosis and treatments. The empirical studies were based on the dataset provided by CLEF focused on health care data. In this research, I have used Information Retrieval to find and obtain relevant information within the large amount of data sets provided by CLEF. I then used ranking functionality on the Terrier platform to calculate and evaluate the matching documents in the collection of data sets. BM25 was used as the base normalization method to retrieve the results and Pseudo Relevance Feedback weighting model to retrieve the information regarding patients health history and medical records in order to find more accurate results. I then used Unified Medical Language System to develop indexing of the queries while searching on the Internet and looking for health related documents. UMLS software was actually used to link the computer system with the health and biomedical terms and vocabularies into classify tools; it works as a dictionary for the patients by translating the medical terms. Later I would like to work on using medical ontology to create a relationship between the documents regarding the medical data and my retrieved results

    A tutorial on information retrieval: basic terms and concepts

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    This informal tutorial is intended for investigators and students who would like to understand the workings of information retrieval systems, including the most frequently used search engines: PubMed and Google. Having a basic knowledge of the terms and concepts of information retrieval should improve the efficiency and productivity of searches. As well, this knowledge is needed in order to follow current research efforts in biomedical information retrieval and text mining that are developing new systems not only for finding documents on a given topic, but extracting and integrating knowledge across documents
