632 research outputs found

    Development of a Low-Cost Weather Station to Measure in Situ Essential Climate Variables

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    A weather station is proposed especially designed for developing countries, and to meet the standards of the international scientific community making research on the earth system. The station would measure in situ several ECV (essential climate variables). These data may enable an agricultural breakthrough in countries lacking meteorological infrastructure, help in climate change monitoring, and facilitate diffusion of wind energy. A pre-feasibility analysis is presented. It appears interesting that the station is supplied by a social enterprise. A research to establish the best shelter design using computational fluid dynamics is also reported. The criterion is the accuracy with which the surface air temperature is reproduced inside the shelter. A design following recommendations by the WMO (World Meteorological Organization), a smaller design with identical geometry, and two alternative small designs are analyzed. All four designs are simulated in PVC, natural rubber and wood, with and without white paint coating. The smaller shelters perform better. The influence of the material, dimensions and design is smaller than that of the white paint. Shelters made of PVC or rubber, and/or in alternative designs, may be more interesting if other criteria are considered, like whether logistics, manufacturing, etc. are more sustainable, easier and/or cheaper.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Value of Global Earth Observations

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    Humankind has never been so populous, technically equipped, and economically and culturally integrated as it is today. In the twenty-first century, societies are confronted with a multitude of challenges in their efforts to manage the Earth system

    International Cooperation in Climate Monitoring via Satellite: Incentives and Barriers to Data Sharing

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    Understanding and addressing climate change requires the collection of a significant amount of environmental data. Although satellites can best collect much of this data, it is not possible for one nation to collect all relevant climate data on its own, and there are currently gaps in relevant satellite data collection. Further, much of the data that is collected is not shared freely, but instead has barriers to access that limit its use for both scientific research and operational purposes. This research examined the development of data sharing policies to identify the barriers and incentives to international sharing of climate data collected by satellites. Quantitative analysis of satellite data-sharing policies for Earth observation data as well as case studies of domestic agencies in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, showed that limitations in data sharing are due to 1) a belief that data can efficiently be treated as a commodity, a viewpoint which conflicts with experience for nearly all climate data; 2) the lack of recognition of the normative justification for sharing climate data, though this norm exists for weather data; and 3) insufficient agreement that international cooperation and data sharing are required to adequately monitor climate change. These limitations exist due to uncertainties about the nature of the market for climate data, the inadequate understanding of climate impacts and the ability to mitigate them, and an inadequate understanding of the requirements of climate science and operational activities. To address this situation, countries should adopt free and open policies, recognizing that social benefit is maximized when data is treated as a public good and freely shared, and that cost recovery and commercialization of scientific satellite data are not viable. Countries should also share climate data internationally because it has the potential to save lives and property, creating a moral requirement for sharing. Finally, countries should agree on a minimal set of climate data that must be shared to adequately monitor climate. This agreement should be institutionalized by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) resolution framework, similar to WMO Resolution 40, which addressed weather data sharing

    The role of science in physical natural hazard assessment : report to the UK Government by the Natural Hazard Working Group

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    Following the tragic Asian tsunami on 26 December 2004, the Prime Minister asked the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King, to convene a group of experts (the Natural Hazard Working Group) to advise on the mechanisms that could and should be established for the detection and early warning of global physical natural hazards. 2. The Group was asked to examine physical hazards which have high global or regional impact and for which an appropriate early warning system could be put in place. It was also asked to consider the global natural hazard frameworks currently in place and under development and their effectiveness in using scientific evidence; to consider whether there is an existing appropriate international body to pull together the international science community to advise governments on the systems that need to be put in place, and to advise on research needed to fill current gaps in knowledge. The Group was asked to make recommendations on whether a new body was needed, or whether other arrangements would be more effective

    Briefing on meetings at & reports by the 65th & 66th United Nations General Assembly

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    Briefing on meetings at & reports by the 65th & 66th United Nations General AssemblyNo relevant differences are observed or identified after perusal of the space-related resolutions and documents issued by the UN System between 2010 and 2011. The most remarkable statements remain virtually unchanged in this time period. For instance, the UN GA recognizes the common interest of all mankind in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and reaffirms that these shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interest of all countries, irrespective of their degree of development. Also, the growing use of outer space increases the need for greater transparency and better information on the part of the international community. Again in 2011, the UN GA stated that it is deeply convinced of the important role that science and technology play in promoting sustained economic growth and sustainable development and that their use and applications in areas such as telemedicine, tele-education, disaster management, environmental protection and other EO applications, contribute to achieve the objectives in various aspects of economic, social and cultural development and welfare, particularly poverty eradication and mitigation of the consequences of disasters. It is necessary to continue to examine how space science and technology and their applications could contribute to achieve the UN MDG, since space tools are indispensable not only in areas linked to disasters, but also in climate change, food security, opportunities for education and global health. In 2011, 12 April was declared as the International Day of Human Space Flight to celebrate each year at the international level the beginning of the space era for mankind, reaffirming the important contribution of space science and technology in achieving sustainable development goals and increasing the well-being of States and peoples, as well as ensuring the realization of their aspiration to maintain outer space for peaceful purposes. We congratulate SGAC people working on the project YGNSS as their contribution [8] to the 2011 HLS AMR of the UN ECOSOC was accepted for distribution to all participants of the HLS in Geneva, July 2011. In this a written statement, the YNSS team informed the HLS AMR that SGAC “is focused on cultivating the next generation of space leaders and increasing awareness of the educational and societal benefits of space technology” and that “Within SGAC, the project YGNSS aims to present to youth the benefits of GNSS and how various such systems applications are able to benefit a nation’s economy and society”. Also, it is mentioned that “YGNSS has supported the educational outreach of GNSS applications”, that YGNSS has spread “the word that GNSS can be used for precision timing, agricultural and disaster management, and a wide variety of items that need accurate positioning, navigation, and timing”, that YGNSS has recommended “that the international community continue to foster the education of GNSS and the utilities of space technology”. Finally, the written statement informs that SGAC “is committed to providing a network for university students and young professionals in the international space sector to collaborate and contribute their international knowledge and skills to foster development”. As per the report from the IAF GEOSS Workshop, Space Sensors for Climate Monitoring [9], it is worth noting that satellite data are required to effectively monitor, characterize and predict changes in the Earth system, and particularly in the climate. Earth Observation (EO) satellites are essential as they provide the only realistic means to obtain the necessary global coverage. With well-calibrated measurements, e.g. using in situ data, space-based sensors will become a critical contribution to global observations for climate.Preprin

