225 research outputs found

    Side-Channel Analysis of MAC-Keccak Hardware Implementations

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    As Keccak has been selected as the new SHA-3 standard, Message Authentication Code (MAC) (MAC-Keccak) using a secret key will be widely used for integrity checking and authenticity assurance. Recent works have shown the feasibility of side-channel attacks against software implementations of MAC-Keccak to retrieve the key, with the security assessment of hardware implementations remaining an open problem. In this paper, we present a comprehensive and practical side-channel analysis of a hardware implementation of MAC-Keccak on FPGA. Different from previous works, we propose a new attack method targeting the first round output of MAC-Keccak rather than the linear operation θ\theta only. The results on sampled power traces show that the unprotected hardware implementation of MAC-Keccak is vulnerable to side-channel attacks, and attacking the nonlinear operation of MAC-Keccak is very effective. We further discuss countermeasures against side-channel analysis on hardware MAC-Keccak. Finally, we discuss the impact of the key length on side-channel analysis and compare the attack complexity between MAC-Keccak and other cryptographic algorithms

    Power Analysis Attacks on Keccak

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    Side Channel Attacks (SCA) exploit weaknesses in implementations of cryptographic functions resulting from unintended inputs and outputs such as operation timing, electromagnetic radiation, thermal/acoustic emanations, and power consumption to break cryptographic systems with no known weaknesses in the algorithm’s mathematical structure. Power Analysis Attack (PAA) is a type of SCA that exploits the relationship between the power consumption and secret key (secret part of input to some cryptographic process) information during the cryptographic device normal operation. PAA can be further divided into three categories: Simple Power Analysis (SPA), Differential Power Analysis (DPA) and Correlation Power Analysis (CPA). PAA was first introduced in 1998 and mostly focused on symmetric-key block cipher Data Encryption Standard (DES). Most recently this technique has been applied to cryptographic hash functions. Keccak is built on sponge construction, and it provides a new Message Authentication Code (MAC) function called MAC-Keccak. The focus of this thesis is to apply the power analysis attacks that use CPA technique to extract the key from the MAC-Keccak. So far there are attacks of physical hardware implementations of MAC-Keccak using FPGA development board, but there has been no side channel vulnerability assessment of the hardware implementations using simulated power consumption waveforms. Compared to physical power extraction, circuit simulation significantly reduces the complexity of mounting a power attack, provides quicker feedback during the implementation/study of a cryptographic device, and that ultimately reduces the cost of testing and experimentation. An attack framework was developed and applied to the Keccak high speed core hardware design from the SHA-3 competition, using gate-level circuit simulation. The framework is written in a modular fashion to be flexible to attack both simulated and physical power traces of AES, MAC-Keccak, and future crypto systems. The Keccak hardware design is synthesized with the Synopsys 130-nm CMOS standard cell library. Simulated instantaneous power consumption waveforms are generated with Synopsys PrimeTime PX. 1-bit, 2-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, and 16-bit CPA selection function key guess size attacks are performed on the waveforms to compare/analyze the optimization and computation effort/performance of successful key extraction on MAC-Keccak using 40 byte key size that fits the whole bottom plane of the 3D Keccak state. The research shows the larger the selection function key guess size used, the better the signal-noise-ratio (SNR), therefore requiring fewer numbers of traces needed to be applied to retrieve the key but suffer from higher computation effort time. Compared to larger selection function key guess size, smaller key guess size has lower SNR that requires higher number of applied traces for successful key extraction and utilizes less computational effort time. The research also explores and analyzes the attempted method of attacking the second plane of the 3D Keccak state where the key expands beyond 40 bytes using the successful approach against the bottom plane

    A Secure Neuromemristive Primitive to Mitigate Correlation Power Analysis on SHA-3 Hash Function

