3 research outputs found

    Shortest prefix strings containing all subset permutations

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    AbstractWhat is the length of the shortest string consisting of elements of {1,…n} that contains as subsequences all permutations of any k-element subset? Many authors have considered the special case where k=n. We instead consider an incremental variation on this problem first proposed by Koutas and Hu. For a fixed value of n they ask for a string such that for all values of k⩽n, the prefix containing all permutations of any k-element subset as subsequences is as short as possible. The problem can also be viewed as follows:For k=1 one needs n distinct digits to find each of the n possible permutations. In going from k to k+1, one starts with a string containing all k-element permutations as subsequences, and one adds as few digits as possible to the end of the string so that the new string contains all (k+1)-element permutations.We give a new construction that gives shorter strings than the best previous construction. We then prove a weak form of lower bound for the number of digits added in successive suffixes. The lower bound proof leads to a construction that matches the bound exactly. The length of a shortest prefix string is k(n−2)+[13(k+1)]+3, for k > 2.The lengths for k=1, 2 are n and 2n−1. This proves the natural conjecture that requiring the strings to be prefixes strictly increases the length of the strings required for all but the smallest values of k

    Master index of volumes 61–70

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