251 research outputs found

    Simple Average-Case Lower Bounds for Approximate Near-Neighbor from Isoperimetric Inequalities

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    We prove an Omega(d/log(sw/nd)) lower bound for the average-case cell-probe complexity of deterministic or Las Vegas randomized algorithms solving approximate near-neighbor (ANN) problem in ddimensional Hamming space in the cell-probe model with w-bit cells, using a table of size s. This lower bound matches the highest known worst-case cell-probe lower bounds for any static data structure problems. This average-case cell-probe lower bound is proved in a general framework which relates the cell-probe complexity of ANN to isoperimetric inequalities in the underlying metric space. A tighter connection between ANN lower bounds and isoperimetric inequalities is established by a stronger richness lemma proved by cell-sampling techniques

    A directed isoperimetric inequality with application to Bregman near neighbor lower bounds

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    Bregman divergences DϕD_\phi are a class of divergences parametrized by a convex function ϕ\phi and include well known distance functions like 22\ell_2^2 and the Kullback-Leibler divergence. There has been extensive research on algorithms for problems like clustering and near neighbor search with respect to Bregman divergences, in all cases, the algorithms depend not just on the data size nn and dimensionality dd, but also on a structure constant μ1\mu \ge 1 that depends solely on ϕ\phi and can grow without bound independently. In this paper, we provide the first evidence that this dependence on μ\mu might be intrinsic. We focus on the problem of approximate near neighbor search for Bregman divergences. We show that under the cell probe model, any non-adaptive data structure (like locality-sensitive hashing) for cc-approximate near-neighbor search that admits rr probes must use space Ω(n1+μcr)\Omega(n^{1 + \frac{\mu}{c r}}). In contrast, for LSH under 1\ell_1 the best bound is Ω(n1+1cr)\Omega(n^{1+\frac{1}{cr}}). Our new tool is a directed variant of the standard boolean noise operator. We show that a generalization of the Bonami-Beckner hypercontractivity inequality exists "in expectation" or upon restriction to certain subsets of the Hamming cube, and that this is sufficient to prove the desired isoperimetric inequality that we use in our data structure lower bound. We also present a structural result reducing the Hamming cube to a Bregman cube. This structure allows us to obtain lower bounds for problems under Bregman divergences from their 1\ell_1 analog. In particular, we get a (weaker) lower bound for approximate near neighbor search of the form Ω(n1+1cr)\Omega(n^{1 + \frac{1}{cr}}) for an rr-query non-adaptive data structure, and new cell probe lower bounds for a number of other near neighbor questions in Bregman space.Comment: 27 page

    Lower Bounds on Time-Space Trade-Offs for Approximate Near Neighbors

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    We show tight lower bounds for the entire trade-off between space and query time for the Approximate Near Neighbor search problem. Our lower bounds hold in a restricted model of computation, which captures all hashing-based approaches. In articular, our lower bound matches the upper bound recently shown in [Laarhoven 2015] for the random instance on a Euclidean sphere (which we show in fact extends to the entire space Rd\mathbb{R}^d using the techniques from [Andoni, Razenshteyn 2015]). We also show tight, unconditional cell-probe lower bounds for one and two probes, improving upon the best known bounds from [Panigrahy, Talwar, Wieder 2010]. In particular, this is the first space lower bound (for any static data structure) for two probes which is not polynomially smaller than for one probe. To show the result for two probes, we establish and exploit a connection to locally-decodable codes.Comment: 47 pages, 2 figures; v2: substantially revised introduction, lots of small corrections; subsumed by arXiv:1608.03580 [cs.DS] (along with arXiv:1511.07527 [cs.DS]

    Isoperimetry in two-dimensional percolation

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    We consider the unique infinite connected component of supercritical bond percolation on the square lattice and study the geometric properties of isoperimetric sets, i.e., sets with minimal boundary for a given volume. For almost every realization of the infinite connected component we prove that, as the volume of the isoperimetric set tends to infinity, its asymptotic shape can be characterized by an isoperimetric problem in the plane with respect to a particular norm. As an application we then show that the anchored isoperimetric profile with respect to a given point as well as the Cheeger constant of the giant component in finite boxes scale to deterministic quantities. This settles a conjecture of Itai Benjamini for the plane.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figs; version to appear in Commun. Pure Appl. Mat