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    Passing messages to soldiers on the battle field, conducting online banking, and downloading files on the internet are very different applications that all share one thing in common, concerns over security of the data being processed. Data security depends on the cryptographic systems that take into account both the algorithmic weakness and the weaknesses of the hardware devices they are implemented on. The current dominant hardware design medium is complementary metal-oxide-semi-conductor (CMOS). CMOS has been shown to leak more power as the technology node size decreases. The leaked power has a strong correlation with the bits being manipulated inside a device. These power leakages have brought on a class of power analysis that is able to extract secret information being processed in the algorithm with far less computational power than brute force guessing. Recently, many hardware designs have been proposed which have shown resistance against different forms of power analysis by changing hardware layouts; however, these designs are realized in the same technology, CMOS, that causes the side channel attack problem. There are many emerging technologies that are becoming more practical to implement in conjunction with CMOS. Of these, neuromemristive systems have two characteristics that can be exploited to prevent side channel attacks: low power operation and stochastic behavior. Attacks were conducted on both CMOS and neuromemrisitve based mitigations of the SHA-3 algorithm. In this thesis, digital side channel attack mitigations are created to exploit dual-rail logic. A secure neuromemristive primitive is designed using neural logic blocks that, to the best of our knowledge, have not been considered by others in mitigation of power analysis. Also, an in-depth analysis of power attacks on linear functions compared to typical non-linear attack points is conducted. Metrics such as number of power traces used for the Correlation Power Analysis (CPA), correlation coefficients, confidence ratios, power consumption, and transistor count were used to compare circuit performance. Success rate of guessing a key during SHA-3 operations, while configured as a MAC, was used as a system benchmark. It was found that CMOS is effective in countermeasures when masking linear functions, with the ability to use current standard cells, in ASIC design. If reconfigurable circuits are considered, the neuromemristive circuit had the overall best mitigation strength with almost complete decoupling of input data to power dissipated; moreover, this design offered low power operation and small form factor compared to the original circuit

    An Improvement of Both Security and Reliability for Keccak Implementations on Smart Card

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    As the new SHA-3 standard, the security and reliability of Keccak have attracted a lot of attentions. Previous works already show that both software and hardware implementations of Keccak have strong side-channel power (electromagnetic) leakages, and these leakages can be easily used by attackers to recover secret key bits. Meanwhile, Keccak is vulnerable to random errors and injected faults, which will cause errors in the computation results. In this paper, we introduce a scheme based on the round rotation invariance property of Keccak to reduce the side-channel leakages while improve its reliability. The proposed scheme is resource friendly. Side-channel analysis results show that this method can efficiently reduce the side-channel leakages of Keccak implementations. Meanwhile, fault injection simulation results show that the proposed scheme can effectively improve the reliability of Keccak implementation, with error coverage almost 100%

    A Hybrid Approach to Formal Verification of Higher-Order Masked Arithmetic Programs

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    Side-channel attacks, which are capable of breaking secrecy via side-channel information, pose a growing threat to the implementation of cryptographic algorithms. Masking is an effective countermeasure against side-channel attacks by removing the statistical dependence between secrecy and power consumption via randomization. However, designing efficient and effective masked implementations turns out to be an error-prone task. Current techniques for verifying whether masked programs are secure are limited in their applicability and accuracy, especially when they are applied. To bridge this gap, in this article, we first propose a sound type system, equipped with an efficient type inference algorithm, for verifying masked arithmetic programs against higher-order attacks. We then give novel model-counting based and pattern-matching based methods which are able to precisely determine whether the potential leaky observable sets detected by the type system are genuine or simply spurious. We evaluate our approach on various implementations of arithmetic cryptographicprograms.The experiments confirm that our approach out performs the state-of-the-art base lines in terms of applicability, accuracy and efficiency

    ISAP – Towards Side-Channel Secure Authenticated Encryption

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    Side-channel attacks and in particular differential power analysis (DPA) attacks pose a serious threat to cryptographic implementations. One approach to counteract such attacks are cryptographic schemes based on fresh re-keying. In settings of pre-shared secret keys, such schemes render DPA attacks infeasible by deriving session keys and by ensuring that the attacker cannot collect side-channel leakage on the session key during cryptographic operations with different inputs. While these schemes can be applied to secure standard communication settings, current re-keying approaches are unable to provide protection in settings where the same input needs to be processed multiple times. In this work, we therefore adapt the re-keying approach and present a symmetric authenticated encryption scheme that is secure against DPA attacks and that does not have such a usage restriction. This means that our scheme fully complies with the requirements given in the CAESAR call and hence, can be used like other noncebased authenticated encryption schemes without loss of side-channel protection. Its resistance against side-channel analysis is highly relevant for several applications in practice, like bulk storage settings in general and the protection of FPGA bitfiles and firmware images in particular

    Towards Secure Cryptographic Software Implementation Against Side-Channel Power Analysis Attacks

