3 research outputs found

    Characterizing One-Sided Formal Concept Analysis by Multi-Adjoint Concept Lattices

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    Managing and extracting information from databases is one of the main goals in several fields, as in Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). One-sided concept lattices and multi-adjoint concept lattices are two frameworks in FCA that have been developed in parallel. This paper shows that one-sided concept lattices are particular cases of multi-adjoint concept lattices. As a first consequence of this characterization, a new attribute reduction mechanism has been introduced in the one-side framework.This research was partially supported by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme in collaboration with the State Research Agency (AEI) in Project PID2019-108991GB-I00 and with the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia in Project FEDER-UCA18-108612 and by the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action CA17124

    Attribute Extended Algorithm of Lattice-Valued Concept Lattice Based on Congener Formal Context

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    This paper is the continuation of our research work about lattice-valued concept lattice based on lattice implication algebra. For a better application of lattice-valued concept lattice into data distributed storage and parallel processing, it is necessary to research attribute extended algorithm based on congener formal context. The definitions of attribute extended formal context and congener formal context are proposed. On condition that the extent set stays invariable when the new attribute is increased, the necessary and sufficient conditions of forming attribute values are researched. Based on these conditions, the algorithms of generating lattice-valued congener formal context and establishing concept lattice are given, by which we can provide a useful basis for union algorithm and constructing algorithm of lattice-valued concept lattices in distributed and parallel system