20,843 research outputs found

    Video browsing interfaces and applications: a review

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    We present a comprehensive review of the state of the art in video browsing and retrieval systems, with special emphasis on interfaces and applications. There has been a significant increase in activity (e.g., storage, retrieval, and sharing) employing video data in the past decade, both for personal and professional use. The ever-growing amount of video content available for human consumption and the inherent characteristics of video data—which, if presented in its raw format, is rather unwieldy and costly—have become driving forces for the development of more effective solutions to present video contents and allow rich user interaction. As a result, there are many contemporary research efforts toward developing better video browsing solutions, which we summarize. We review more than 40 different video browsing and retrieval interfaces and classify them into three groups: applications that use video-player-like interaction, video retrieval applications, and browsing solutions based on video surrogates. For each category, we present a summary of existing work, highlight the technical aspects of each solution, and compare them against each other

    Beyond 2D-grids: a dependence maximization view on image browsing

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    Ideally, one would like to perform image search using an intuitive and friendly approach. Many existing image search engines, however, present users with sets of images arranged in some default order on the screen, typically the relevance to a query, only. While this certainly has its advantages, arguably, a more flexible and intuitive way would be to sort images into arbitrary structures such as grids, hierarchies, or spheres so that images that are visually or semantically alike are placed together. This paper focuses on designing such a navigation system for image browsers. This is a challenging task because arbitrary layout structure makes it difficult -- if not impossible -- to compute cross-similarities between images and structure coordinates, the main ingredient of traditional layouting approaches. For this reason, we resort to a recently developed machine learning technique: kernelized sorting. It is a general technique for matching pairs of objects from different domains without requiring cross-domain similarity measures and hence elegantly allows sorting images into arbitrary structures. Moreover, we extend it so that some images can be preselected for instance forming the tip of the hierarchy allowing to subsequently navigate through the search results in the lower levels in an intuitive way

    Integration of Exploration and Search: A Case Study of the M3 Model

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    International audienceEffective support for multimedia analytics applications requires exploration and search to be integrated seamlessly into a single interaction model. Media metadata can be seen as defining a multidimensional media space, casting multimedia analytics tasks as exploration, manipulation and augmentation of that space. We present an initial case study of integrating exploration and search within this multidimensional media space. We extend the M3 model, initially proposed as a pure exploration tool, and show that it can be elegantly extended to allow searching within an exploration context and exploring within a search context. We then evaluate the suitability of relational database management systems, as representatives of today’s data management technologies, for implementing the extended M3 model. Based on our results, we finally propose some research directions for scalability of multimedia analytics

    Query-dependent metric learning for adaptive, content-based image browsing and retrieval

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    TRECVID 2004 experiments in Dublin City University

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    In this paper, we describe our experiments for TRECVID 2004 for the Search task. In the interactive search task, we developed two versions of a video search/browse system based on the Físchlár Digital Video System: one with text- and image-based searching (System A); the other with only image (System B). These two systems produced eight interactive runs. In addition we submitted ten fully automatic supplemental runs and two manual runs. A.1, Submitted Runs: • DCUTREC13a_{1,3,5,7} for System A, four interactive runs based on text and image evidence. • DCUTREC13b_{2,4,6,8} for System B, also four interactive runs based on image evidence alone. • DCUTV2004_9, a manual run based on filtering faces from an underlying text search engine for certain queries. • DCUTV2004_10, a manual run based on manually generated queries processed automatically. • DCU_AUTOLM{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, seven fully automatic runs based on language models operating over ASR text transcripts and visual features. • DCUauto_{01,02,03}, three fully automatic runs based on exploring the benefits of multiple sources of text evidence and automatic query expansion. A.2, In the interactive experiment it was confirmed that text and image based retrieval outperforms an image-only system. In the fully automatic runs, DCUauto_{01,02,03}, it was found that integrating ASR, CC and OCR text into the text ranking outperforms using ASR text alone. Furthermore, applying automatic query expansion to the initial results of ASR, CC, OCR text further increases performance (MAP), though not at high rank positions. For the language model-based fully automatic runs, DCU_AUTOLM{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, we found that interpolated language models perform marginally better than other tested language models and that combining image and textual (ASR) evidence was found to marginally increase performance (MAP) over textual models alone. For our two manual runs we found that employing a face filter disimproved MAP when compared to employing textual evidence alone and that manually generated textual queries improved MAP over fully automatic runs, though the improvement was marginal. A.3, Our conclusions from our fully automatic text based runs suggest that integrating ASR, CC and OCR text into the retrieval mechanism boost retrieval performance over ASR alone. In addition, a text-only Language Modelling approach such as DCU_AUTOLM1 will outperform our best conventional text search system. From our interactive runs we conclude that textual evidence is an important lever for locating relevant content quickly, but that image evidence, if used by experienced users can aid retrieval performance. A.4, We learned that incorporating multiple text sources improves over ASR alone and that an LM approach which integrates shot text, neighbouring shots and entire video contents provides even better retrieval performance. These findings will influence how we integrate textual evidence into future Video IR systems. It was also found that a system based on image evidence alone can perform reasonably and given good query images can aid retrieval performance

