517 research outputs found

    SIPBIO : biometrics SIP extension

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    During the last few decades biometric technologies have become an important research field in computer security. Their deployment, however, in heterogeneous enterprise systems, is complex due to the lack of standardisation. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a popular communication protocol widely used in voice over Internet protocol networks; due to its flexibility, SIP has been broadly adopted in telecommunications for carrier level and telephony systems. This thesis proposes the use of SIPBIO, an extension to SIP, to establish and control multimedia sessions for biometric interactions. For biometric usage in telecommunications networks, a synthesis of techniques to use human characteristics as challenge tokens for access to network resources is first presented. An overview of the SIP protocol is then exposed, by focusing on understanding SIP messages and their component elements. Posteriorly, advanced concepts, such as extensions to the default protocol are introduced. After the technology background review, the core of the proposal is presented with extensive use-case scenarios of biometric operations and the introduction of necessary SIPBIO requirements. Formal processes are defined along with the method to extend SIP to the proposed SIPBIO protocol. It follows a detailed outline of all headers and body components that give form to SIPBIO and define its nature. These stages provide the fundamentals for the protocol implementation. Finally, simulations of some common cases are presented to show the feasibility of SIPBIO. This can be used as a sample flow for full implementations and applications. This thesis corroborates the viability of using a SIP-based protocol for establishing, maintaining and tearing down biometric multimedia sessions

    A method for forensic artifact collection, analysis and incident response in environments running Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session Description protocol

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    In this paper, we perform an analysis of SIP, a popular voice over IP (VoIP) protocol and propose a framework for capturing and analysing volatile VoIP data in order to determine forensic readiness requirements for effectively identifying an attacker. The analysis was performed on real attack data and the findings were encouraging. It seems that if appropriate forensic readiness processes and controls are in place, a wealth of evidence can be obtained. The type of the end user equipment of the internal users, the private IP, the software that is used can help build a reliable baseline information database. On the other hand the private IP addresses of the potential attacker even during the presence of NAT services, as well as and the attack tools employed by the malicious parties are logged for further analysis

    Campus Memories: Learning with Contextualised Blogging

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    De Jong, T., Al Takrouri, B., Specht, M., Koper, R. (2007). Campus Memories: Learning with Contextualised Blogging. In D. Griffiths, R. Koper & O. Liber (Eds). Proceedings of The 2nd TenCompetence Workshop (pp. 59-67), January 11-12, 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom.Combining the strengths of both mobile and context aware systems and applying them to educational systems can lead to contextualised learning support (Zimmermann, Lorenz, & Specht, 2005). Mobile blogging applications have become popular as an instant way of accessing and collecting personal memories and blog entries from mobile devices. In the following paper we will present an extension of current systems for blogging we call contextualised blogging. The described conceptual model and architecture allows users to create and manage blogs from a mobile device and combine them with identification tags and therefore leave “blog traces” in a physical environment.This work has been sponsored by the EU project TENCompetenc

    Service composition based on SIP peer-to-peer networks

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    Today the telecommunication market is faced with the situation that customers are requesting for new telecommunication services, especially value added services. The concept of Next Generation Networks (NGN) seems to be a solution for this, so this concept finds its way into the telecommunication area. These customer expectations have emerged in the context of NGN and the associated migration of the telecommunication networks from traditional circuit-switched towards packet-switched networks. One fundamental aspect of the NGN concept is to outsource the intelligence of services from the switching plane onto separated Service Delivery Platforms using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) to provide the required signalling functionality. Caused by this migration process towards NGN SIP has appeared as the major signalling protocol for IP (Internet Protocol) based NGN. This will lead in contrast to ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and IN (Intelligent Network) to significantly lower dependences among the network and services and enables to implement new services much easier and faster. In addition, further concepts from the IT (Information Technology) namely SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) have largely influenced the telecommunication sector forced by amalgamation of IT and telecommunications. The benefit of applying SOA in telecommunication services is the acceleration of service creation and delivery. Main features of the SOA are that services are reusable, discoverable combinable and independently accessible from any location. Integration of those features offers a broader flexibility and efficiency for varying demands on services. This thesis proposes a novel framework for service provisioning and composition in SIP-based peer-to-peer networks applying the principles of SOA. One key contribution of the framework is the approach to enable the provisioning and composition of services which is performed by applying SIP. Based on this, the framework provides a flexible and fast way to request the creation for composite services. Furthermore the framework enables to request and combine multimodal value-added services, which means that they are no longer limited regarding media types such as audio, video and text. The proposed framework has been validated by a prototype implementation

    User generated content for IMS-based IPTV

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.Web 2.0 services have been on the rise due to improved bandwidth availability. Users can now connect to the internet with a variety of portable devices which are capable of performing multiple tasks. Due to this, services such as Voice over IP (VoIP), presence, social networks, instant messaging (IM) and Internet Protocol television (IPTV) to mention but a few, started to emerge...This thesis proposed a framework that will offer user-generated content on an IMS-Based IPTV and the framework will include a personalised advertising system..

    An FPGA-Based System for Tracking Digital Information Transmitted via Peer-to-Peer Protocols

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    This thesis addresses the problem of identifying and tracking digital information that is shared using peer-to-peer file transfer and Voice over IP (VoIP) protocols. The goal of the research is to develop a system for detecting and tracking the illicit dissemination of sensitive government information using file sharing applications within a target network, and tracking terrorist cells or criminal organizations that are covertly communicating using VoIP applications. A digital forensic tool is developed using an FPGA-based embedded software application. The tool is designed to process file transfers using the BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol and VoIP phone calls made using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The tool searches a network for selected peer-to-peer control messages using payload analysis and compares the unique identifier of the file being shared or phone number being used against a list of known contraband files or phone numbers. If the identifier is found on the list, the control packet is added to a log file for later forensic analysis. Results show that the FPGA tool processes peer-to-peer packets of interest 92% faster than a software-only configuration and is 99.0% accurate at capturing and processing BitTorrent Handshake messages under a network traffic load of at least 89.6 Mbps. When SIP is added to the system, the probability of intercept for BitTorrent Handshake messages remains at 99.0% and the probability of intercept for SIP control packets is 97.6% under a network traffic load of at least 89.6 Mbps, demonstrating that the tool can be expanded to process additional peer-to-peer protocols with minimal impact on overall performance

    The e-Science Paradigm for Particle Physics

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