125,779 research outputs found

    An introduction to statistical parametric speech synthesis

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    Cosmology with the lights off: Standard sirens in the Einstein Telescope era

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    We explore the prospects for constraining cosmology using gravitational-wave (GW) observations of neutron-star binaries by the proposed Einstein Telescope (ET), exploiting the narrowness of the neutron-star mass function. Double neutron-star (DNS) binaries are expected to be one of the first sources detected after "first-light" of Advanced LIGO and are expected to be detected at a rate of a few tens per year in the advanced era. However the proposed ET could catalog tens of thousands per year. Combining the measured source redshift distributions with GW-network distance determinations will permit not only the precision measurement of background cosmological parameters, but will provide an insight into the astrophysical properties of these DNS systems. Of particular interest will be to probe the distribution of delay times between DNS-binary creation and subsequent merger, as well as the evolution of the star-formation rate density within ET's detection horizon. Keeping H_0, \Omega_{m,0} and \Omega_{\Lambda,0} fixed and investigating the precision with which the dark-energy equation-of-state parameters could be recovered, we found that with 10^5 detected DNS binaries we could constrain these parameters to an accuracy similar to forecasted constraints from future CMB+BAO+SNIa measurements. Furthermore, modeling the merger delay-time distribution as a power-law, and the star-formation rate (SFR) density as a parametrized version of the Porciani and Madau SF2 model, we find that the associated astrophysical parameters are constrained to within ~ 10%. All parameter precisions scaled as 1/sqrt(N), where N is the number of cataloged detections. We also investigated how precisions varied with the intrinsic underlying properties of the Universe and with the distance reach of the network (which may be affected by the low-frequency cutoff of the detector).Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables. Minor changes to reflect published version. References updated and correcte

    Multi-Frequency Synthesis of VLBI Images Using a Generalized Maximum Entropy Method

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    A new multi-frequency synthesis algorithm for reconstructing images from multi-frequency VLBI data is proposed. The algorithm is based on a generalized maximum-entropy method, and makes it possible to derive an effective spectral correction for images over a broad frequency bandwidth, while simultaneously reconstructing the spectral-index distribution over the source. The results of numerical simulations demonstrating the capabilities of the algorithm are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Wavelets and their use

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    This review paper is intended to give a useful guide for those who want to apply discrete wavelets in their practice. The notion of wavelets and their use in practical computing and various applications are briefly described, but rigorous proofs of mathematical statements are omitted, and the reader is just referred to corresponding literature. The multiresolution analysis and fast wavelet transform became a standard procedure for dealing with discrete wavelets. The proper choice of a wavelet and use of nonstandard matrix multiplication are often crucial for achievement of a goal. Analysis of various functions with the help of wavelets allows to reveal fractal structures, singularities etc. Wavelet transform of operator expressions helps solve some equations. In practical applications one deals often with the discretized functions, and the problem of stability of wavelet transform and corresponding numerical algorithms becomes important. After discussing all these topics we turn to practical applications of the wavelet machinery. They are so numerous that we have to limit ourselves by some examples only. The authors would be grateful for any comments which improve this review paper and move us closer to the goal proclaimed in the first phrase of the abstract.Comment: 63 pages with 22 ps-figures, to be published in Physics-Uspekh

    Characterizing the Quantum Confined Stark Effect in Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Nanorods for Single-Molecule Electrophysiology

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    We optimized the performance of quantum confined Stark effect QCSE based voltage nanosensors. A high throughput approach for single particle QCSE characterization was developed and utilized to screen a library of such nanosensors. Type II ZnSe CdS seeded nanorods were found to have the best performance among the different nanosensors evaluated in this work. The degree of correlation between intensity changes and spectral changes of the excitons emission under applied field was characterized. An upper limit for the temporal response of individual ZnSe CdS nanorods to voltage modulation was characterized by high throughput, high temporal resolution intensity measurements using a novel photon counting camera. The measured 3.5 us response time is limited by the voltage modulation electronics and represents about 30 times higher bandwidth than needed for recording an action potential in a neuron.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figure
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