47 research outputs found

    On the Compressed-Oracle Technique, and Post-Quantum Security of Proofs of Sequential Work

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    We revisit the so-called compressed oracle technique, introduced by Zhandry for analyzing quantum algorithms in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). To start off with, we offer a concise exposition of the technique, which easily extends to the parallel-query QROM, where in each query-round the considered algorithm may make several queries to the QROM in parallel. This variant of the QROM allows for a more fine-grained query-complexity analysis. Our main technical contribution is a framework that simplifies the use of (the parallel-query generalization of) the compressed oracle technique for proving query complexity results. With our framework in place, whenever applicable, it is possible to prove quantum query complexity lower bounds by means of purely classical reasoning. More than that, for typical examples the crucial classical observations that give rise to the classical bounds are sufficient to conclude the corresponding quantum bounds. We demonstrate this on a few examples, recovering known results (like the optimality of parallel Grover), but also obtaining new results (like the optimality of parallel BHT collision search). Our main target is the hardness of finding a qq-chain with fewer than qq parallel queries, i.e., a sequence x0,x1,,xqx_0, x_1,\ldots, x_q with xi=H(xi1)x_i = H(x_{i-1}) for all 1iq1 \leq i \leq q. The above problem of finding a hash chain is of fundamental importance in the context of proofs of sequential work. Indeed, as a concrete cryptographic application of our techniques, we prove that the "Simple Proofs of Sequential Work" proposed by Cohen and Pietrzak remains secure against quantum attacks. Such an analysis is not simply a matter of plugging in our new bound; the entire protocol needs to be analyzed in the light of a quantum attack. Thanks to our framework, this can now be done with purely classical reasoning

    On the Cryptographic Hardness of Local Search

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    We show new hardness results for the class of Polynomial Local Search problems (PLS): - Hardness of PLS based on a falsifiable assumption on bilinear groups introduced by Kalai, Paneth, and Yang (STOC 2019), and the Exponential Time Hypothesis for randomized algorithms. Previous standard model constructions relied on non-falsifiable and non-standard assumptions. - Hardness of PLS relative to random oracles. The construction is essentially different than previous constructions, and in particular is unconditionally secure. The construction also demonstrates the hardness of parallelizing local search. The core observation behind the results is that the unique proofs property of incrementally-verifiable computations previously used to demonstrate hardness in PLS can be traded with a simple incremental completeness property

    Foundations, Properties, and Security Applications of Puzzles: A Survey

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    Cryptographic algorithms have been used not only to create robust ciphertexts but also to generate cryptograms that, contrary to the classic goal of cryptography, are meant to be broken. These cryptograms, generally called puzzles, require the use of a certain amount of resources to be solved, hence introducing a cost that is often regarded as a time delay---though it could involve other metrics as well, such as bandwidth. These powerful features have made puzzles the core of many security protocols, acquiring increasing importance in the IT security landscape. The concept of a puzzle has subsequently been extended to other types of schemes that do not use cryptographic functions, such as CAPTCHAs, which are used to discriminate humans from machines. Overall, puzzles have experienced a renewed interest with the advent of Bitcoin, which uses a CPU-intensive puzzle as proof of work. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive study of the most important puzzle construction schemes available in the literature, categorizing them according to several attributes, such as resource type, verification type, and applications. We have redefined the term puzzle by collecting and integrating the scattered notions used in different works, to cover all the existing applications. Moreover, we provide an overview of the possible applications, identifying key requirements and different design approaches. Finally, we highlight the features and limitations of each approach, providing a useful guide for the future development of new puzzle schemes.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Survey

    stoRNA: Stateless Transparent Proofs of Storage-time

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    Proof of Storage-time (PoSt) is a cryptographic primitive that enables a server to demonstrate non-interactive continuous availability of outsourced data in a publicly verifiable way. This notion was first introduced by Filecoin to secure their Blockchain-based decentralized storage marketplace, using expensive SNARKs to compact proofs. Recent work employs the notion of trapdoor delay function to address the problem of compact PoSt without SNARKs. This approach however entails statefulness and non-transparency, while it requires an expensive pre-processing phase by the client. All of the above renders their solution impractical for decentralized storage marketplaces, leaving the stateless trapdoor-free PoSt with reduced setup costs as an open problem. In this work, we present stateless and transparent PoSt constructions using probabilistic sampling and a new Merkle variant commitment. In the process of enabling adjustable prover difficulty, we then propose a multi-prover construction to diminish the CPU work each prover is required to do. Both schemes feature a fast setup phase and logarithmic verification time and bandwidth with the end-to-end setup, prove, and verification costs lower than the existing solutions

    Collaborative Verifiable Delay Functions

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    Can Verifiable Delay Functions Be Based on Random Oracles?

