3 research outputs found

    Contributions to the security and privacy of electronic ticketing systems

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    Un bitllet electrònic és un contracte en format digital entre dues parts, l'usuari i el proveïdor de serveis, on hi queda reflectit l'acord entre ambdós per tal que l'usuari rebi el servei que desitja per part del proveïdor. Els bitllets són emprats en diferents tipus de serveis, com esdeveniments lúdics o esportius, i especialment en l'àmbit del transport. En aquest cas permet reduir costos donat l'alt volum d'usuaris, a més de facilitar la identificació del flux de viatges. Aquesta informació permet preveure i planificar els sistemes de transport de forma més dinàmica. La seguretat dels bitllets electrònics és clau perquè es despleguin a l'entorn real, com també ho és la privadesa dels seus usuaris. La privadesa inclou tant l'anonimitat dels usuaris, és a dir, una acció no s'ha de poder atribuir fàcilment a un determinat usuari, com també la no enllaçabilitat dels diferents moviments d'un determinat usuari. En aquesta tesi proposem protocols de bitllets electrònics que mantinguin les propietats dels bitllets en paper juntament amb els avantatges dels bitllets digitals. Primerament fem un estat de l'art amb les propostes relacionades, analitzant-ne els requisits de seguretat que compleixen. Presentem un protocol de bitllets electrònics que incorpora els nous requisits de seguretat d'exculpabilitat i reutilització, diferents dels que haviem analitzat, tot complint també la privadesa pels usuaris. Posteriorment, presentem una proposta de bitllets electrònics adaptada als sistemes de pagament depenent de l'ús, bàsicament enfocat al transport, que incorpora tant l'anonimat pels usuaris, com també la enllaçabilitat a curt termini, és a dir, complint la no enllaçabilitat dels diferents moviments del mateix usuari, però permetent la enllaçabilitat de les accions relacionades amb el mateix trajecte (p.ex. entrada i sortida). Finalment, mitjançant una evolució de la mateixa tècnica criptogràfica utilitzada en el sistema de pagament per ús, millorant-ne el temps de verificació per a múltiples bitllets alhora (verificació en ``batch''), presentem una proposta que pot ser útil per a varis sistemes de verificació massiva de missatges, posant com a cas d'ús l'aplicació a sistemes de xarxes vehiculars.An electronic ticket is a digital contract between two parties, that is, the user and the service provider. An agreement between them is established in order that the user can receive the desired service. These tickets are used in different types of services, such as sports or entertainment events, especially in the field of transport. In the case of transport, costs can be reduced due to the high volume of users, and the identification of the travel flow is facilitated. This information allows the forecast and planification of transport systems more dynamically. The security of electronic tickets is very important to be deployed in the real scenarios, as well as the privacy for their users. Privacy includes both the anonymity of users, which implies that an action cannot be easily attributed to a particular user, and also the unlinkability of the different movements of that user. This thesis presents protocols which keep the same security requirements of paper tickets while offering the advantages of digital tickets. Firstly, we perform a state of the art with the related proposals, by analysing the security requirements considered. We then present an electronic ticketing system that includes the security requirements of exculpability and reusability, thus guaranteeing the privacy for users. We later present a proposal of electronic ticketing systems adapted to use-dependant payment systems, especially focused on transport, which includes both the anonymity of users and the short-term linkability of their movements. The related actions of a journey of a determined user can be linkable between them (i.e. entrance and exit of the system) but not with other movements that the user performs. Finally, as an extension of the previous use-dependant payment system solution, we introduce the case of mass-verification systems, where many messages have to be verified in short time, and we present a proposal as a vehicular network use case that guarantees privacy for users with short-term linkability and can verify these messages efficiently

    Anonymous authentication mechanism based on group signature and pseudonym public key infrastructure for safety application of vechicular ad hoc network