    Area Inequalities for Embedded Disks Spanning Unknotted Curves

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    We show that a smooth unknotted curve in R^3 satisfies an isoperimetric inequality that bounds the area of an embedded disk spanning the curve in terms of two parameters: the length L of the curve and the thickness r (maximal radius of an embedded tubular neighborhood) of the curve. For fixed length, the expression giving the upper bound on the area grows exponentially in 1/r^2. In the direction of lower bounds, we give a sequence of length one curves with r approaching 0 for which the area of any spanning disk is bounded from below by a function that grows exponentially with 1/r. In particular, given any constant A, there is a smooth, unknotted length one curve for which the area of a smallest embedded spanning disk is greater than A.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Lower Bounds for Oblivious Near-Neighbor Search

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    We prove an Ω(dlgn/(lglgn)2)\Omega(d \lg n/ (\lg\lg n)^2) lower bound on the dynamic cell-probe complexity of statistically oblivious\mathit{oblivious} approximate-near-neighbor search (ANN\mathsf{ANN}) over the dd-dimensional Hamming cube. For the natural setting of d=Θ(logn)d = \Theta(\log n), our result implies an Ω~(lg2n)\tilde{\Omega}(\lg^2 n) lower bound, which is a quadratic improvement over the highest (non-oblivious) cell-probe lower bound for ANN\mathsf{ANN}. This is the first super-logarithmic unconditional\mathit{unconditional} lower bound for ANN\mathsf{ANN} against general (non black-box) data structures. We also show that any oblivious static\mathit{static} data structure for decomposable search problems (like ANN\mathsf{ANN}) can be obliviously dynamized with O(logn)O(\log n) overhead in update and query time, strengthening a classic result of Bentley and Saxe (Algorithmica, 1980).Comment: 28 page

    Optimal Hashing-based Time-Space Trade-offs for Approximate Near Neighbors

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    [See the paper for the full abstract.] We show tight upper and lower bounds for time-space trade-offs for the cc-Approximate Near Neighbor Search problem. For the dd-dimensional Euclidean space and nn-point datasets, we develop a data structure with space n1+ρu+o(1)+O(dn)n^{1 + \rho_u + o(1)} + O(dn) and query time nρq+o(1)+dno(1)n^{\rho_q + o(1)} + d n^{o(1)} for every ρu,ρq0\rho_u, \rho_q \geq 0 such that: \begin{equation} c^2 \sqrt{\rho_q} + (c^2 - 1) \sqrt{\rho_u} = \sqrt{2c^2 - 1}. \end{equation} This is the first data structure that achieves sublinear query time and near-linear space for every approximation factor c>1c > 1, improving upon [Kapralov, PODS 2015]. The data structure is a culmination of a long line of work on the problem for all space regimes; it builds on Spherical Locality-Sensitive Filtering [Becker, Ducas, Gama, Laarhoven, SODA 2016] and data-dependent hashing [Andoni, Indyk, Nguyen, Razenshteyn, SODA 2014] [Andoni, Razenshteyn, STOC 2015]. Our matching lower bounds are of two types: conditional and unconditional. First, we prove tightness of the whole above trade-off in a restricted model of computation, which captures all known hashing-based approaches. We then show unconditional cell-probe lower bounds for one and two probes that match the above trade-off for ρq=0\rho_q = 0, improving upon the best known lower bounds from [Panigrahy, Talwar, Wieder, FOCS 2010]. In particular, this is the first space lower bound (for any static data structure) for two probes which is not polynomially smaller than the one-probe bound. To show the result for two probes, we establish and exploit a connection to locally-decodable codes.Comment: 62 pages, 5 figures; a merger of arXiv:1511.07527 [cs.DS] and arXiv:1605.02701 [cs.DS], which subsumes both of the preprints. New version contains more elaborated proofs and fixed some typo