118 research outputs found

    Repository Interface for Overlaid Journal Archives: results from an online questionnaire survey

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    The Repository Interface for Overlaid Journal Archives (RIOJA) project (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ls/rioja) is an international partnership of members of academic staff, librarians and technologists from UCL (University College London), the University of Cambridge, the University of Glasgow, Imperial College London and Cornell University. It aims to address some of the issues around the development and implementation of a new publishing model, that of the overlay journal - defined, for the purposes of the project, as a quality-assured journal whose content is deposited to and resides in one or more open access repositories. The project is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC, http://www.jisc.ac.uk/) and runs from April 2007 to June 2008. The RIOJA project will create an interoperability toolkit to enable the overlay of certification onto papers housed in subject repositories. The intention is that the tool will be generic, helping any repository to realise its potential to act as a more complete scholarly resource. The project will also create a demonstrator overlay journal, using the arXiv repository and OJS software, with interaction between the two facilitated by the RIOJA toolkit. To inform and shape the project, a survey of Astrophysics and Cosmology researchers has been conducted. The findings from that survey form the basis of this report

    Hispanic Latin America, Spain and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean: A rich source of reference material for public health, epidemiology and tropical medicine

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    There is a multiplicity of journals originating in Spain and the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (SSLAC) in the health sciences of relevance to the fields of epidemiology and public health. While the subject matter of epidemiology in Spain shares many features with its neighbours in Western Europe, many aspects of epidemiology in Latin America are particular to that region. There are also distinctive theoretical and philosophical approaches to the study of epidemiology and public health arising from traditions such as the Latin American social medicine movement, of which there may be limited awareness. A number of online bibliographic databases are available which focus primarily on health sciences literature arising in Spain and Latin America, the most prominent being Literatura Latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS) and LATINDEX. Some such as LILACS also extensively index grey literature. As well as in Spanish, interfaces are provided in English and Portuguese. Abstracts of articles may also be provided in English with an increasing number of journals beginning to publish entire articles written in English. Free full text articles are becoming accessible, one of the most comprehensive sources being the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). There is thus an extensive range of literature originating in Spain and SSLAC freely identifiable and often accessible online, and with the potential to provide useful inputs to the study of epidemiology and public health provided that any reluctance to explore these resources can be overcome. In this article we provide an introduction to such resources

    A scientometric method to analyze scientific journals as exemplified by the area of information science

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    ==Background== In most academic disciplines journals play an important role in disseminating findings of research among the disciplinary community members. Understanding a discipline\u27s body of journals is therefore of grave importance when looking for previous research, compiling an overview of previous research and and in order to make a decision regarding the best place for publishing research results. Furthermore, based on Bradford\u27s Law of scattering, one can assume that in order to be able to compile a satisfying overview of previous research a wide range of journals has to be scanned, but also that there are some "core" journals which are of more importance to specific disciplines than others. ==Aim== This thesis aims to compile a comprehensive master list of journals which publish articles of relevance to Library and Information Science (LIS). A method to rank journals by their importance is introduced and some key characteristics of the disciplines body of journals are discussed. Databases indexing the disciplines journals are also compared. ==Method== The master list of LIS journals was created by combining the journal listings of secondary sources indexing the field\u27s literature. These sources were six databases focusing on LIS literature: INFODATA, Current Contents, Library and Information Science Abstracts, Library Information Science Technology Abstracts, Information Science and Technology Abstracts, and Library Literature and Information Science, the LIS subsection in three databases with a general focus: Social Science Citation Index, Academic Search Premier, and Expanded Academic ASAP, and the listing of LIS journals from the Elektronische Zeitschriften Bibliothek. Problems related to editorial policies and technical shortcomings are discussed, before comparing: predominant publication languages, places of publication, open access, peer review, and the ISI Journal Impact Factors (JIF). Journals were also ranked by the number of occurrences in multiple databases in order to identify "core" publications. The number of journals overlapping between databases are estimated and a matrix giving the overlap is visualized using multi dimensional scaling. Lastly, the degree of journals overlapping with other disciplines is measured. ==Results== A comprehensive master list of 1,205 journals publishing articles of relevance to LIS was compiled. The 968 active journals are mostly published in English, with one third of the journals coming from the US and another third from the UK and Germany. Nearly 16% of all journals are open access, 11% have a ISIJIF, and 42% are peer reviewed. Fifteen core journal could be identified and a list of the top fourteen journals published in Germany is introduced. Databases have between five to 318 journals in common and the journal collection shows an substantial overlap with a wide range of subjects, with the biggest journal overlap with Computing Studies, and Business and Economics. ==Conclusion== The aim of compiling a comprehensive list of LIS journal was achieved. The list will contribute to our understanding of scholarly communication within the LIS discipline and provide academics and practitioners with a better understanding of journals within the discipline. The ranking approach proved to be sufficient, showing good similarity with other studies over the last 40 years. The master list of LIS journals has also potential use to further research

    The Role and Future of Open Access Journal Publishing in Supporting Scholarly Communication in Indonesia

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    This research project examines Open Access journal publishing in Indonesia focusing specifically on government policies. Using a multi-method approach, five studies were conducted: a regulations analysis; two online surveys of Indonesian researchers and editors; three interviews with open access policymakers; and a Directory of Open Access journal comparative metadata analysis from 2017 and 2019. The findings are analysed within the five scholarly communication functions framework, which include registration, certification, dissemination, preservation, and evaluation

    Powered mobility as an intervention for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review ; The smart wheelchair: Is it an appropriate mobility training tool for children with cerebral palsy?

