4 research outputs found

    The Lost Fortune of the Virginiaman: Analyzing the History of the Beale Ciphers Using Historical Land Grants

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    Since the mid-19th century, the mystery of the Beale ciphers has confounded cryptanalysts, intelligence agencies, historians, and treasure hunters alike. Countless works of scholarship have analyzed the story, the ciphers, and possible locations for the massive buried treasure allegedly in rural Bedford County, Virginia. However, prior methodology applied to historiography on the subject has been unsuccessful in making headway in an understanding of the history and location of the Beale treasure. In examining prior scholarship in conjunction with recorded land grants and associated archaeological scholarship, this paper proposes a new direction for research into the Beale cipher mystery and new locations to search for the treasure. In addition, this paper provides explanations as to potential members of the Beale party as not previously identified. It can be concluded that the Beale treasure has likely been moved from its original location in Virginia, and that Thomas Beale was a real person despite limited records on the matter. It can also be concluded that George Strother and Roger Weightman were most likely members of the Beale party, and these new conclusions are crucial to any future efforts to locate a potential vault

    Criptografia em segurança de arquivos confidenciais

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    Study about security of Data Processing Center and Security of private informations. Many destructive fates that can await every Computer Center: fraud, hardware and software failures, operator errors, programming errors, penetration of private informations and others, are briefly discussed. With reference of privacy of information, the classical cryptographic techniques are studied. On this bases, suitable transformation techniques such as arithmetical, logic and matrix schemes are discribed. Finally a discussion is given on the systems design for criptoprogramming.CNPqEstudo sobre segurança em Centros de Processamento de Dados e segurança de informações confidenciais. Muitos fatos que podem surgir e abalar qualquer CPD, tais como: fraudes, falhas de hardware e/ou software, erros do operador, erros de programação, penetração em informações privativas, e outros, são brevemente abordados. Com referência a segredo de informação, as técnicas clássicas de criptografia são estudadas. Com base nisso, técnicas de transformação adequadas, tais como, esquemas aritméticos, lógicos e esquema de matriz são descritas. Finalmente é dada uma discussão sobre o projeto de sistemas de cripto-programação

    Signature simulation and certain cryptographic codes

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