278 research outputs found

    A New Self-Tuning Nonlinear PID Motion Control for One-Axis Servomechanism with Uncertainty Consideration

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    This paper introduces a new study for one-axis servomechanism with consideration the parameter variation and system uncertainty. Also, a new approach for high-performance self-tuning nonlinear PID control was developed to track a preselected profile with high accuracy. Moreover, a comparison study between the proposed control technique and the well-known controllers (PID and Nonlinear PID). The optimal control parameters were determined based on the COVID-19 optimization technique. The parameters of the servomechanism system changed randomly at a preselected range through the online simulation. The change of these parameters acts as the nonlinearity resources (friction, backlash, environmental effects) and system uncertainty. A comparative study between the linear and nonlinear models had been accomplished and investigated. The results show that the proposed controller can track several operating points with high accuracy, low rise time, and small overshoot

    Design and analysis of feedback and feedforward control systems for web tension in roll-to-roll manufacturing

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    In Roll-to-Roll (R2R) manufacturing, efficient transport of flexible materials (webs) on rollers requires simultaneous control of web speed and tension. Webs experience disturbing forces during transport due to nonideal machine elements and processes such as printing, coating, lamination, etc. Since rotating machine elements are employed, these disturbances are in the form of periodic oscillations in web tension and speed. Design of efficient model-based web tension and speed control systems employing both feedback and feedforward actions that can adapt to changes in parameters and reject periodic disturbances were investigated in this research. Tools from adaptive and robust control theory and singular perturbation method were utilized for the design and analysis of these control systems.Model reference and relay feedback based adaptive Proportional-Integral (PI) tension control schemes were developed to regulate web tension; these schemes overcome the tedious tuning procedures required for fixed gain PI schemes when process parameters and conditions change. To directly control the roll speed when belt-pulley and gear transmissions are employed, a control scheme that uses both motor and load speed feedback is developed. In the presence of a compliant transmission system, it is shown that using pure load speed feedback must be avoided as it results in an unstable system. In situations where linearization of the nonlinear web tension governing equation is not possible due to changes in operating conditions, a nonlinear tension regulator is designed via a solution method employed in the nonlinear servomechanism problem. The feedforward action is synthesized by considering a discretized form of the tension governing equation in conjunction with adaptive estimation of periodic disturbance parameters. It is also shown that interaction between different subsystems of the R2R system may be minimized by employing feedforward action. The strategy of utilizing tension signal from the web tension zone downstream of the driven roller is shown to result in minimization of propagation of disturbances into further downstream tension zones. For each of the developed designs, experiments were conducted on a large R2R platform for different web materials and transport conditions to evaluate and compare their performance. Implementation guidelines are provided for ease of applying the designs to other industrial R2R machines

    Dampening variability by using smoothing replenishment rules.

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    A major cause of supply chain deficiencies is the bullwhip effect which can be substantial even over a single echelon. This effect refers to the tendency of the variance of the replenishment orders to increase as it moves up a supply chain. Supply chain managers experience this variance amplification in both inventory levels and replenishment orders. As a result, companies face shortages or bloated inventories, run-away transportation and warehousing costs and major production adjustment costs. In this article we analyse a major cause of the bullwhip effect and suggest a remedy. We focus on a smoothing replenishment rule that is able to reduce the bullwhip effect across a single echelon. In general, dampening variability in orders may have a negative impact on customer service due to inventory variance increases. We therefore quantify the variance of the net stock and compute the required safety stock as a function of the smoothing required. Our analysis shows that bullwhip can be satisfactorily managed without unduly increasing stock levels to maintain target fill rates.Bullwhip effect; Companies; Cost; Costs; Impact; Inventory; Managers; Order; Replenishment rule; Rules; Safety stock; Supply chain; Supply chain management; Variability; Variance; Variance reduction;

    Real-Time Inverse Dynamic Deep Neural Network Tracking Control for Delta Robot Based on a COVID-19 Optimization

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    This paper presents a new technique to design an inverse dynamic model for a delta robot experimental setup to obtain an accurate trajectory. The input/output data were collected using an NI DAQ card where the input is the random angles profile for the three-axis and the output is the corresponding measured torques. The inverse dynamic model was developed based on the deep neural network (NN) and the new COVID-19 optimization to find the optimal initial weights and bias values of the NN model. Due to the system uncertainty and nonlinearity, the inverse dynamic model is not enough to track accurately the preselected profile. So, the PD compensator is used to absorb the error deviation of the end effector. The experimental results show that the proposed inverse dynamic deep NN with PD compensator achieves good performance and high tracking accuracy. The suggested control was examined using two different methods. The spiral path is the first, with a root mean square error of 0.00258 m, while the parabola path is the second, with a root mean square error of 0.00152 m

