28,863 research outputs found

    Using Answer Set Programming for pattern mining

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    Serial pattern mining consists in extracting the frequent sequential patterns from a unique sequence of itemsets. This paper explores the ability of a declarative language, such as Answer Set Programming (ASP), to solve this issue efficiently. We propose several ASP implementations of the frequent sequential pattern mining task: a non-incremental and an incremental resolution. The results show that the incremental resolution is more efficient than the non-incremental one, but both ASP programs are less efficient than dedicated algorithms. Nonetheless, this approach can be seen as a first step toward a generic framework for sequential pattern mining with constraints.Comment: Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (2014

    A Model-Based Frequency Constraint for Mining Associations from Transaction Data

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    Mining frequent itemsets is a popular method for finding associated items in databases. For this method, support, the co-occurrence frequency of the items which form an association, is used as the primary indicator of the associations's significance. A single user-specified support threshold is used to decided if associations should be further investigated. Support has some known problems with rare items, favors shorter itemsets and sometimes produces misleading associations. In this paper we develop a novel model-based frequency constraint as an alternative to a single, user-specified minimum support. The constraint utilizes knowledge of the process generating transaction data by applying a simple stochastic mixture model (the NB model) which allows for transaction data's typically highly skewed item frequency distribution. A user-specified precision threshold is used together with the model to find local frequency thresholds for groups of itemsets. Based on the constraint we develop the notion of NB-frequent itemsets and adapt a mining algorithm to find all NB-frequent itemsets in a database. In experiments with publicly available transaction databases we show that the new constraint provides improvements over a single minimum support threshold and that the precision threshold is more robust and easier to set and interpret by the user

    DESQ: Frequent Sequence Mining with Subsequence Constraints

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    Frequent sequence mining methods often make use of constraints to control which subsequences should be mined. A variety of such subsequence constraints has been studied in the literature, including length, gap, span, regular-expression, and hierarchy constraints. In this paper, we show that many subsequence constraints---including and beyond those considered in the literature---can be unified in a single framework. A unified treatment allows researchers to study jointly many types of subsequence constraints (instead of each one individually) and helps to improve usability of pattern mining systems for practitioners. In more detail, we propose a set of simple and intuitive "pattern expressions" to describe subsequence constraints and explore algorithms for efficiently mining frequent subsequences under such general constraints. Our algorithms translate pattern expressions to compressed finite state transducers, which we use as computational model, and simulate these transducers in a way suitable for frequent sequence mining. Our experimental study on real-world datasets indicates that our algorithms---although more general---are competitive to existing state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: Long version of the paper accepted at the IEEE ICDM 2016 conferenc

    HybridMiner: Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets Using Hybrid Database Representation Approach

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    In this paper we present a novel hybrid (arraybased layout and vertical bitmap layout) database representation approach for mining complete Maximal Frequent Itemset (MFI) on sparse and large datasets. Our work is novel in terms of scalability, item search order and two horizontal and vertical projection techniques. We also present a maximal algorithm using this hybrid database representation approach. Different experimental results on real and sparse benchmark datasets show that our approach is better than previous state of art maximal algorithms.Comment: 8 Pages In the proceedings of 9th IEEE-INMIC 2005, Karachi, Pakistan, 200
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