43 research outputs found

    Benefits of Session Types for software Development

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    Session types are a formalism used to specify and check the correctness of communication based systems. Within their scope, they can guarantee the absence of communication errors such as deadlock, sending an unexpected message or failing to handle an incoming message. Introduced over two decades ago, they have developed into a significant theme in programming languages. In this paper we examine the beliefs that drive research into this area and make it popular. We look at the claims and motivation behind session types throughout the literature. We identify the hypotheses upon which session types have been designed and implemented, and attempt to clarify and formulate them in a more suitable manner for testing

    Session-Based Programming for Parallel Algorithms: Expressiveness and Performance

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    This paper investigates session programming and typing of benchmark examples to compare productivity, safety and performance with other communications programming languages. Parallel algorithms are used to examine the above aspects due to their extensive use of message passing for interaction, and their increasing prominence in algorithmic research with the rising availability of hardware resources such as multicore machines and clusters. We contribute new benchmark results for SJ, an extension of Java for type-safe, binary session programming, against MPJ Express, a Java messaging system based on the MPI standard. In conclusion, we observe that (1) despite rich libraries and functionality, MPI remains a low-level API, and can suffer from commonly perceived disadvantages of explicit message passing such as deadlocks and unexpected message types, and (2) the benefits of high-level session abstraction, which has significant impact on program structure to improve readability and reliability, and session type-safety can greatly facilitate the task of communications programming whilst retaining competitive performance

    Parameterized Concurrent Multi-Party Session Types

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    Session types have been proposed as a means of statically verifying implementations of communication protocols. Although prior work has been successful in verifying some classes of protocols, it does not cope well with parameterized, multi-actor scenarios with inherent asynchrony. For example, the sliding window protocol is inexpressible in previously proposed session type systems. This paper describes System-A, a new typing language which overcomes many of the expressiveness limitations of prior work. System-A explicitly supports asynchrony and parallelism, as well as multiple forms of parameterization. We define System-A and show how it can be used for the static verification of a large class of asynchronous communication protocols.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2012, arXiv:1208.432

    On Asynchronous Session Semantics

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    This paper studies a behavioural theory of the π-calculus with session types under the fundamental principles of the practice of distributed computing — asynchronous communication which is order-preserving inside each connection (session), augmented with asynchronous inspection of events (message arrivals). A new theory of bisimulations is introduced, distinct from either standard asynchronous or synchronous bisimilarity, accurately capturing the semantic nature of session-based asynchronously communicating processes augmented with event primitives. The bisimilarity coincides with the reduction-closed barbed congruence. We examine its properties and compare them with existing semantics. Using the behavioural theory, we verify that the program transformation of multithreaded into event-driven session based processes, using Lauer-Needham duality, is type and semantic preserving

    A Graphical Approach to Progress for Structured Communication in Web Services

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    We investigate a graphical representation of session invocation interdependency in order to prove progress for the pi-calculus with sessions under the usual session typing discipline. We show that those processes whose associated dependency graph is acyclic can be brought to reduce. We call such processes transparent processes. Additionally, we prove that for well-typed processes where services contain no free names, such acyclicity is preserved by the reduction semantics. Our results encompass programs (processes containing neither free nor restricted session channels) and higher-order sessions (delegation). Furthermore, we give examples suggesting that transparent processes constitute a large enough class of processes with progress to have applications in modern session-based programming languages for web services.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2010, arXiv:1010.530

    A Modular Toolkit for Distributed Interactions

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    We discuss the design, architecture, and implementation of a toolkit which supports some theories for distributed interactions. The main design principles of our architecture are flexibility and modularity. Our main goal is to provide an easily extensible workbench to encompass current algorithms and incorporate future developments of the theories. With the help of some examples, we illustrate the main features of our toolkit.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2010, arXiv:1110.385

    Softly safely spoken: Role playing for Session Types

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    Session types have made much progress at permitting programs be statically verified concordant with a specified protocol. However, it is difficult to build abstractions of, or encapsulate Session types, thus limiting their flexibility. Global session types add further constraints to communication, by permitting the order of exchanges amongst many participants to be specified. The cost is that the number of participants is statically fixed. We introduce Roles in which, similarly to global session types, the number of roles and the conversations involving roles are statically known, but participants can dynamically join and leave roles and the number of participants within a role is not statically known. Statically defined roles which conform to a specified conversation can be dynamically instantiated, participants can be members of multiple roles simultaneously and can participate in multiple conversations concurrently

    Session Types in a Linearly Typed Multi-Threaded Lambda-Calculus

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    We present a formalization of session types in a multi-threaded lambda-calculus (MTLC) equipped with a linear type system, establishing for the MTLC both type preservation and global progress. The latter (global progress) implies that the evaluation of a well-typed program in the MTLC can never reach a deadlock. As this formulated MTLC can be readily embedded into ATS, a full-fledged language with a functional programming core that supports both dependent types (of DML-style) and linear types, we obtain a direct implementation of session types in ATS. In addition, we gain immediate support for a form of dependent session types based on this embedding into ATS. Compared to various existing formalizations of session types, we see the one given in this paper is unique in its closeness to concrete implementation. In particular, we report such an implementation ready for practical use that generates Erlang code from well-typed ATS source (making use of session types), thus taking great advantage of the infrastructural support for distributed computing in Erlang.Comment: This is the original version of the paper on supporting programming with dyadic session types in AT

    Synchronous Multiparty Session Types

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    AbstractSynchronous communication is useful to model multiparty sessions where control for timing events and strong sequentially order of messages are essential to the problem specification. This paper continues the work on multiparty session types initiated by Honda et al. [Honda, K., N. Yoshida and M. Carbone, Multiparty asynchronous session types, in: G. C. Necula and P. Wadler, editors, POPL (2008), pp. 273–284] for synchronous communications. It provides a more relaxed syntax of the calculus, multicasting, higher-order communication via multipolarity labels and a clear definition of delegation in global types. The linearity property defines when a channel can be used in two different communications without creating a race condition and the type system checks if all the processes of a session implement the communication behavior specified in the global type. The type system of the calculus is proved to be sound with respect to the operational semantics and coherent with respect to the global types