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    Purpose. To systematically review the effectiveness of powered mobility training interventions in improving driving skills and psychosocial outcomes in children with cerebral palsy. Method. Electronic searches of CINAHL, Medline and Meditext were conducted. Using two assessment tools, two independent reviewers assessed the quality of selected studies and level of evidence. Studies were included if a powered mobility training intervention was described, at least one participant had cerebral palsy and if the majority of participants were aged between 18 months and 18 years old. A narrative analysis was conducted. Results. Seven articles were eligible for inclusion. Intervention protocols included computer simulator training, mobility training on a powered riding toy, and a powered wheelchair. The quality of the studies ranged from strong to limited, with six out of seven studies rated as level IV evidence and one study rated as level III evidence as defined by the National Health and Medical Research Council level of evidence table. Conclusions. Although research is limited observational investigations suggest that powered mobility training programs are potentially beneficial in the development of driving skills for children with cerebral palsy and may have a positive impact on psychosocial outcomes. Methodological weaknesses of the studies were small sample sizes, absence of control groups and largely descriptive data analysis. There is a need for future, more rigorous research which addresses these weaknesses and contributes to an understanding of the utility of powered mobility both as a method of access and as a therapeutic intervention tool. Purpose: To describe the impact of a mobility training program using the Smart Wheelchair on the driving skills and psychosocial outcomes of children with cerebral palsy. Method: A multiple case study design using mixed methods was used. Four children with cerebral palsy were recruited for the study. The intervention was a Smart Wheelchair mobility training program. Data was collected using a quantitative driving skills assessment, field notes and qualitative parent interviews. Results: Three out of four children gained independence in at least three driving skills or more, whilst one child was competent with verbal prompts. Three out of four mothers reported positive changes in their child\u27s confidence, motivation and affect. Conclusions: The Smart Wheelchair has the ability to uncover learning potential and facilitate the recognition of abilities in children with cerebral palsy previously excluded from access to independent mobility. Given the significant limitation that restrictions in mobility pose to participation for children with cerebral palsy, occupational therapists must begin to understand the effectiveness of interventions such as the Smart Wheelchair. The descriptive findings of this study allow for future, more rigorous research, to be conducted on the effectiveness of the Smart Wheelchair as a mobility training tool

    Personality Traits and Self-Forgiveness: Exploring the roles of Authentic and Hubristic Pride

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    This item is only available electronically.Whilst the empirical exploration of forgiveness has grown extensively over the past 30 years, the study of self-forgiveness remains a relatively new topic of interest. Furthermore, few studies have sought to explain how individual difference variables relate to dispositional self-forgiveness. The aim of the present study was to explore how the two facets of pride (authentic and hubristic) relate to and predict our current understandings of self-forgiveness. A secondary aim of this study was to confirm previous findings on shame and guilt-proneness and determine whether pride is still related to self-forgiveness after controlling for these two variables. A convenience sample of 206 participants aged between 18 and 50+ years were recruited from the University of Adelaide first-year psychology pool and through advertising on Facebook and the Relationships Australia database. Participants completed an online questionnaire that measured self-forgiveness and various personality variables. Quantitative analysis involved Pearson’s correlations and conducting three hierarchical multiple regressions. Results indicated that hubristic pride was a significant predictor of genuine self-forgiveness, with authentic pride approaching the borderline of significance. Both pride variables explained an additional 2.90% of the variation in genuine self-forgiveness, with authentic pride being positively related and hubristic pride being negatively related. The results of the present study highlight the impact of dispositional pride as a useful explanatory concept for understanding how individuals perceive, reflect, and move towards the process of genuine self-forgiveness after committing a transgression.Thesis (M.Psych(Clinical)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 202

    The relevance of information systems (IS) research publications to IS practitioners\u27 key concerns

