248 research outputs found

    A nested Krylov subspace method to compute the sign function of large complex matrices

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    We present an acceleration of the well-established Krylov-Ritz methods to compute the sign function of large complex matrices, as needed in lattice QCD simulations involving the overlap Dirac operator at both zero and nonzero baryon density. Krylov-Ritz methods approximate the sign function using a projection on a Krylov subspace. To achieve a high accuracy this subspace must be taken quite large, which makes the method too costly. The new idea is to make a further projection on an even smaller, nested Krylov subspace. If additionally an intermediate preconditioning step is applied, this projection can be performed without affecting the accuracy of the approximation, and a substantial gain in efficiency is achieved for both Hermitian and non-Hermitian matrices. The numerical efficiency of the method is demonstrated on lattice configurations of sizes ranging from 4^4 to 10^4, and the new results are compared with those obtained with rational approximation methods.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, minor corrections, extended analysis of the preconditioning ste

    A biconjugate gradient type algorithm on massively parallel architectures

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    The biconjugate gradient (BCG) method is the natural generalization of the classical conjugate gradient algorithm for Hermitian positive definite matrices to general non-Hermitian linear systems. Unfortunately, the original BCG algorithm is susceptible to possible breakdowns and numerical instabilities. Recently, Freund and Nachtigal have proposed a novel BCG type approach, the quasi-minimal residual method (QMR), which overcomes the problems of BCG. Here, an implementation is presented of QMR based on an s-step version of the nonsymmetric look-ahead Lanczos algorithm. The main feature of the s-step Lanczos algorithm is that, in general, all inner products, except for one, can be computed in parallel at the end of each block; this is unlike the other standard Lanczos process where inner products are generated sequentially. The resulting implementation of QMR is particularly attractive on massively parallel SIMD architectures, such as the Connection Machine

    On optimal short recurrences for generating orthogonal Krylov subspace bases

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    We analyze necessary and sufficient conditions on a nonsingular matrix A such that, for any initial vector r0r_0, an orthogonal basis of the Krylov subspaces Kn(A,r0){\cal K}_n(A,r_0) is generated by a short recurrence. Orthogonality here is meant with respect to some unspecified positive definite inner product. This question is closely related to the question of existence of optimal Krylov subspace solvers for linear algebraic systems, where optimal means the smallest possible error in the norm induced by the given inner product. The conditions on A we deal with were first derived and characterized more than 20 years ago by Faber and Manteuffel (SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 21 (1984), pp. 352–362). Their main theorem is often quoted and appears to be widely known. Its details and underlying concepts, however, are quite intricate, with some subtleties not covered in the literature we are aware of. Our paper aims to present and clarify the existing important results in the context of the Faber–Manteuffel theorem. Furthermore, we review attempts to find an easier proof of the theorem and explain what remains to be done in order to complete that task

    Krylov Subspace Methods for Complex Non-Hermitian Linear Systems

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    We consider Krylov subspace methods for the solution of large sparse linear systems Ax = b with complex non-Hermitian coefficient matrices. Such linear systems arise in important applications, such as inverse scattering, numerical solution of time-dependent Schrodinger equations, underwater acoustics, eddy current computations, numerical computations in quantum chromodynamics, and numerical conformal mapping. Typically, the resulting coefficient matrices A exhibit special structures, such as complex symmetry, or they are shifted Hermitian matrices. In this paper, we first describe a Krylov subspace approach with iterates defined by a quasi-minimal residual property, the QMR method, for solving general complex non-Hermitian linear systems. Then, we study special Krylov subspace methods designed for the two families of complex symmetric respectively shifted Hermitian linear systems. We also include some results concerning the obvious approach to general complex linear systems by solving equivalent real linear systems for the real and imaginary parts of x. Finally, numerical experiments for linear systems arising from the complex Helmholtz equation are reported
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