Characterizing One-Sided Formal Concept Analysis by Multi-Adjoint Concept Lattices


Managing and extracting information from databases is one of the main goals in several fields, as in Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). One-sided concept lattices and multi-adjoint concept lattices are two frameworks in FCA that have been developed in parallel. This paper shows that one-sided concept lattices are particular cases of multi-adjoint concept lattices. As a first consequence of this characterization, a new attribute reduction mechanism has been introduced in the one-side framework.This research was partially supported by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme in collaboration with the State Research Agency (AEI) in Project PID2019-108991GB-I00 and with the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia in Project FEDER-UCA18-108612 and by the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action CA17124

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