78 research outputs found

    Fault Injection Modeling Attacks on 65nm Arbiter and RO Sum PUFs via Environmental Changes

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    Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are emerging as hardware security primitives. So-called strong PUFs provide a mechanism to authenticate chips which is inherently unique for every manufactured sample. To prevent cloning, modeling of the challenge-response pair (CRP) behavior should be infeasible. Machine learning (ML) algorithms are a well-known threat. Recently, repeatability imperfections of PUF responses have been identied as another threat. CMOS device noise renders a signicant fraction of the CRPs unstable, hereby providing a side channel for modeling attacks. In previous work, 65nm arbiter PUFs have been modeled as such with accuracies exceeding 97%. However, more PUF evaluations were required than for state-of-the-art ML approaches. In this work, we accelerate repeatability attacks by increasing the fraction of unstable CRPs. Response evaluation faults are triggered via environmental changes hereby. The attack speed, which is proportional to the fraction of unstable CRPs, increases with a factor 2.4 for both arbiter and ring oscillator (RO) sum PUFs. Data originates from a 65nm silicon chip and hence not from simulations

    Attacking PUF-Based Pattern Matching Key Generators via Helper Data Manipulation

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    Abstract. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) provide a unique signature for integrated circuits (ICs), similar to a fingerprint for humans. They are primarily used to generate secret keys, hereby exploiting the unique manufacturing variations of an IC. Unfortunately, PUF output bits are not perfectly reproducible and non-uniformly distributed. To obtain a high-quality key, one needs to implement additional post-processing logic on the same IC. Fuzzy extractors are the well-established standard solution. Pattern Matching Key Generators (PMKGs) have been proposed as an alternative. In this work, we demonstrate the latter construction to be vulnerable against manipulation of its public helper data. Full key recovery is possible, although depending on system design choices. We demonstrate our attacks using a 4-XOR arbiter PUF, manufactured in 65nm CMOS technology. We also propose a simple but effective countermeasure

    Extended Abstract: Analysis of 1000 Arbiter PUF based RFID Tags

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    In this extended abstract a large-scale analysis of 4- way Arbiter PUFs is performed with measurement results from 1000 RFID tags. Arbiter PUFs are one of the most important building blocks in PUF-based protocols and have been the subject of many papers. However, in the past often only software simulations or a limited number of test chips were available for analysis. Therefore, the goal of this work is to verify earlier findings in regard to the uniqueness and reliability of Arbiter PUFs by using a much larger measurement set. Furthermore, we used machine learning algorithms to approximate and compare the internal delay differences of the employed PUF. One of the main research questions in this paper is to examine if any “outliers” occurred, i.e., if some tags performed considerably different. This might for example happen due to some unusual manufacturing variations or faults. However, our findings are that for all of the analyzed tags the parameters fell within the range of a Gaussian distribution without significant outliers. Hence, our results are indeed in line with the results of prior work

    A noise bifurcation architecture for linear additive physical functions

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) allow a silicon device to be authenticated based on its manufacturing variations using challenge/response evaluations. Popular realizations use linear additive functions as building blocks. Security is scaled up using non-linear mixing (e.g., adding XORs). Because the responses are physically derived and thus noisy, the resulting explosion in noise impacts both the adversary (which is desirable) as well as the verifier (which is undesirable). We present the first architecture for linear additive physical functions where the noise seen by the adversary and the noise seen by the verifier are bifurcated by using a randomized decimation technique and a novel response recovery method at an authentication verification server. We allow the adversary's noise η[subscript a] → 0.50 while keeping the verifier's noise η[subscript v] constant, using a parameter-based authentication modality that does not require explicit challenge/response pair storage at the server. We present supporting data using 28nm FPGA PUF noise results as well as machine learning attack results. We demonstrate that our architecture can also withstand recent side-channel attacks that filter the noise (to clean up training challenge/response labels) prior to machine learning

    Design of a Low Power Physically Un-clonable Function for Generation of Random Sequence for Hardware Security