    An adaptive technique for content-based image retrieval

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    We discuss an adaptive approach towards Content-Based Image Retrieval. It is based on the Ostensive Model of developing information needs—a special kind of relevance feedback model that learns from implicit user feedback and adds a temporal notion to relevance. The ostensive approach supports content-assisted browsing through visualising the interaction by adding user-selected images to a browsing path, which ends with a set of system recommendations. The suggestions are based on an adaptive query learning scheme, in which the query is learnt from previously selected images. Our approach is an adaptation of the original Ostensive Model based on textual features only, to include content-based features to characterise images. In the proposed scheme textual and colour features are combined using the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence combination. Results from a user-centred, work-task oriented evaluation show that the ostensive interface is preferred over a traditional interface with manual query facilities. This is due to its ability to adapt to the user's need, its intuitiveness and the fluid way in which it operates. Studying and comparing the nature of the underlying information need, it emerges that our approach elicits changes in the user's need based on the interaction, and is successful in adapting the retrieval to match the changes. In addition, a preliminary study of the retrieval performance of the ostensive relevance feedback scheme shows that it can outperform a standard relevance feedback strategy in terms of image recall in category search

    Presenting Visual Information to the User: Combining Computer Vision and Interface Design

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    In this work, we suggest better ways to present visual information (image databases) for browsing and retrieval. Thumbnails obtained from an image set give a good overview of its contents. Instead of simply downsampling images to obtain thumbnails, we first find salient regions (saliency map) using local statistical features of the image. We crop and downsample the images based on these saliency maps, and obtain better thumbnails. The suggested methods of finding salient regions are faster than existing methods while giving comparable results. Secondly, we have developed a Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system to provide empirical evidence (by user study) that similarity based grouped and hierarchical placement of images is better than random placement. Using an effective shape based similarity measure we conclude that visual search is very useful in image retrieval systems. We conducted a field test to check the robustness of the system in varying photography conditions

    Using segmented objects in ostensive video shot retrieval

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    This paper presents a system for video shot retrieval in which shots are retrieved based on matching video objects using a combination of colour, shape and texture. Rather than matching on individual objects, our system supports sets of query objects which in total reflect the user’s object-based information need. Our work also adapts to a shifting user information need by initiating the partitioning of a user’s search into two or more distinct search threads, which can be followed by the user in sequence. This is an automatic process which maps neatly to the ostensive model for information retrieval in that it allows a user to place a virtual checkpoint on their search, explore one thread or aspect of their information need and then return to that checkpoint to then explore an alternative thread. Our system is fully functional and operational and in this paper we illustrate several design decisions we have made in building it

    An adaptive browsing-based approach for creating a photographic story

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    Pictures are often self-explanatory; they capture a moment in time. However, a single photo cannot represent the whole moment. The creation of photographic stories is a means to better preserve memories. Relying on the content-based and contextual metadata within digital photos we could assist users to explore their collection to create the stories with regard to their events and experiences. In this poster we propose a novel approach for supporting the self creation of stories with digital photographs. By incorporating an adaptive learning scheme to capture implicit user feedback, our approach supports content and context assisted browsing

    Using video objects and relevance feedback in video retrieval

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    Video retrieval is mostly based on using text from dialogue and this remains the most signi¯cant component, despite progress in other aspects. One problem with this is when a searcher wants to locate video based on what is appearing in the video rather than what is being spoken about. Alternatives such as automatically-detected features and image-based keyframe matching can be used, though these still need further improvement in quality. One other modality for video retrieval is based on segmenting objects from video and allowing end users to use these as part of querying. This uses similarity between query objects and objects from video, and in theory allows retrieval based on what is actually appearing on-screen. The main hurdles to greater use of this are the overhead of object segmentation on large amounts of video and the issue of whether we can actually achieve effective object-based retrieval. We describe a system to support object-based video retrieval where a user selects example video objects as part of the query. During a search a user builds up a set of these which are matched against objects previously segmented from a video library. This match is based on MPEG-7 Dominant Colour, Shape Compaction and Texture Browsing descriptors. We use a user-driven semi-automated segmentation process to segment the video archive which is very accurate and is faster than conventional video annotation