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    Side-channel attacks have been a real threat against many critical embedded systems that rely on cryptographic algorithms as their security engine. A commonly used algorithmic countermeasure, random masking, incurs large execution delay and resource overhead. The other countermeasure, operation shuffling or permutation, can mitigate side-channel leakage effectively with minimal overhead. In this paper, we target utilizing the independence among operations in cryptographic algorithms and randomizing their execution order. We design a tool to automatically detect such independence between statements at the source code level and devise an algorithm for automatic operation shuffling. We test our algorithm on the new SHA3 standard, Keccak. Results show that the tool has effectively implemented operation-shuffling to reduce the side-channel leakage significantly, and therefore can guide automatic secure cryptographic software implementations against differential power analysis attacks

    Beyond Modes: Building a Secure Record Protocol from a Cryptographic Sponge Permutation

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    Abstract. BLINKER is a light-weight cryptographic suite and record protocol built from a single permutation. Its design is based on the Sponge construction used by the SHA-3 algorithm KECCAK. We examine the SpongeWrap authen-ticated encryption mode and expand its padding mechanism to offer explicit do-main separation and enhanced security for our specific requirements: shared se-cret half-duplex keying, encryption, and a MAC-and-continue mode. We motivate these enhancements by showing that unlike legacy protocols, the resulting record protocol is secure against a two-channel synchronization attack while also having a significantly smaller implementation footprint. The design facilitates security proofs directly from a single cryptographic primitive (a single security assump-tion) rather than via idealization of multitude of algorithms, paddings and modes of operation. The protocol is also uniquely suitable for an autonomous or semi-autonomous hardware implementation of protocols where the secrets never leave the module, making it attractive for smart card and HSM designs

    Energy Efficient Hardware Design for Securing the Internet-of-Things

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing field that holds potential to transform our everyday lives by placing tiny devices and sensors everywhere. The ubiquity and scale of IoT devices require them to be extremely energy efficient. Given the physical exposure to malicious agents, security is a critical challenge within the constrained resources. This dissertation presents energy-efficient hardware designs for IoT security. First, this dissertation presents a lightweight Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) accelerator design. By analyzing the algorithm, a novel method to manipulate two internal steps to eliminate storage registers and replace flip-flops with latches to save area is discovered. The proposed AES accelerator achieves state-of-art area and energy efficiency. Second, the inflexibility and high Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) costs of Application-Specific-Integrated-Circuits (ASICs) motivate a more flexible solution. This dissertation presents a reconfigurable cryptographic processor, called Recryptor, which achieves performance and energy improvements for a wide range of security algorithms across public key/secret key cryptography and hash functions. The proposed design employs circuit techniques in-memory and near-memory computing and is more resilient to power analysis attack. In addition, a simulator for in-memory computation is proposed. It is of high cost to design and evaluate new-architecture like in-memory computing in Register-transfer level (RTL). A C-based simulator is designed to enable fast design space exploration and large workload simulations. Elliptic curve arithmetic and Galois counter mode are evaluated in this work. Lastly, an error resilient register circuit, called iRazor, is designed to tolerate unpredictable variations in manufacturing process operating temperature and voltage of VLSI systems. When integrated into an ARM processor, this adaptive approach outperforms competing industrial techniques such as frequency binning and canary circuits in performance and energy.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147546/1/zhyiqun_1.pd

    PROFINET Real-time protection layer : performance analysis of cryptographic and protocol processing overhead

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    Recent times have seen an increasing demand for access to process-data from the field level through to the Internet. This vertical integration of industrial control systems into the IT infrastructure exhibits major drawbacks in the context of security. Such systems now suffer exposure to cyber security attacks well-known from the IT environment. Successful attacks on industrial control systems can lead to downtimes, malfunction of production machinery, cause financial damage and may present a hazard for human life and health. Current automation communication systems generally lack a comprehensive security concept. PROFINET is a widespread Industrial Ethernet standard, fulfilling general communication requirements on automation systems as well as explicit real-time requirements. We elaborate the challenges of protecting the realtime component of PROFINET. We specify the requirements and a concept for ensuring integrity and authenticity using a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) in combination with the cryptographic hash algorithm SHA-3. With a proof of concept implementation of a PROFINET RT protection layer, the performance overhead for generation and transmission of this HMAC and other required data fields, e.g. to prevent replay attacks, could be analyzed. Based on these data the limitations of security technology on real-time systems were explored as was the optimization potential of hardware acceleration
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