139 research outputs found

    Shallow vs deep learning architectures for white matter lesion segmentation in the early stages of multiple sclerosis

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    In this work, we present a comparison of a shallow and a deep learning architecture for the automated segmentation of white matter lesions in MR images of multiple sclerosis patients. In particular, we train and test both methods on early stage disease patients, to verify their performance in challenging conditions, more similar to a clinical setting than what is typically provided in multiple sclerosis segmentation challenges. Furthermore, we evaluate a prototype naive combination of the two methods, which refines the final segmentation. All methods were trained on 32 patients, and the evaluation was performed on a pure test set of 73 cases. Results show low lesion-wise false positives (30%) for the deep learning architecture, whereas the shallow architecture yields the best Dice coefficient (63%) and volume difference (19%). Combining both shallow and deep architectures further improves the lesion-wise metrics (69% and 26% lesion-wise true and false positive rate, respectively).Comment: Accepted to the MICCAI 2018 Brain Lesion (BrainLes) worksho

    Multiple sclerosis cortical and WM lesion segmentation at 3T MRI: a deep learning method based on FLAIR and MP2RAGE.

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    The presence of cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis patients has emerged as an important biomarker of the disease. They appear in the earliest stages of the illness and have been shown to correlate with the severity of clinical symptoms. However, cortical lesions are hardly visible in conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 3T, and thus their automated detection has been so far little explored. In this study, we propose a fully-convolutional deep learning approach, based on the 3D U-Net, for the automated segmentation of cortical and white matter lesions at 3T. For this purpose, we consider a clinically plausible MRI setting consisting of two MRI contrasts only: one conventional T2-weighted sequence (FLAIR), and one specialized T1-weighted sequence (MP2RAGE). We include 90 patients from two different centers with a total of 728 and 3856 gray and white matter lesions, respectively. We show that two reference methods developed for white matter lesion segmentation are inadequate to detect small cortical lesions, whereas our proposed framework is able to achieve a detection rate of 76% for both cortical and white matter lesions with a false positive rate of 29% in comparison to manual segmentation. Further results suggest that our framework generalizes well for both types of lesion in subjects acquired in two hospitals with different scanners

    Multi-branch Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation

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    In this paper, we present an automated approach for segmenting multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions from multi-modal brain magnetic resonance images. Our method is based on a deep end-to-end 2D convolutional neural network (CNN) for slice-based segmentation of 3D volumetric data. The proposed CNN includes a multi-branch downsampling path, which enables the network to encode information from multiple modalities separately. Multi-scale feature fusion blocks are proposed to combine feature maps from different modalities at different stages of the network. Then, multi-scale feature upsampling blocks are introduced to upsize combined feature maps to leverage information from lesion shape and location. We trained and tested the proposed model using orthogonal plane orientations of each 3D modality to exploit the contextual information in all directions. The proposed pipeline is evaluated on two different datasets: a private dataset including 37 MS patients and a publicly available dataset known as the ISBI 2015 longitudinal MS lesion segmentation challenge dataset, consisting of 14 MS patients. Considering the ISBI challenge, at the time of submission, our method was amongst the top performing solutions. On the private dataset, using the same array of performance metrics as in the ISBI challenge, the proposed approach shows high improvements in MS lesion segmentation compared with other publicly available tools.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in NeuroImag

    Deep learning approaches for segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions on brain MRI

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system which causes lesions in brain tissues, especially visible in white matter with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The diagnosis of MS lesions, which is often performed visually with MRI, is an important task as it can help characterizing the progression of the disease and monitoring the efficacy of a candidate treatment. automatic detection and segmentation of MS lesions from MRI images offer the potential for a faster and more cost-effective performance which could also be immune to expert bias segmentation. In this thesis, we study automated approaches to segment MS lesions from MRI images. The thesis begins with a review of the existing literature on MS lesion segmentation and discusses their general limitations. We then propose three novel approaches that rely on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to segment MS lesions. The first approach demonstrates that the parameters of a CNN learned from natural images, transfer well to the tasks of MS lesion segmentation. In the second approach, we describe a novel multi-branch CNN architecture with end-to-end training that can take advantage of each MRI modalities individually. In that work, we also investigated the combination of MRI modalities leading to the best segmentation performance. In the third approach, we show an effective and novel generalization method for MS lesion segmentation when data are collected from multiple MRI scanning sites and as suffer from (site-)domain shifts. Finally, this thesis concludes with open questions that may benefit from future work. This thesis demonstrates the potential role of CNNs as a common methodological building block to address clinical problems in MS segmentation