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    Safety applications of Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) demand delay intolerant and are vulnerable to attacks due to the mobility of nodes and wireless nature of their communications. These applications require an integrated security mechanism, which provides message integrity, anonymity, non-repudiation, revocation, availability, and location authentication services. This mechanism should provide acceptable message delay with or without dependency to Road Side Units (RSUs). Realizing the importance of VANET security, two mechanisms are proposed and evaluated in this research. The mechanisms are aimed at fulfilling the VANET security requirements for safety applications with acceptable message delay. Two new lightweight security mechanisms, RSU-Aided Anonymous Authentication (RAAA) and Group Signature-based Anonymous Authentication (GSAA) have been proposed. These mechanisms are based on Group Signature (GS) and Pseudonym Public Key Infrastructure (PPKI). GS scheme was applied to ensure anonymity, non-repudiation and revocation, whereas PPKI was applied to achieve authentication and message integrity. Additionally, a novel function for location verification was proposed to guarantee availability and location authentication. Simulations were performed using NS2 to verify and evaluate the efficiency of the mechanisms for urban and highway scenarios with various traffic conditions. Simulation results showed that RAAA and GSAA outperformed Group Signature and Identity-based Signature (GSIS), and Short-Term Linkable Group Signatures with Categorized Batch Verification (STLGSCBV). In comparison to GSIS and STLGSCBV, the results indicated improvements of at least 5.26% and 7.95% in terms of vehicle density impact on message delay, and at least 11.65% and 11.22% in the case of vehicle density impact on message loss ratio. Furthermore, the simulated RAAA and GSAA methods resulted in approximately 11.09% and 10.71% improvement in message delay during signature verification in comparison to GSIS and STLGSCBV. Additionally, RAAA and GSAA proved to achieve at least 13.44% enhancement by considering signature verification on message loss ratio in comparison to GSIS and 7.59% in comparison to STLGSCBV. The simulation results also demonstrated that less than 20ms message delay was achieved by RAAA and GSAA mechanisms in the case of less than 90 vehicles within the communication range. This is an acceptable message delay and hence, the proposed mechanisms have a great potential to be used in safety critical applications

    A Trust Management Framework for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    The inception of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) provides an opportunity for road users and public infrastructure to share information that improves the operation of roads and the driver experience. However, such systems can be vulnerable to malicious external entities and legitimate users. Trust management is used to address attacks from legitimate users in accordance with a user’s trust score. Trust models evaluate messages to assign rewards or punishments. This can be used to influence a driver’s future behaviour or, in extremis, block the driver. With receiver-side schemes, various methods are used to evaluate trust including, reputation computation, neighbour recommendations, and storing historical information. However, they incur overhead and add a delay when deciding whether to accept or reject messages. In this thesis, we propose a novel Tamper-Proof Device (TPD) based trust framework for managing trust of multiple drivers at the sender side vehicle that updates trust, stores, and protects information from malicious tampering. The TPD also regulates, rewards, and punishes each specific driver, as required. Furthermore, the trust score determines the classes of message that a driver can access. Dissemination of feedback is only required when there is an attack (conflicting information). A Road-Side Unit (RSU) rules on a dispute, using either the sum of products of trust and feedback or official vehicle data if available. These “untrue attacks” are resolved by an RSU using collaboration, and then providing a fixed amount of reward and punishment, as appropriate. Repeated attacks are addressed by incremental punishments and potentially driver access-blocking when conditions are met. The lack of sophistication in this fixed RSU assessment scheme is then addressed by a novel fuzzy logic-based RSU approach. This determines a fairer level of reward and punishment based on the severity of incident, driver past behaviour, and RSU confidence. The fuzzy RSU controller assesses judgements in such a way as to encourage drivers to improve their behaviour. Although any driver can lie in any situation, we believe that trustworthy drivers are more likely to remain so, and vice versa. We capture this behaviour in a Markov chain model for the sender and reporter driver behaviours where a driver’s truthfulness is influenced by their trust score and trust state. For each trust state, the driver’s likelihood of lying or honesty is set by a probability distribution which is different for each state. This framework is analysed in Veins using various classes of vehicles under different traffic conditions. Results confirm that the framework operates effectively in the presence of untrue and inconsistent attacks. The correct functioning is confirmed with the system appropriately classifying incidents when clarifier vehicles send truthful feedback. The framework is also evaluated against a centralized reputation scheme and the results demonstrate that it outperforms the reputation approach in terms of reduced communication overhead and shorter response time. Next, we perform a set of experiments to evaluate the performance of the fuzzy assessment in Veins. The fuzzy and fixed RSU assessment schemes are compared, and the results show that the fuzzy scheme provides better overall driver behaviour. The Markov chain driver behaviour model is also examined when changing the initial trust score of all drivers