9 research outputs found

    Upper Ocean Dynamics and Mixing in the Arabian Sea During Monsoons

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    The Indian summer monsoon is a complex, nonlinear phenomenon involving atmospheric, oceanic, and land-based interactions from June through September. During this period, a strong low-level jet known as the Findlater Jet develops over the western Arabian Sea, advecting seasonally high quantities of warm, moist air to the Indian subcontinent, leading to the largest precipitation rates on the planet. The winds associated with the Findlater Jet seasonally strengthen the Arabian Sea eddy field, known for its intensity and variability. Comparison between the eddies in the western Arabian Sea during monsoon regimes of varying intensities revealed more high-amplitude eddies in strong (high-rainfall) monsoon conditions as well as more extreme coastal upwelling. Development and application of an eddy tracking algorithm has revealed new insights into the evolution, characteristics, and dissipation of eddies in the Arabian Sea using sea level anomalies. Through its application, this research finds that the highest number of identified eddies are along the coast of the Arabian Peninsula, but the most robust eddies are confined to the Somali Current region. This work explores whether the observed eddies are surface- or subsurface-intensified based on their salinity and temperature characteristics, finding a notable dominance of surface-intensified eddies. The eddy intensification type was clearly identified in this region, as surface-intensified eddies are characterized by warm, fresh cores in anticyclonic eddies and cool, saline cores in cyclonic eddies. To better understand the role of mesoscale and sub-mesoscale features on the variability of mixed layer depth in the Arabian Sea, eddies and fronts were identified and investigated during strong and weak monsoon conditions. We found through the application of an eddy tracking algorithm, a spatial and temporal analysis of a variety of factors that impact mixed layer depth variability, and a heat budget analysis that there is an overall dominance of larger (smaller) features in strong (weak) monsoon conditions. To better understand how water masses change on longer temporal scales, a decadal analysis was conducted on the salt and volume transports throughout the Indian Ocean, finding that the strongest salinity variability was due to Indian Ocean Dipole and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events

    Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 4

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    Copernicus Marine Service ocean state report, issue 4

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    This is the final version. Available from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this record. FCT/MCTE

    Shape Analysis and Spatio-Temporal Tracking of Mesoscale Eddies in Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model

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    SCAR Report on Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment

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    The first comprehensive review of the state of Antarctica’s climate and its relationship to the global climate by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). The review - Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment – presents the latest research from the icy continent, identifies areas for future scientific research, and addresses the urgent questions that policy makers have about Antarctic melting, sea-level rise and biodiversity

    Laboratory Directed Research and Development FY 1998 Progress Report

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    Climate change 2013: the physical science basis

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    This report argues that it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. This is an an unedited version of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change\u27s Working Group I contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report following the release of its Summary for Policymakers on 27 September 2013.  The full Report is posted in the version distributed to governments on 7 June 2013 and accepted by Working Group I and the Panel on 27 September 2013. It includes the Technical Summary, 14 chapters and an Atlas of Global and Regional Climate Projections. Following copy-editing, layout, final checks for errors and adjustments for changes in the Summary for Policymakers, the full Report will be published online in January 2014 and in book form by Cambridge University Press a few months later