    Exploring RCNN for the automated analysis of paramagnetic rim lesions in Multiple Sclerosis MRI

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    In multiple sclerosis, lesions with a peripheral paramagnetic rim is a negative prognostic imaging biomarker and represents a potential outcome measure in MRI-based clinical trials. Nowadays, the presence or absence of paramagnetic rims is determined through visual inspection by medical experts, which is tedious, time consuming and prone to observer variability. So far, few solutions to the automated classification of rims problem have been proposed. These studies present limitations that represent an obstacle to full automation of the rim analysis process and its large-scale application. Our goal is to implement and assess a fully automated algorithm capable of identifying rim lesions in MRI. In this work, we explore a Region-proposal CNN deep learning approach to solve the fully automated rim lesions classification problem that perform instance segmentation by object detection and have shown promising results in recent challenges, particularly in medical imaging. After different approaches focus on implifying the task, Mask RCNN with MobileNet v2 as backbone using attention gaussian filtering to the input images showed better performance than the rest with rates of 0.42 TPR and 0.61 FPR for the test set. However, the achieved results reveal the weaknesses of our approach and the difficulty of our classification problem

    Applications of Deep Learning Techniques for Automated Multiple Sclerosis Detection Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Review

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a type of brain disease which causes visual, sensory, and motor problems for people with a detrimental effect on the functioning of the nervous system. In order to diagnose MS, multiple screening methods have been proposed so far; among them, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has received considerable attention among physicians. MRI modalities provide physicians with fundamental information about the structure and function of the brain, which is crucial for the rapid diagnosis of MS lesions. Diagnosing MS using MRI is time-consuming, tedious, and prone to manual errors. Research on the implementation of computer aided diagnosis system (CADS) based on artificial intelligence (AI) to diagnose MS involves conventional machine learning and deep learning (DL) methods. In conventional machine learning, feature extraction, feature selection, and classification steps are carried out by using trial and error; on the contrary, these steps in DL are based on deep layers whose values are automatically learn. In this paper, a complete review of automated MS diagnosis methods performed using DL techniques with MRI neuroimaging modalities is provided. Initially, the steps involved in various CADS proposed using MRI modalities and DL techniques for MS diagnosis are investigated. The important preprocessing techniques employed in various works are analyzed. Most of the published papers on MS diagnosis using MRI modalities and DL are presented. The most significant challenges facing and future direction of automated diagnosis of MS using MRI modalities and DL techniques are also provided

    3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Brain Tumor Segmentation: A Comparison of Multi-resolution Architectures

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    This paper analyzes the use of 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for brain tumor segmentation in MR images. We address the problem using three different architectures that combine fine and coarse features to obtain the final segmentation. We compare three different networks that use multi-resolution features in terms of both design and performance and we show that they improve their single-resolution counterparts

    GAMER MRI: Gated-attention mechanism ranking of multi-contrast MRI in brain pathology.