    Robust and Decentralized Control of Web Winding Systems

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    This research addresses the velocity and tension regulation problems in web handling, including those found in the single element of an accumulator and those in the large-scale system settings. A continuous web winding system is a complex large-scale interconnected dynamics system with numerous tension zones to transport the web while processing it. A major challenge in controlling such systems is the unexpected disturbances that propagate through the system and affect both tension and velocity loops along the way. To solve this problem, a unique active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) strategy is proposed. Simulation results show remarkable disturbance rejection capability of the proposed control scheme in coping with large dynamic variations commonly seen in web winding systems. Another complication in web winding system stems from its large-scale and interconnected dynamics which makes control design difficult. This motivates the research in formulating a novel robust decentralized control strategy. The key idea in the proposed approach is that nonlinearities and interactions between adjunct subsystems are regarded as perturbations, to be estimated by an augmented state observer and rejected in the control loop, therefore making the local control design extremely simple. The proposed decentralized control strategy was implemented on a 3-tension-zone web winding processing line. Simulation results show that the proposed control method leads to much better tension and velocity regulation quality than the existing controller common in industry. Finally, this research tackles the challenging problem of stability analysis. Although ADRC has demonstrated the validity and advantage in many applications, the rigorous stability study has not been fully addressed previously. To this end, stability characterization of ADRC is carried out in this work. The closed-loop system is first reformulated, resulting in a form that allows the application of the well established singular perturbation method. Based on the decom

    Robust and Decentralized Control of Web Winding Systems

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    This research addresses the velocity and tension regulation problems in web handling, including those found in the single element of an accumulator and those in the large-scale system settings. A continuous web winding system is a complex large-scale interconnected dynamics system with numerous tension zones to transport the web while processing it. A major challenge in controlling such systems is the unexpected disturbances that propagate through the system and affect both tension and velocity loops along the way. To solve this problem, a unique active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) strategy is proposed. Simulation results show remarkable disturbance rejection capability of the proposed control scheme in coping with large dynamic variations commonly seen in web winding systems. Another complication in web winding system stems from its large-scale and interconnected dynamics which makes control design difficult. This motivates the research in formulating a novel robust decentralized control strategy. The key idea in the proposed approach is that nonlinearities and interactions between adjunct subsystems are regarded as perturbations, to be estimated by an augmented state observer and rejected in the control loop, therefore making the local control design extremely simple. The proposed decentralized control strategy was implemented on a 3-tension-zone web winding processing line. Simulation results show that the proposed control method leads to much better tension and velocity regulation quality than the existing controller common in industry. Finally, this research tackles the challenging problem of stability analysis. Although ADRC has demonstrated the validity and advantage in many applications, the rigorous stability study has not been fully addressed previously. To this end, stability characterization of ADRC is carried out in this work. The closed-loop system is first reformulated, resulting in a form that allows the application of the well established singular perturbation method. Based on the decom

    Design and control of components-based integrated servo pneumatic drives

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    On-off traditional pneumatic drives are most widely used in industry offering low-cost, simple but flexible mechanical operation and relatively high power to weight ratio. For a period of decade from mid 1980's to 1990's, some initiatives were made to develop servo pneumatic drives for most sophisticated applications, employing purpose-designed control valves for pneumatic drives and low friction cylinders. However, it is found that the high cost and complex installation have discouraged the manufacturer from applying servo pneumatic drives to industrial usage, making them less favourable in comparison to their electric counterpart. This research aims to develop low-cost servo pneumatic drives which are capable of point-to-point positioning tasks, suitable for applications requiring intermediate performance characteristics. In achieving this objective, a strategy that involves the use of traditional on-off valve, simple control algorithm and distributed field-bus control networks has been adopted, namely, the design and control of Components-based Integrated Pneumatic Drives (CIPDs). Firstly, a new pneumatic actuator servo motion control strategy has been developed. With the new motion control strategy, the processes of positioning a payload can be achieved by opening the control valve only once. Hence, lowspeed on-off pneumatic control valves can be employed in keeping the cost low, a key attraction for employing pneumatic drives. The new servo motion control strategy also provides a way of controlling the load motion speed mechanically. Meanwhile, a new PD-based three-state closed-loop control algorithm also has been developed for the new control scheme. This control algorithm provides a way of adapting traditional PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) control theories for regulating pneumatic drives. Moreover, a deceleration control strategy has been developed so that both high-speed and accurate positioning control can be realised with low cost pneumatic drives. Secondly, the effects of system parameters on the transient response are studied. In assisting the analysis, a second order model is developed to encapsulate the velocity response characteristics of pneumatic drives to a step input signal. Stability analyses for both open loop and closed-loop control have also been carried out for the CIPDs with the newly developed motion control strategy. Thirdly, a distributed control strategy employing Lon Works has been devised and implemented, offering desirable attributes, high re-configurability, low cost and easy in installation and maintenance, etc to keep with the traditional strength for using pneumatic drives. By applying this technology, the CIPDs become standard components in "real" and "virtual" design environments. A remote service strategy for CIPDs using TCP/IP communication protocol has also been developed. Subsequently a range of experimental verifications has been carried out in the research. The experimental study of high-speed motion control indicates that the deceleration control strategy developed in the research can be an effective method in improving the behaviour of high speed CIPDs. The verification of open loop system behaviour of CIPDs shows that the model derived is largely indicative of the likely behaviour for the system considered, and the steady state velocity can be estimated using the Velocity Gain Kv. The evaluation made on a pneumatically driven pick-and-place machine has also confirmed that the system setup, including wiring, tuning, and system reconfiguration can be achieved in relative ease. This pilot study reveals the potential for employing CIPDs in building highly flexible cost effective manufacturing machines. It can thus be concluded that this research has developed successfully a new dimension and knowledge in both theoretical and practical terms in building low-cost servo pneumatic drives, which are capable of point-to-point positioning through employing traditional on-off pneumatic valves and actuators and through their integration with distributed control technology (LonWorks) by adopting a component-based design paradigm

