33 research outputs found

    Quantification of De-anonymization Risks in Social Networks

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    The risks of publishing privacy-sensitive data have received considerable attention recently. Several de-anonymization attacks have been proposed to re-identify individuals even if data anonymization techniques were applied. However, there is no theoretical quantification for relating the data utility that is preserved by the anonymization techniques and the data vulnerability against de-anonymization attacks. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the de-anonymization attacks and provide conditions on the utility of the anonymized data (denoted by anonymized utility) to achieve successful de-anonymization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on quantifying the relationships between anonymized utility and de-anonymization capability. Unlike previous work, our quantification analysis requires no assumptions about the graph model, thus providing a general theoretical guide for developing practical de-anonymization/anonymization techniques. Furthermore, we evaluate state-of-the-art de-anonymization attacks on a real-world Facebook dataset to show the limitations of previous work. By comparing these experimental results and the theoretically achievable de-anonymization capability derived in our analysis, we further demonstrate the ineffectiveness of previous de-anonymization attacks and the potential of more powerful de-anonymization attacks in the future.Comment: Published in International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, 201

    Bibliometric Survey of Privacy of Social Media Network Data Publishing

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    We are witness to see exponential growth of the social media network since the year 2002. Leading social media networking sites used by people are Twitter, Snapchats, Facebook, Google, and Instagram, etc. The latest global digital report (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2019) states that there exist more than 800 million current online social media users, and the number is still exploding day by day. Users share their day to day activities such as their photos and locations etc. on social media platforms. This information gets consumed by third party users, like marketing companies, researchers, and government firms. Depending upon the purpose, there is a possibility of misuse of the user\u27s personal & sensitive information. Users\u27 sensitive information breaches can further utilized for building a personal profile of individual users and also lead to the unlawful tracing of the individual user, which is a major privacy threat. Thus it is essential to first anonymize users\u27 information before sharing it with any of the third parties. Anonymization helps to prevent exposing sensitive information to the third party and avoids its misuse too. But anonymization leads to information loss, which indirectly affects the utility of data; hence, it is necessary to balance between data privacy and utility of data. This research paper presents a bibliometric analysis of social media privacy and provides the exact scope for future research. The research objective is to analyze different research parameters and get insights into privacy in Social Media Network (OSN). The research paper provides visualization of the big picture of research carried on the privacy of the social media network from the year 2010 to 2019 (covers the span of 19 years). Research data is taken from different online sources such as Google Scholar, Scopus, and Research-gate. Result analysis has been carried out using open source tools such as Gephi and GPS Visualizer. Maximum publications of privacy of the social media network are from articles and conferences affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Science, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Social networking is a frequently used keyword by the researchers in the privacy of the online social media network. Major Contribution in this subject area is by the computer science research community, and the least research contribution is from art and science. This study will clearly give an understanding of contributions in the privacy of social media network by different organizations, types of contributions, more cited papers, Authors contributing more in this area, the number of patents in the area, and overall work done in the area of privacy of social media network

    2.5K-Graphs: from Sampling to Generation

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    Understanding network structure and having access to realistic graphs plays a central role in computer and social networks research. In this paper, we propose a complete, and practical methodology for generating graphs that resemble a real graph of interest. The metrics of the original topology we target to match are the joint degree distribution (JDD) and the degree-dependent average clustering coefficient (cˉ(k)\bar{c}(k)). We start by developing efficient estimators for these two metrics based on a node sample collected via either independence sampling or random walks. Then, we process the output of the estimators to ensure that the target properties are realizable. Finally, we propose an efficient algorithm for generating topologies that have the exact target JDD and a cˉ(k)\bar{c}(k) close to the target. Extensive simulations using real-life graphs show that the graphs generated by our methodology are similar to the original graph with respect to, not only the two target metrics, but also a wide range of other topological metrics; furthermore, our generator is order of magnitudes faster than state-of-the-art techniques

    De-anonymyzing scale-free social networks by using spectrum partitioning method

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    Social network data is widely shared, forwarded and published to third parties, which led to the risks of privacy disclosure. Even thought the network provider always perturbs the data before publishing it, attackers can still recover anonymous data according to the collected auxiliary information. In this paper, we transform the problem of de-anonymization into node matching problem in graph, and the de-anonymization method can reduce the number of nodes to be matched at each time. In addition, we use spectrum partitioning method to divide the social graph into disjoint subgraphs, and it can effectively be applied to large-scale social networks and executed in parallel by using multiple processors. Through the analysis of the influence of power-law distribution on de-anonymization, we synthetically consider the structural and personal information of users which made the feature information of the user more practical

    Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing in the Cloud: A Multi-level Utility Controlled Approach

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    Conventional private data publication schemes are targeted at publication of sensitive datasets with the objective of retaining as much utility as possible for statistical (aggregate) queries while ensuring the privacy of individuals' information. However, such an approach to data publishing is no longer applicable in shared multi-tenant cloud scenarios where users often have different levels of access to the same data. In this paper, we present a privacy-preserving data publishing framework for publishing large datasets with the goals of providing different levels of utility to the users based on their access privileges. We design and implement our proposed multi-level utility-controlled data anonymization schemes in the context of large association graphs considering three levels of user utility namely: (i) users having access to only the graph structure (ii) users having access to graph structure and aggregate query results and (iii) users having access to graph structure, aggregate query results as well as individual associations. Our experiments on real large association graphs show that the proposed techniques are effective, scalable and yield the required level of privacy and utility for user-specific utility and access privilege levels