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    During the last decade, a multitude of novel quantitative and semiquantitative MRI techniques have provided new information about the pathophysiology of neurological diseases. Yet, selection of the most relevant contrasts for a given pathology remains challenging. In this work, we developed and validated a method, Gated-Attention MEchanism Ranking of multi-contrast MRI in brain pathology (GAMER MRI), to rank the relative importance of MR measures in the classification of well understood ischemic stroke lesions. Subsequently, we applied this method to the classification of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions, where the relative importance of MR measures is less understood. GAMER MRI was developed based on the gated attention mechanism, which computes attention weights (AWs) as proxies of importance of hidden features in the classification. In the first two experiments, we used Trace-weighted (Trace), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR), and T1-weighted (T1w) images acquired in 904 acute/subacute ischemic stroke patients and in 6,230 healthy controls and patients with other brain pathologies to assess if GAMER MRI could produce clinically meaningful importance orders in two different classification scenarios. In the first experiment, GAMER MRI with a pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) was used in conjunction with Trace, ADC, and FLAIR to distinguish patients with ischemic stroke from those with other pathologies and healthy controls. In the second experiment, GAMER MRI with a patch-based CNN used Trace, ADC and T1w to differentiate acute ischemic stroke lesions from healthy tissue. The last experiment explored the performance of patch-based CNN with GAMER MRI in ranking the importance of quantitative MRI measures to distinguish two groups of lesions with different pathological characteristics and unknown quantitative MR features. Specifically, GAMER MRI was applied to assess the relative importance of the myelin water fraction (MWF), quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), T1 relaxometry map (qT1), and neurite density index (NDI) in distinguishing 750 juxtacortical lesions from 242 periventricular lesions in 47 MS patients. Pair-wise permutation t-tests were used to evaluate the differences between the AWs obtained for each quantitative measure. In the first experiment, we achieved a mean test AUC of 0.881 and the obtained AWs of FLAIR and the sum of AWs of Trace and ADC were 0.11 and 0.89, respectively, as expected based on previous knowledge. In the second experiment, we achieved a mean test F1 score of 0.895 and a mean AW of Trace = 0.49, of ADC = 0.28, and of T1w = 0.23, thereby confirming the findings of the first experiment. In the third experiment, MS lesion classification achieved test balanced accuracy = 0.777, sensitivity = 0.739, and specificity = 0.814. The mean AWs of T1map, MWF, NDI, and QSM were 0.29, 0.26, 0.24, and 0.22 (p < 0.001), respectively. This work demonstrates that the proposed GAMER MRI might be a useful method to assess the relative importance of MRI measures in neurological diseases with focal pathology. Moreover, the obtained AWs may in fact help to choose the best combination of MR contrasts for a specific classification problem

    Explainable deep learning classifiers for disease detection based on structural brain MRI data

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    In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Frage untersucht, wie erfolgreich deep learning bei der Diagnostik von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen unterstützen kann. In 5 experimentellen Studien wird die Anwendung von Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) auf Daten der Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) untersucht. Ein Schwerpunkt wird dabei auf die Erklärbarkeit der eigentlich intransparenten Modelle gelegt. Mit Hilfe von Methoden der erklärbaren künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) werden Heatmaps erstellt, die die Relevanz einzelner Bildbereiche für das Modell darstellen. Die 5 Studien dieser Dissertation zeigen das Potenzial von CNNs zur Krankheitserkennung auf neurologischen MRT, insbesondere bei der Kombination mit Methoden der erklärbaren KI. Mehrere Herausforderungen wurden in den Studien aufgezeigt und Lösungsansätze in den Experimenten evaluiert. Über alle Studien hinweg haben CNNs gute Klassifikationsgenauigkeiten erzielt und konnten durch den Vergleich von Heatmaps zur klinischen Literatur validiert werden. Weiterhin wurde eine neue CNN Architektur entwickelt, spezialisiert auf die räumlichen Eigenschaften von Gehirn MRT Bildern.Deep learning and especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have a high potential of being implemented into clinical decision support software for tasks such as diagnosis and prediction of disease courses. This thesis has studied the application of CNNs on structural MRI data for diagnosing neurological diseases. Specifically, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease were used as classification targets due to their high prevalence, data availability and apparent biomarkers in structural MRI data. The classification task is challenging since pathology can be highly individual and difficult for human experts to detect and due to small sample sizes, which are caused by the high acquisition cost and sensitivity of medical imaging data. A roadblock in adopting CNNs to clinical practice is their lack of interpretability. Therefore, after optimizing the machine learning models for predictive performance (e.g. balanced accuracy), we have employed explainability methods to study the reliability and validity of the trained models. The deep learning models achieved good predictive performance of over 87% balanced accuracy on all tasks and the explainability heatmaps showed coherence with known clinical biomarkers for both disorders. Explainability methods were compared quantitatively using brain atlases and shortcomings regarding their robustness were revealed. Further investigations showed clear benefits of transfer-learning and image registration on the model performance. Lastly, a new CNN layer type was introduced, which incorporates a prior on the spatial homogeneity of neuro-MRI data. CNNs excel when used on natural images which possess spatial heterogeneity, and even though MRI data and natural images share computational similarities, the composition and orientation of neuro-MRI is very distinct. The introduced patch-individual filter (PIF) layer breaks the assumption of spatial invariance of CNNs and reduces convergence time on different data sets without reducing predictive performance. The presented work highlights many challenges that CNNs for disease diagnosis face on MRI data and defines as well as tests strategies to overcome those