42,590 research outputs found

    Multiple Shooting Approach for Finding Approximately Shortest Paths for Autonomous Robots in Unknown Environments in 2D

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    An autonomous robot with a limited vision range finds a path to the goal in an unknown environment in 2D avoiding polygonal obstacles. In the process of discovering the environmental map, the robot has to return to some positions marked previously, the regions where the robot traverses to return are defined as sequences of bundles of line segments. This paper presents a novel algorithm for finding approximately shortest paths along the sequences of bundles of line segments based on the method of multiple shooting. Three factors of the approach including bundle partition, collinear condition, and update of shooting points are presented. We then show that if the collinear condition holds, the exactly shortest paths of the problems are determined, otherwise, the sequence of paths obtained by the update of the method converges to the shortest path. The algorithm is implemented in Python and some numerical examples show that the running time of path-planning for autonomous robots using our method is faster than that using the rubber band technique of Li and Klette in Euclidean Shortest Paths, Springer, 53-89 (2011).Comment: 26 pages, 39 figure

    Shortest Paths in Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    This thesis studies shortest paths in geometric intersection graphs, which can model, among others, ad-hoc communication and transportation networks. First, we consider two classical problems in the field of algorithms, namely Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) and All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP). In SSSP we want to compute the shortest paths from one vertex of a graph to all other vertices, while in APSP we aim to find the shortest path between every pair of vertices. Although there is a vast literature for these problems in many graph classes, the case of geometric intersection graphs has been only partially addressed. In unweighted unit-disk graphs, we show that we can solve SSSP in linear time, after presorting the disk centers with respect to their coordinates. Furthermore, we give the first (slightly) subquadratic-time APSP algorithm by using our new SSSP result, bit tricks, and a shifted-grid-based decomposition technique. In unweighted, undirected geometric intersection graphs, we present a simple and general technique that reduces APSP to static, offline intersection detection. Consequently, we give fast APSP algorithms for intersection graphs of arbitrary disks, axis-aligned line segments, arbitrary line segments, d-dimensional axis-aligned boxes, and d-dimensional axis-aligned unit hypercubes. We also provide a near-linear-time SSSP algorithm for intersection graphs of axis-aligned line segments by a reduction to dynamic orthogonal point location. Then, we study two problems that have received considerable attention lately. The first is that of computing the diameter of a graph, i.e., the longest shortest-path distance between any two vertices. In the second, we want to preprocess a graph into a data structure, called distance oracle, such that the shortest path (or its length) between any two query vertices can be found quickly. Since these problems are often too costly to solve exactly, we study their approximate versions. Following a long line of research, we employ Voronoi diagrams to compute a (1+epsilon)-approximation of the diameter of an undirected, non-negatively-weighted planar graph in time near linear in the input size and polynomial in 1/epsilon. The previously best solution had exponential dependency on the latter. Using similar techniques, we can also construct the first (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracles with similar preprocessing time and space and only O(log(1/\epsilon)) query time. In weighted unit-disk graphs, we present the first near-linear-time (1+epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the diameter and for other related problems, such as the radius and the bichromatic closest pair. To do so, we combine techniques from computational geometry and planar graphs, namely well-separated pair decompositions and shortest-path separators. We also show how to extend our approach to obtain O(1)-query-time (1+epsilon)-approximate distance oracles with near linear preprocessing time and space. Then, we apply these oracles, along with additional ideas, to build a data structure for the (1+epsilon)-approximate All-Pairs Bounded-Leg Shortest Paths (apBLSP) problem in truly subcubic time

    Convex Hulls in Polygonal Domains

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    We study generalizations of convex hulls to polygonal domains with holes. Convexity in Euclidean space is based on the notion of shortest paths, which are straight-line segments. In a polygonal domain, shortest paths are polygonal paths called geodesics. One possible generalization of convex hulls is based on the "rubber band" conception of the convex hull boundary as a shortest curve that encloses a given set of sites. However, it is NP-hard to compute such a curve in a general polygonal domain. Hence, we focus on a different, more direct generalization of convexity, where a set X is geodesically convex if it contains all geodesics between every pair of points x,y in X. The corresponding geodesic convex hull presents a few surprises, and turns out to behave quite differently compared to the classic Euclidean setting or to the geodesic hull inside a simple polygon. We describe a class of geometric objects that suffice to represent geodesic convex hulls of sets of sites, and characterize which such domains are geodesically convex. Using such a representation we present an algorithm to construct the geodesic convex hull of a set of O(n) sites in a polygonal domain with a total of n vertices and h holes in O(n^3h^{3+epsilon}) time, for any constant epsilon > 0

    Curvature-Constrained Shortest Paths in a Convex Polygon

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    Let B be a point robot moving in the plane, whose path is constrained to have curvature at most 1, and let poly be a convex polygon with n vertices. We study the collision-free, optimal path planning problem for B moving between two configurations inside poly (a configuration specifies both a location and a direction of travel). We present an runtime- time algorithm for determining whether a collision-free path exists for B between xstwo given configurations. If such a path exists, the algorithm returns a shortest one. We provide a detailed classification of curvature-constrained shortest paths inside a convex polygon and prove several properties of them, which are interesting in their own right. For example, we prove that any such shortest path is comprised of at most eight segments, each of which is a circular arc of unit radius or a straight line segment. Some of the properties are quite general and shed some light on curvature-constrained shortest paths amid obstacles

    A Heuristic Approach for Shortest Path Problem With Rectilinear Obstacles.

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    This dissertation presents new heuristic search algorithms, the Guided Minimum Detour (GMD) algorithm and the Line-by-Line Guided Minimum Detour (LGMD) algorithm for searching rectilinear (L\sb1) shortest paths in the presence of rectilinear obstacles. The GMD algorithm combines the best features of maze-running algorithms and line-search algorithms. The LGMD algorithm is a modification of the GMD algorithm that improves on efficiency using line-by-line extensions. Our GMD and LGMD algorithms always find a rectilinear shortest path using the guided A\sp* search method without constructing a connection graph that contains a shortest path. The GMD algorithm and the LGMD algorithm can be implemented in O(m+(e+NO(m + (e + N)loge) and O((e+NO((e + N)loge) time, respectively, and O(e+NO(e + N) space, where m is the total number of searched nodes, e is the number of boundary sides of obstacles, and N is the total number of searched line segments. We consider the problem of finding a shortest path in terms of the number of bends and the combined length and bends
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