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    The primary aim of the research was to determine if, and if so how, the topics published in information systems (IS) journal articles were related to the key issues reported to be of concern to IS managers. The secondary aim was to determine what proportions of the journal articles were investigating closely-related and distantly-related information, , - technology (IT) phenomena. The research covered 1376 -articles published in nine highly rated journals for the seven-year period 1995-2001. The journals chosen for the research included five US-academic journals, two European academic journals, and two practitioner journals. -\u27The\u27 primary data source for the managers\u27 key issue data was the ‘Top IS Management Issues\u27 survey responses presented in the Computer Sciences Corporation Surveys over the period 1995 to 2001. An IS topic classification scheme (taxonomy) was developed and each article abstract• was examined and allocated between one and three topic classification codes. An analysis of the level of coverage the journal articles provided for the taxonomy topics was then produced. The three most frequently occurring topics were group decision support system\u27(GDSS) research, MIS research methods and approaches, and systems evaluation. Over 20% of all the articles covered one of these three topics. The analysis also identified a number of specific taxonomy topics that had not been covered or only _very poorly covered. These included IT Strategy Formulation ,& Building a Responsive . , IT Infrastructure, Component-based Development (CBD)\u27,Systems Security, System Maintenance & Migration Processes, and Wireless & Mobile Computing. An \u27IT-relatedness\u27 classification ,scheme (the \u27IS conceptual net\u27) was then developed. The analysis of the journal articles\u27 coverage of the components of the net revealed that only about a quarter of the articles addressed topics that were directly related to an IT artefact or its first-order antecedents/effects. The taxonomy nodes and journal articles were then mapped to their related management issues. The subsequent analysis revealed that just over half of the journal articles were related to one or more of the (twenty-five) management issues. Some issues were, very well covered by the journal articles and some were very poorly, covered. The two best covered issues were each covered by more than 10% of the articles whereas the eight .\u27. , worst covered issues were each covered by less than 1%. Less than half of the US - academic journal articles were issue-related whereas over two thirds of the European and three-quarters of the practitioner journal articles were issue-related. An analysis of the relationships between the annual rank orders of the management issues and the issue-related article coverage levels was carried out. The analysis revealed that the management issue rankings could not generally be used as direct (Dr lead) indicators of the number of IS research articles (to be) published on related topics. Similarly, there was evidence that IS research publications were general lead indicators of management issues. However, three, out of the twenty-five issues, did appear to show some evidence of a direct relationship. Included in the final chapter is a discussion on the significance of the research and an outline of some of the scope limitations of the research. The final chapter also identifies three groups of further research questions that arise from these scope limitations

    Clinical outcomes of 77 TESE treatment cycles in non-mosaic Klinefelter syndrome patients

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar os resultados clínicos de 76 doentes azoospérmicos com síndrome de Klinefelter, sem mosaicismo cromossómico, tratados com microinjeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides (ICSI), "frescos" ou criopreservados, após biópsia testicular (TESE - testicular sperm extraction). Os espermatozoides foram obtidos em 31/77 (40,3%) das TESE realizadas. A idade média dos homens foi de 34,1 anos. Na maioria dos casos, observou-se um volume testicular reduzido (96,1%), níveis de FSH (98,3%) e LH (94,1%) aumentados e níveis de testosterona normais (77,6%). Em 25 ciclos de ICSI foram usados espermatozoides testiculares "frescos" e, em 22 ciclos, espermatozoides testiculares criopreservados. As taxas de fertilização (63,5% vs 41,6%), implantação (37% vs 13,2%), gravidez clínica (60,9% vs 19%), nados-vivos (52,2% vs 19%) e recém-nascidos (65,2% vs 23,8%) foram maiores no grupo em que a microinjeção foi realizada com espermatozoides testiculares "frescos". A análise cromossómica dos 21 recém-nascidos foi normal. Em conclusão, este trabalho acrescenta mais informações sobre a taxa de obtenção de espermatozoides após biópsia testicular de doentes com síndrome de Klinefelter e os consequentes resultados embriológicos e clínicos, para além de confirmar a transmissão cromossómica normal aos seus descendentes.The aim of the present work was to present the clinical outcomes of 76 azoospermic patients with non-mosaic Klinefelter syndrome, treated by testicular sperm extraction (TESE) followed by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), using either fresh or cryopreserved testicular spermatozoa. Spermatozoa were recovered in 31/77 (40.3%) of the TESE attempts. The mean male age was 34.1 years old. In most of the cases, the testicular volume was reduced (96.1%), the levels of FSH (98.3%) and LH (94.1%) were increased, and the levels of testosterone were normal (77.6%). There were 25 ICSI treatment cycles using fresh testicular spermatozoa and 22 ICSI treatment cycles using frozen testicular spermatozoa. The rates of fertilization (63.5% vs 41.6%), implantation (37% vs 13.2%), clinical pregnancy (60.9% vs 19%), live birth delivery (52.2% vs 19%) and newborn (65.2% vs 23.8%) were higher in the group using fresh testicular spermatozoa. Chromosome analysis of the 21 newborns was normal. In conclusion, the present data adds further information regarding the recovery rate of spermatozoa after TESE and the embryological and clinical outcomes, besides reassuring the safety concerning to abnormal chromosomal transmission to the children of Klinefelter fathers