1,068 research outputs found

    From Uncertainty Data to Robust Policies for Temporal Logic Planning

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    We consider the problem of synthesizing robust disturbance feedback policies for systems performing complex tasks. We formulate the tasks as linear temporal logic specifications and encode them into an optimization framework via mixed-integer constraints. Both the system dynamics and the specifications are known but affected by uncertainty. The distribution of the uncertainty is unknown, however realizations can be obtained. We introduce a data-driven approach where the constraints are fulfilled for a set of realizations and provide probabilistic generalization guarantees as a function of the number of considered realizations. We use separate chance constraints for the satisfaction of the specification and operational constraints. This allows us to quantify their violation probabilities independently. We compute disturbance feedback policies as solutions of mixed-integer linear or quadratic optimization problems. By using feedback we can exploit information of past realizations and provide feasibility for a wider range of situations compared to static input sequences. We demonstrate the proposed method on two robust motion-planning case studies for autonomous driving

    Formal controller synthesis for wastewater systems with signal temporal logic constraints: the Barcelona case study

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    © . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/We present an approach for formal controller synthesis of the Barcelona wastewater system. The goal of the controller is to minimize overflow in the system and to reduce environmental contamination (pollution). Due to the influence of sudden and unpredictable weather changes within the Mediterranean climate, we propose robust model predictive control strategy. This approach synthesizes control inputs (i.e., flows through network actuators) that make the system robust to uncertainties in the weather forecast; control inputs are updated in an online fashion to incorporate the newly available measurements from the system and the disturbances. We employ signal temporal logic as a formal mechanism to express the desired behavior of the system. The quantitative semantics of the logic is then used to encode the desired behavior in both the set of constraints and the objective function of the optimization problem. We propose a solution approach for the obtained worst-case optimization, which is based on transforming the nonlinear dynamics of the system into a mixed logical dynamical model. Then, we employ Monte Carlo sampling and dual reformulation to get a mixed integer linear or quadratic programming problem. The proposed approach is applied to a catchment of the Barcelona wastewater system to illustrate its effectiveness.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Signal Temporal Logic Control Synthesis among Uncontrollable Dynamic Agents with Conformal Prediction

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    The control of dynamical systems under temporal logic specifications among uncontrollable dynamic agents is challenging due to the agents' a-priori unknown behavior. Existing works have considered the problem where either all agents are controllable, the agent models are deterministic and known, or no safety guarantees are provided. We propose a predictive control synthesis framework that guarantees, with high probability, the satisfaction of signal temporal logic (STL) tasks that are defined over the system and uncontrollable stochastic agents. We use trajectory predictors and conformal prediction to construct probabilistic prediction regions for each uncontrollable agent that are valid over multiple future time steps. Specifically, we reduce conservatism and increase data efficiency compared to existing works by constructing a normalized prediction region over all agents and time steps. We then formulate a worst-case mixed integer program (MIP) that accounts for all agent realizations within the prediction region to obtain control inputs that provably guarantee task satisfaction with high probability. To efficiently solve this MIP, we propose an equivalent MIP program based on KKT conditions of the original one. We illustrate our control synthesis framework on two case studies

    Formal Synthesis of Controllers for Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems: Developments and Challenges

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    In recent years, formal methods have been extensively used in the design of autonomous systems. By employing mathematically rigorous techniques, formal methods can provide fully automated reasoning processes with provable safety guarantees for complex dynamic systems with intricate interactions between continuous dynamics and discrete logics. This paper provides a comprehensive review of formal controller synthesis techniques for safety-critical autonomous systems. Specifically, we categorize the formal control synthesis problem based on diverse system models, encompassing deterministic, non-deterministic, and stochastic, and various formal safety-critical specifications involving logic, real-time, and real-valued domains. The review covers fundamental formal control synthesis techniques, including abstraction-based approaches and abstraction-free methods. We explore the integration of data-driven synthesis approaches in formal control synthesis. Furthermore, we review formal techniques tailored for multi-agent systems (MAS), with a specific focus on various approaches to address the scalability challenges in large-scale systems. Finally, we discuss some recent trends and highlight research challenges in this area

    Safe Planning And Control Of Autonomous Systems: Robust Predictive Algorithms

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    Safe autonomous operation of dynamical systems has become one of the most important research problems. Algorithms for planning and control of such systems are now nding place on production vehicles, and are fast becoming ubiquitous on the roads and air-spaces. However most algorithms for such operations, that provide guarantees, either do not scale well or rely on over-simplifying abstractions that make them impractical for real world implementations. On the other hand, the algorithms that are computationally tractable and amenable to implementation generally lack any guarantees on their behavior. In this work, we aim to bridge the gap between provable and scalable planning and control for dynamical systems. The research covered herein can be broadly categorized into: i) multi-agent planning with temporal logic specications, and ii) robust predictive control that takes into account the performance of the perception algorithms used to process information for control. In the rst part, we focus on multi-robot systems with complicated mission requirements, and develop a planning algorithm that can take into account a) spatial, b) temporal and c) reactive mission requirements across multiple robots. The algorithm not only guarantees continuous time satisfaction of the mission requirements, but also that the generated trajectories can be followed by the robot. The other part develops a robust, predictive control algorithm to control the the dynamical system to follow the trajectories generated by the rst part, within some desired bounds. This relies on a contract-based framework wherein the control algorithm controls the dynamical system as well as a resource/quality trade-o in a perception-based state estimation algorithm. We show that this predictive algorithm remains feasible with respect to constraints while following a desired trajectory, and also stabilizes the dynamical system under control. Through simulations, as well as experiments on actual robotic systems, we show that the planning method is computationally ecient as well as scales better than other state-of-the art algorithms that use similar formal specications. We also show that the robust control algorithm provides better control performance, and is also computationally more ecient than similar algorithms that do not leverage the resource/ quality trade-o of the perception-based state estimato

    Risk of Stochastic Systems for Temporal Logic Specifications

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    The wide availability of data coupled with the computational advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning promise to enable many future technologies such as autonomous driving. While there has been a variety of successful demonstrations of these technologies, critical system failures have repeatedly been reported. Even if rare, such system failures pose a serious barrier to adoption without a rigorous risk assessment. This paper presents a framework for the systematic and rigorous risk verification of systems. We consider a wide range of system specifications formulated in signal temporal logic (STL) and model the system as a stochastic process, permitting discrete-time and continuous-time stochastic processes. We then define the STL robustness risk as the risk of lacking robustness against failure. This definition is motivated as system failures are often caused by missing robustness to modeling errors, system disturbances, and distribution shifts in the underlying data generating process. Within the definition, we permit general classes of risk measures and focus on tail risk measures such as the value-at-risk and the conditional value-at-risk. While the STL robustness risk is in general hard to compute, we propose the approximate STL robustness risk as a more tractable notion that upper bounds the STL robustness risk. We show how the approximate STL robustness risk can accurately be estimated from system trajectory data. For discrete-time stochastic processes, we show under which conditions the approximate STL robustness risk can even be computed exactly. We illustrate our verification algorithm in the autonomous driving simulator CARLA and show how a least risky controller can be selected among four neural network lane keeping controllers for five meaningful system specifications
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