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    Physical Un-clonable Function (PUF) is a physical entity that provides secret key or fingerprints in silicon circuits by exploiting the uncontrollable randomness during its manufacturing randomness.  It provides a hardware unique signature or identification. Its property of uniqueness comes from its   unpredictable way of mapping challenges to responses, even if it was manufactured with the same process. Previous work has mainly focused on novel structures for non-FPGA reconfigurable silicon PUFs which does not need any special fabrication method and which can overcome the limitations of FPGA-based simulations. Their performance was quantified by the inter-chip variations, intra-chip variations and re-configurability tests to meet practical application needs. This paper presents a novel approach of designing a low power non-FPGA feed-forward PUF using double gate MOSFET and also to analyze its parameters such as intra-chip variation, reliability and power. Keywords: Physical Un-clonable Function (PUF); Intra-chip Variation; Reliability; Uniqueness; Standard feed forward; Double gate MOSFET, Modified feed forward

    Physical Characterization of Arbiter PUFs

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    As intended by its name, Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are considered as an ultimate solution to deal with insecure stor- age, hardware counterfeiting, and many other security problems. How- ever, many different successful attacks have already revealed vulnera- bilities of certain digital intrinsic PUFs. Although settling-state-based PUFs, such as SRAM PUFs, can be physically cloned by semi-invasive and fully-invasive attacks, successful attacks on timing-based PUFs were so far limited to modeling attacks. Such modeling requires a large sub- set of challenge-response-pairs (CRP) to successfully model the targeted PUF. In order to provide a final security answer, this paper proves that all arbiter-based (i.e. controlled and XOR-enhanced) PUFs can be com- pletely and linearly characterized by means of photonic emission analy- sis. Our experimental setup is capable of measuring every PUF-internal delay with a resolution of 6 picoseconds. Due to this resolution we in- deed require only the theoretical minimum number of linear independent equations (i.e. physical measurements) to directly solve the underlying inhomogeneous linear system. Moreover, we neither require to know the actual PUF challenges nor the corresponding PUF responses for our physical delay extraction. On top of that devastating result, we are also able to further simplify our setup for easier physical measurement han- dling. We present our practical results for a real arbiter PUF implemen- tation on a Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) from Altera manufactured in a 180 nanometer process

    A Lockdown Technique to Prevent Machine Learning on PUFs for Lightweight Authentication

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    We present a lightweight PUF-based authentication approach that is practical in settings where a server authenticates a device, and for use cases where the number of authentications is limited over a device's lifetime. Our scheme uses a server-managed challenge/response pair (CRP) lockdown protocol: unlike prior approaches, an adaptive chosen-challenge adversary with machine learning capabilities cannot obtain new CRPs without the server's implicit permission. The adversary is faced with the problem of deriving a PUF model with a limited amount of machine learning training data. Our system-level approach allows a so-called strong PUF to be used for lightweight authentication in a manner that is heuristically secure against today's best machine learning methods through a worst-case CRP exposure algorithmic validation. We also present a degenerate instantiation using a weak PUF that is secure against computationally unrestricted adversaries, which includes any learning adversary, for practical device lifetimes and read-out rates. We validate our approach using silicon PUF data, and demonstrate the feasibility of supporting 10, 1,000, and 1M authentications, including practical configurations that are not learnable with polynomial resources, e.g., the number of CRPs and the attack runtime, using recent results based on the probably-approximately-correct (PAC) complexity-theoretic framework

    A PUF based Lightweight Hardware Security Architecture for IoT

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    With an increasing number of hand-held electronics, gadgets, and other smart devices, data is present in a large number of platforms, thereby increasing the risk of security, privacy, and safety breach than ever before. Due to the extreme lightweight nature of these devices, commonly referred to as IoT or `Internet of Things\u27, providing any kind of security is prohibitive due to high overhead associated with any traditional and mathematically robust cryptographic techniques. Therefore, researchers have searched for alternative intuitive solutions for such devices. Hardware security, unlike traditional cryptography, can provide unique device-specific security solutions with little overhead, address vulnerability in hardware and, therefore, are attractive in this domain. As Moore\u27s law is almost at its end, different emerging devices are being explored more by researchers as they present opportunities to build better application-specific devices along with their challenges compared to CMOS technology. In this work, we have proposed emerging nanotechnology-based hardware security as a security solution for resource constrained IoT domain. Specifically, we have built two hardware security primitives i.e. physical unclonable function (PUF) and true random number generator (TRNG) and used these components as part of a security protocol proposed in this work as well. Both PUF and TRNG are built from metal-oxide memristors, an emerging nanoscale device and are generally lightweight compared to their CMOS counterparts in terms of area, power, and delay. Design challenges associated with designing these hardware security primitives and with memristive devices are properly addressed. Finally, a complete security protocol is proposed where all of these different pieces come together to provide a practical, robust, and device-specific security for resource-limited IoT systems
