14,474 research outputs found

    Emergence of Grounded Compositional Language in Multi-Agent Populations

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    By capturing statistical patterns in large corpora, machine learning has enabled significant advances in natural language processing, including in machine translation, question answering, and sentiment analysis. However, for agents to intelligently interact with humans, simply capturing the statistical patterns is insufficient. In this paper we investigate if, and how, grounded compositional language can emerge as a means to achieve goals in multi-agent populations. Towards this end, we propose a multi-agent learning environment and learning methods that bring about emergence of a basic compositional language. This language is represented as streams of abstract discrete symbols uttered by agents over time, but nonetheless has a coherent structure that possesses a defined vocabulary and syntax. We also observe emergence of non-verbal communication such as pointing and guiding when language communication is unavailable

    Teams organization and performance analysis in autonomous human-robot teams

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    This paper proposes a theory of human control of robot teams based on considering how people coordinate across different task allocations. Our current work focuses on domains such as foraging in which robots perform largely independent tasks. The present study addresses the interaction between automation and organization of human teams in controlling large robot teams performing an Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) task. We identify three subtasks: perceptual search-visual search for victims, assistance-teleoperation to assist robot, and navigation-path planning and coordination. For the studies reported here, navigation was selected for automation because it involves weak dependencies among robots making it more complex and because it was shown in an earlier experiment to be the most difficult. This paper reports an extended analysis of the two conditions from a larger four condition study. In these two "shared pool" conditions Twenty four simulated robots were controlled by teams of 2 participants. Sixty paid participants (30 teams) were recruited to perform the shared pool tasks in which participants shared control of the 24 UGVs and viewed the same screens. Groups in the manual control condition issued waypoints to navigate their robots. In the autonomy condition robots generated their own waypoints using distributed path planning. We identify three self-organizing team strategies in the shared pool condition: joint control operators share full authority over robots, mixed control in which one operator takes primary control while the other acts as an assistant, and split control in which operators divide the robots with each controlling a sub-team. Automating path planning improved system performance. Effects of team organization favored operator teams who shared authority for the pool of robots. © 2010 ACM

    Effects of spatial ability on multi-robot control tasks

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    Working with large teams of robots is a very complex and demanding task for any operator and individual differences in spatial ability could significantly affect that performance. In the present study, we examine data from two earlier experiments to investigate the effects of ability for perspective-taking on performance at an urban search and rescue (USAR) task using a realistic simulation and alternate displays. We evaluated the participants' spatial ability using a standard measure of spatial orientation and examined the divergence of performance in accuracy and speed in locating victims, and perceived workload. Our findings show operators with higher spatial ability experienced less workload and marked victims more precisely. An interaction was found for the experimental image queue display for which participants with low spatial ability improved significantly in their accuracy in marking victims over the traditional streaming video display. Copyright 2011 by Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Inc. All rights reserved

    Evaluating distributed cognitive resources for wayfinding in a desktop virtual environment.

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    As 3D interfaces, and in particular virtual environments, become increasingly realistic there is a need to investigate the location and configuration of information resources, as distributed in the humancomputer system, to support any required activities. It is important for the designer of 3D interfaces to be aware of information resource availability and distribution when considering issues such as cognitive load on the user. This paper explores how a model of distributed resources can support the design of alternative aids to virtual environment wayfinding with varying levels of cognitive load. The wayfinding aids have been implemented and evaluated in a desktop virtual environment

    Real-time auditing of domotic robotic cleaners

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    Domotic Robotic Cleaners are autonomous devices that are designed to operate almost entirely unattended. In this paper we propose a system that aims to evaluate the performance of such devices by analysis of their trails. This concept of trails is central to our approach, and it encompasses the traditional notion of a path followed by a robot between arbitrary numbers of points in a physical space. We enrich trails with context-specific metadata, such as proximity to landmarks, frequency of visitation, duration, etc. We then process the trail data collected by the robots, we store it an appropriate data structure and derive useful statistical information from the raw data. The usefulness of the derived information is twofold: it can primarily be used to audit the performance of the robotic cleaner –for example, to give an accurate indication of how well a space is covered (cleaned). And secondarily information can be analyzed in real-time to affect the behavior of specific robots – for example to notify a robot that specific areas have not been adequately covered. Towards our first goal, we have developed and evaluated a prototype of our system that uses a particular commercially available robotic cleaner. Our implementation deploys adhoc wireless local networking capability available through a surrogate device mounted onto this commodity robot; the device senses relative proximity to a grid of RFID tags attached to the floor. We report on the performance of this system in experiments conducted in a laboratory environment, which highlight the advantages and limitations of our approach
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