    Toward Implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems Data Sharing Principles

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    This White Paper reviews the background issues for implementing the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles and recommends Implementation Guidelines to ensure the strongest possible framework for data sharing, consistent with both the spirit and the “letter” of the Principles. As recognized by the 10-Year Implementation Plan, “ensuring that such information is available to those who need it is a function of governments and institutions at all levels.” It is therefore incumbent on governments and institutions participating in GEOSS to continue to develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures that enable and support the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles in fair and effective ways. The implementation approaches discussed here are intended to facilitate this process

    D3.2. ENEON methodology for management and coordination and first plenary Workshop minutes

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    The report on the ENEON plenary Workshop (WS2) will gather the minutes and all the information regarding the plenary. The workshops will also be used to build a collection of frameworks and best practices across domains and stakeholders that will be collected in this deliverable. The deliverable also describes the new aspect about ENEON methodology for management and coordination. It is important to differentiate this deliverable from "D6.1 ConnectinGEO methodology" that deals with the gap analysis and priorities that uses the ENEON knowhow as input

    Challenges to Developing a Global Satellite Climate Monitoring System

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    Satellites are critical to the ability to understand and address climate change, due to their unique ability to provide comprehensive global monitoring of the environment. More than 30 nations have been involved in satellite Earth observations, with more than 200 satellite instruments operating in 2014 alone. However, gaps remain in the ability to adequately monitor global climate change, due in part to a lack of international consensus on the definition of an adequate monitoring system. This paper examines ongoing international efforts to identify the requirements of a global satellite climate monitoring system, including high-level efforts by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and the Committee on Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS), as well as efforts to define more detailed technical requirements being undertaken by GCOS, WMO, and the European Space Agency (ESA). Comparing the distinct processes and interim results of these groups highlights the lack of international consensus on the definition of an adequate global climate monitoring system. Developing such a system is a complex, multifaceted challenge, which requires expert technical knowledge of climate science and satellite capabilities as well as attention to political concerns for sovereignty and long-term international cooperation. The paper examines the adequacy of the current satellite monitoring capabilities by developing a comprehensive dataset including all unclassified Earth observation satellites operating or planned between 1990 and 2020. This analysis shows that within each international effort, gaps in the type of data collected are present. Even when some data is collected on a particular variable, it is not necessarily done in a way that meets technical requirements for climate assessment and forecasting. A lack of free and open data sharing compounds this challenge, further decreasing the amount of data contributing to international climate monitoring efforts. The lack of consensus on the requirements of a global climate monitoring system makes it difficult for nations to use international coordination mechanisms to plan and prioritize future satellite systems. The paper concludes by providing a series of recommended steps to improve harmonization among international efforts. This includes coordinating the bottom-up method used within GCOS with the top-down method used at WMO to identify concrete recommendations that will allow nations to prioritize investments that improve climate monitoring and/or improve the efficiency of the existing system. It recommends consolidating international efforts to define technical requirements to avoid duplication and facilitate prioritization among user groups with regard to which variables should be collected and what technical requirements must be met. A more systematic and integrated approach to system definition will make it possible for nations to shift and/or increase investments in satellite technology to better address agreed-upon needs and priorities

    A Transformative Concept: From Data Being Passive Objects to Data Being Active Subjects

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    The exploitation of potential societal benefits of Earth observations is hampered by users having to engage in often tedious processes to discover data and extract information and knowledge. A concept is introduced for a transition from the current perception of data as passive objects (DPO) to a new perception of data as active subjects (DAS). This transition would greatly increase data usage and exploitation, and support the extraction of knowledge from data products. Enabling the data subjects to actively reach out to potential users would revolutionize data dissemination and sharing and facilitate collaboration in user communities. The three core elements of the transformative DAS concept are: (1) intelligent semantic data agents (ISDAs) that have the capabilities to communicate with their human and digital environment. Each ISDA provides a voice to the data product it represents. It has comprehensive knowledge of the represented product including quality, uncertainties, access conditions, previous uses, user feedbacks, etc., and it can engage in transactions with users. (2) A knowledge base that constructs extensive graphs presenting a comprehensive picture of communities of people, applications, models, tools, and resources and provides tools for the analysis of these graphs. (3) An interaction platform that links the ISDAs to the human environment and facilitates transaction including discovery of products, access to products and derived knowledge, modifications and use of products, and the exchange of feedback on the usage. This platform documents the transactions in a secure way maintaining full provenance
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