329 research outputs found

    A decision support system for ground improvement method selection

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    Effects of management practices on the ground beetle assemblages of grassland and related habitats (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

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    In a comparison of grassland, moorland and woodland habitats in north-east England, moorland sites were found to be the most diverse and species-rich and to support a carabid fauna of larger body size than grassland sites. Within the grassland sites, intensification of management resulted in a reduction both in species richness and in body size. The species composition of intensively managed sites differed from that of the less intensive, with management appearing to favour species associated with drier conditions. Similarly, a study of data from 110 sets of pitfall traps in managed and unmanaged grassland in Scotland found a general reduction in diversity, rarity and body size as management intensified, with silage fields having especially low values of WML. Diversity and rarity fell sharply between the second and third levels of management. Multivariate analysis of the species composition also made a clear distinction between these levels, grouping sites in bands 1 and 2 separately from those in bands 3 to 5. A more detailed examination of the effects of the different components of management found that body size was dependent mostly on the type and age of the sward, while diversity and rarity responded to nutrient inputs. In a subset of 36 of the 110 Scottish sites, the carabid assemblages of sown wildflower swards, sown grass and clover, and uncultivated grassland were compared. Body size, species richness and diversity were all highest in the unmanaged swards, and species richness and diversity were higher in wildflower swards than in sown grasses. The effects of organic nutrient input were investigated at sites receiving input of slurry, sewage sludge or faecal material from flocks of grazing geese, but not significant relationships could be elucidated due to overwhelming effects of sward type and management intensity

    Advances in Sonar Technology

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    The demand to explore the largest and also one of the richest parts of our planet, the advances in signal processing promoted by an exponential growth in computation power and a thorough study of sound propagation in the underwater realm, have lead to remarkable advances in sonar technology in the last years.The work on hand is a sum of knowledge of several authors who contributed in various aspects of sonar technology. This book intends to give a broad overview of the advances in sonar technology of the last years that resulted from the research effort of the authors in both sonar systems and their applications. It is intended for scientist and engineers from a variety of backgrounds and even those that never had contact with sonar technology before will find an easy introduction with the topics and principles exposed here

    The invertebrates of temporary rivers in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    Temporary rivers in dryland regions are subject to highly variable and unpredictable rainfall and flow, and are considered unstable systems relative to perennial rivers of temperate zones. Little is known of the ecology of South Africa's temporary rivers, despite their abundance. The research presented focusses on the aquatic invertebrates inhabiting intermittently-flowing rivers in the 'arid corridor' of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The major aims of the work were: to investigate which invertebrates inhabit these rivers, how the fauna is affected by environmental variability at various spatial and temporal scales, whether or not a characteristic fauna can be associated with these rivers or the hydrological phases which characterise them, and to establish to what extent faunal overlap occurs between different temporary rivers and between natural and modified temporary and perennial rivers. Research results indicate that the fauna of the Eastern Cape temporary rivers shows little structure at the scales of investigation, and that communities are generally non-equilibrial in character. The major forces shaping the biota are considered to be physical rather than biological, and the most important of these are: present and antecedent hydrological conditions and their duration; time of year; and biotope character, extent and heterogeneity. Three groups of fauna were identified as inhabitants of the temporary rivers: 'residents', 'facultative taxa' and 'opportunist colonists'. Taxa were tentatively allocated to these groups. Faunal resemblance was fairly high in Eastern Cape temporary rivers at the level of family, but not at more detailed taxonomic levels. A comparison between faunas of temporary and perennial rivers in different regions of South Africa illustrated the influence of geographical location on diversity. Within regions, however, there was no indication that perennial rivers were more diverse than intermittent rivers. The relatively high diversities in temporary rivers in this study are attributed at least in part to the heterogeneity in surface water conditions over time. A conceptual framework envisioning a continuum between perennial and temporary rivers is proposed as a basis for ongoing research into these rivers. A supporting terminology for the range of river flow types in South Africa is presented

    Actes des 22èmes rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, 10-11 octobre 2013, Reims, France

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    Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Logic Symposium

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    Technology, Science, and Culture: A Global Vision

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    The aim of the Workshop: Technology, Science, and Culture - A Global Vision is to create a discussion forum on research related to the fields of Water Science, Food Science, Intelligent Systems, Molecular Biomedicine, and Creation and Theories of Culture. The workshop is intended to discuss research on current problems, relevant methodologies, and future research streams and to create an environment for the exchange of ideas and collaboration among participants