11 research outputs found

    Induced and non-induced forbidden subposet problems

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    The problem of determining the maximum size La(n,P)La(n,P) that a PP-free subposet of the Boolean lattice BnB_n can have, attracted the attention of many researchers, but little is known about the induced version of these problems. In this paper we determine the asymptotic behavior of Laβˆ—(n,P)La^*(n,P), the maximum size that an induced PP-free subposet of the Boolean lattice BnB_n can have for the case when PP is the complete two-level poset Kr,tK_{r,t} or the complete multi-level poset Kr,s1,…,sj,tK_{r,s_1,\dots,s_j,t} when all sis_i's either equal 4 or are large enough and satisfy an extra condition. We also show lower and upper bounds for the non-induced problem in the case when PP is the complete three-level poset Kr,s,tK_{r,s,t}. These bounds determine the asymptotics of La(n,Kr,s,t)La(n,K_{r,s,t}) for some values of ss independently of the values of rr and tt

    Poset Ramsey numbers: large Boolean lattice versus a fixed poset

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    Poset Ramsey number R(P,Qn)R(P,Q_n). III. N-shaped poset

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    Given partially ordered sets (posets) (P,≀P)(P, \leq_P) and (Pβ€²,≀Pβ€²)(P', \leq_{P'}), we say that Pβ€²P' contains a copy of PP if for some injective function f ⁣:Pβ†’Pβ€²f\colon P\rightarrow P' and for any A,B∈PA, B\in P, A≀PBA\leq _P B if and only if f(A)≀Pβ€²f(B)f(A)\leq_{P'} f(B). For any posets PP and QQ, the poset Ramsey number R(P,Q)R(P,Q) is the least positive integer NN such that no matter how the elements of an NN-dimensional Boolean lattice are colored in blue and red, there is either a copy of PP with all blue elements or a copy of QQ with all red elements. We focus on the poset Ramsey number R(P,Qn)R(P, Q_n) for a fixed poset PP and an nn-dimensional Boolean lattice QnQ_n, as nn grows large. It is known that n+c1(P)≀R(P,Qn)≀c2(P)nn+c_1(P) \leq R(P,Q_n) \leq c_2(P) n, for positive constants c1c_1 and c2c_2. However, there is no poset PP known, for which R(P,Qn)>(1+Ο΅)nR(P, Q_n)> (1+\epsilon)n, for Ο΅>0\epsilon >0. This paper is devoted to a new method for finding upper bounds on R(P,Qn)R(P, Q_n) using a duality between copies of QnQ_n and sets of elements that cover them, referred to as blockers. We prove several properties of blockers and their direct relation to the Ramsey numbers. Using these properties we show that R(N,Qn)=n+Θ(n/log⁑n)R(\mathcal{N},Q_n)=n+\Theta(n/\log n), for a poset N\mathcal{N} with four elements A,B,C,A, B, C, and DD, such that A<CA<C, B<DB<D, B<CB<C, and the remaining pairs of elements are incomparable.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure