20 research outputs found


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    Authentication is the process to conform the truth of an attribute claimed by real entity. Biometric technology is widely useful for the process of authentication. Today, biometric is becoming a key aspect in a multitude of applications. So this paper proposed the applications of such a multimodal biometric authentication system. Proposed system establishes a real time authentication framework using multi-model biometrics which consists of the embedded system verify the signatures, fingerprint and key pattern to authenticate the user. This is one of the most reliable, fast and cost effective tool for the user authentication

    Non-english and non-latin signature verification systems: A survey

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    Signatures continue to be an important biometric because they remain widely used as a means of personal verification and therefore an automatic verification system is needed. Manual signature-based authentication of a large number of documents is a difficult and time consuming task. Consequently for many years, in the field of protected communication and financial applications, we have observed an explosive growth in biometric personal authentication systems that are closely connected with measurable unique physical characteristics (e.g. hand geometry, iris scan, finger prints or DNA) or behavioural features. Substantial research has been undertaken in the field of signature verification involving English signatures, but to the best of our knowledge, very few works have considered non-English signatures such as Chinese, Japanese, Arabic etc. In order to convey the state-of-the-art in the field to researchers, in this paper we present a survey of non-English and non-Latin signature verification systems

    Determinación de propiedades de trazos manuscritos por medios interferométricos

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    El procesamiento automático de trazos realizados por seres humanos ha sido aplicado en gran cantidad de situaciones tales como el reconocimiento de texto manuscrito, el procesamiento digital de firmas y el reconocimiento de la caligrafía entre muchas otras. Desde larga data se ha reconocido la importancia de la presión que ejerce el escribiente sobre el papel en cada fragmento del trazo. El uso de esta información ha estado restringido a dispositivos de captura que sólo pueden obtener la información necesaria si el escribiente utiliza un instrumento de escritura especial. En muchos casos sería muy útil disponer de información acerca de la presión ejercida durante la realización de un trazo luego que la escritura se haya realizado. Dependiendo del papel, del instrumento utilizado y de la superficie sobre la que estaba colocado el mismo, se obtienen variaciones en el grosor del trazo y deformaciones en el papel que pueden ser medidas o estimadas. En particular, se han hecho experiencias que prueban que las técnicas interferométricas son muy aptas para determinar la deformación de papel producida por la escritura manuscrita. En el presente proyecto se aspira a integrar las técnicas interferométicas con la información de grosor de trazo y los datos clásicos utilizados en el procesamiento de la escritura manuscrita.Eje: AlgoritmosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Perfilometría virtual en trazos manuscritos residuales

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    El proyecto “Determinación de Propiedades de Trazos Manuscritos por Distintos Medios” propone estimar el grado de presión o el grado de presión relativa empleado en la escritura manuscrita, en distintas partes del trazo. Usando un método no invasivo y de bajo costo. Que el texto original no se modifique física o químicamente permite la posibilidad de múltiples análisis, también el caso de análisis forense donde existe la necesidad de preservar la muestra original. En este trabajo se propone a través del procesamiento de imágenes, inferir la presión ejercida cuando una persona escribe, analizando las diminutas deformaciones que la escritura produce sobre el papel y las características del trazo tales como el grosor y valor de gris del mismo.Eje: Computación gráfica, imágenes y visualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Authentication of Students and Students’ Work in E-Learning : Report for the Development Bid of Academic Year 2010/11

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    Global e-learning market is projected to reach $107.3 billion by 2015 according to a new report by The Global Industry Analyst (Analyst 2010). The popularity and growth of the online programmes within the School of Computer Science obviously is in line with this projection. However, also on the rise are students’ dishonesty and cheating in the open and virtual environment of e-learning courses (Shepherd 2008). Institutions offering e-learning programmes are facing the challenges of deterring and detecting these misbehaviours by introducing security mechanisms to the current e-learning platforms. In particular, authenticating that a registered student indeed takes an online assessment, e.g., an exam or a coursework, is essential for the institutions to give the credit to the correct candidate. Authenticating a student is to ensure that a student is indeed who he says he is. Authenticating a student’s work goes one step further to ensure that an authenticated student indeed does the submitted work himself. This report is to investigate and compare current possible techniques and solutions for authenticating distance learning student and/or their work remotely for the elearning programmes. The report also aims to recommend some solutions that fit with UH StudyNet platform.Submitted Versio

    Signature Verification

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    Handwriting recognition is a process in recognizing handwritten letter images. For this project, the main purpose is to identify signature's owners to prevent from skilled forger. Therefore, the project is more focused on the signature verification rather than the character recognition. Signature verification can prevent falsification by detecting the flow ofthe curve ofthe signature and using the distance similarity. The main objective of this project is to verify the signature. The secondary objectives are to make life easier by having the signature verification system to identify the skilled forger from using someone else's credit card and to increase the security measure on credit card. The method that will be used in this project is using the neural network classification in the backpropagation network. This is because backpropagation can get the input to give the correct output, which has been used by many researchers. In implementing the prototype, a distance measure is used as the verification method but backpropagation is one of the suitable methods in designing it for future expansion. Matlab software is used in developing the system. Basically, this system will be using the Matlab software and for the hardware part by using the digitized tabiet with the pen tip in order to capture the user signature image. Beside that, some calculations will be used in measuring the signature attributes andas for the error part; there will bethepercentage ofthe error occurs