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    Boneh, Bonneau, Bünz, and Fisch (CRYPTO 2018) recently introduced the notion of a verifiable delay function (VDF). VDFs are functions that take a long sequential time TT to compute, but whose outputs y=Eval(x)y = \mathsf{Eval}(x) can be efficiently verified (possibly given a proof π\pi) in time tTt \ll T (e.g., t=poly(λ,logT)t=\mathrm{poly}(\lambda, \log T) where λ\lambda is the security parameter). The first security requirement on a VDF, called uniqueness, is that no polynomial-time algorithm can find a convincing proof π2˘7\pi\u27 that verifies for an input xx and a different output y2˘7yy\u27 \neq y. The second security requirement, called sequentiality, is that no polynomial-time algorithm running in time σ<T\sigma<T for some parameter σ\sigma (e.g., σ=T1/10\sigma=T^{1/10}) can compute yy, even with poly(T,λ)\mathrm{poly} (T,\lambda) many parallel processors. Starting from the work of Boneh et al., there are now multiple constructions of VDFs from various algebraic assumptions. In this work, we study whether VDFs can be constructed from ideal hash functions in a black-box way, as modeled in the random oracle model (ROM). In the ROM, we measure the running time by the number of oracle queries and the sequentiality by the number of rounds of oracle queries. We rule out two classes of constructions of VDFs in the ROM: (1) We show that VDFs satisfying perfect uniqueness (i.e., no different convincing solution y2˘7yy\u27 \neq y exists) cannot be constructed in the ROM. More formally, we give an attacker that finds the solution yy in t\approx t rounds of queries, asking only poly(T)\mathrm{poly}(T) queries in total. (2) We also rule out tight VDFs in the ROM. Tight VDFs were recently studied by Döttling, Garg, Malavolta, and Vasudevan (ePrint Report 2019) and require sequentiality σTTρ\sigma \approx T-T^\rho for some constant 0TT2t0 T-\frac{T}{2t} for a concrete verification time tt

    On the Compressed-Oracle Technique, and Post-Quantum Security of Proofs of Sequential Work

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    We revisit the so-called compressed oracle technique, introduced by Zhandry for analyzing quantum algorithms in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). This technique has proven to be very powerful for reproving known lower bound results, but also for proving new results that seemed to be out of reach before. Despite being very useful, it is however still quite cumbersome to actually employ the compressed oracle technique. To start off with, we offer a concise yet mathematically rigorous exposition of the compressed oracle technique. We adopt a more abstract view than other descriptions found in the literature, which allows us to keep the focus on the relevant aspects. Our exposition easily extends to the parallel-query QROM, where in each query-round the considered quantum oracle algorithm may make several queries to the QROM in parallel. This variant of the QROM allows for a more fine-grained query-complexity analysis of quantum oracle algorithms. Our main technical contribution is a framework that simplifies the use of (the parallel-query generalization of) the compressed oracle technique for proving query complexity results. With our framework in place, whenever applicable, it is possible to prove quantum query complexity lower bounds by means of purely classical reasoning. More than that, we show that, for typical examples, the crucial classical observations that give rise to the classical bounds are sufficient to conclude the corresponding quantum bounds. We demonstrate this on a few examples, recovering known results (like the optimality of parallel Grover), but also obtaining new results (like the optimality of parallel BHT collision search). Our main application is to prove hardness of finding a qq-chain, i.e., a sequence x0,x1,,xqx_0,x_1,\ldots,x_q with the property that xi=H(xi1)x_i = H(x_{i-1}) for all 1iq1 \leq i \leq q, with fewer than qq parallel queries. The above problem of producing a hash chain is of fundamental importance in the context of proofs of sequential work. Indeed, as a concrete application of our new bound, we prove that the ``Simple Proofs of Sequential Work proposed by Cohen and Pietrzak remain secure against quantum attacks. Such a proof is not simply a matter of plugging in our new bound; the entire protocol needs to be analyzed in the light of a quantum attack, and substantial additional work is necessary. Thanks to our framework, this can now be done with purely classical reasoning

    On Locally Decodable Codes in Resource Bounded Channels

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    Constructions of locally decodable codes (LDCs) have one of two undesirable properties: low rate or high locality (polynomial in the length of the message). In settings where the encoder/decoder have already exchanged cryptographic keys and the channel is a probabilistic polynomial time (PPT) algorithm, it is possible to circumvent these barriers and design LDCs with constant rate and small locality. However, the assumption that the encoder/decoder have exchanged cryptographic keys is often prohibitive. We thus consider the problem of designing explicit and efficient LDCs in settings where the channel is slightly more constrained than the encoder/decoder with respect to some resource e.g., space or (sequential) time. Given an explicit function f that the channel cannot compute, we show how the encoder can transmit a random secret key to the local decoder using f(?) and a random oracle ?(?). We then bootstrap the private key LDC construction of Ostrovsky, Pandey and Sahai (ICALP, 2007), thereby answering an open question posed by Guruswami and Smith (FOCS 2010) of whether such bootstrapping techniques are applicable to LDCs in channel models weaker than just PPT algorithms. Specifically, in the random oracle model we show how to construct explicit constant rate LDCs with locality of polylog in the security parameter against various resource constrained channels

    SoK:Delay-based Cryptography

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