    A study of teaching automation for marine engineers

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    This dissertation is a research into a study of teaching automation for marine engineers which is conducted at the Institute of Marine Technology (IMT)of the Union of Myanmar as related to the Fundamentals of Automation, Instrumentation and Control systems, module 9 of IMO model course 7.02. This course is now included in the mandatory part of STCW Code A of the revised STCW Convention. An examination is made of the fundamentals of ship automation and a brief overview is given of the modem developments in ship automation system. This includes modem developments in main engine automation, navigation/ bridge control, integrated control ship, condition monitoring systems and programmable controller. The author has attempted to analyse the present syllabus on Automation, Instrumentation and Control Systems ( AICS ) course conducted at IMT and related subjects conducted in recent education and training schemes for marine engineers in Myanmar. Comparisons of the IMO model course and IMT’s AICS course are presented emphasising entry standards, subject outline and detailed teaching syllabus. Then the author proposes ways and means to improve the course to meet the requirements of the IMO model course. The author also suggests the promotion of some related subjects to support the AICS course by using teaching aids and some courses which are recently available in IMT. The modem developments in ship automation are very rapid and dramatic. In this regard, a brief syllabus for the near future is also proposed to cope with modem developments. A number of recommendations are also made to harmonise with the course to be promoted

    Global Research Performance on the Design and Applications of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    There has been a significant contribution to scientific literature in the design and applications of Type-2 fuzzy logic systems (T2FLS). The T2FLSs found applications in many aspects of our daily lives, such as engineering, pure science, medicine and social sciences. The online web of science was searched to identify the 100 most frequently cited papers published on the design and application of T2FLS from 1980 to 2016. The articles were analyzed based on authorship, source title, country of origin, institution, document type, web of science category, and year of publication. The correlation between the average citation per year (ACY) and the total citation (TC) was analyzed. It was found that there is a strong relationship between the ACY and TC (r = 0.91643, P<0.01), based on the papers consider in this research.  The “Type -2 fuzzy sets made simple” authored by Mendel and John (2002), published in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems received the highest TC as well as the ACY. The future trend in this research domain was also analyzed. The present analysis may serve as a guide for selecting qualitative literature especially to the beginners in the field of T2FLS

    Preference driven multi-objective optimization design procedure for industrial controller tuning

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    Multi-objective optimization design procedures have shown to be a valuable tool for con- trol engineers. These procedures could be used by designers when (1) it is difficult to find a reasonable trade-off for a controller tuning fulfilling several requirements; and (2) if it is worthwhile to analyze design objectives exchange among design alternatives. Despite the usefulness of such methods for describing trade-offs among design alterna- tives (tuning proposals) with the so called Pareto front, for some control problems finding a pertinent set of solutions could be a challenge. That is, some control problems are com- plex in the sense of finding the required trade-off among design objectives. In order to improve the performance of MOOD procedures for such situations, preference handling mechanisms could be used to improve pertinency of solutions in the approximated Pareto front. In this paper an overall MOOD procedure focusing in controller tuning applications using designer s preferences is proposed. In order to validate such procedure, a bench- mark control problem is used and reformulated into a multi-objective problem statement, where different preference handling mechanisms in the optimization process are evalu- ated and compared. The obtained results validate the overall proposal as a potential tool for industrial controller tuning.This work was partially supported by projects TIN2011-28082, ENE2011-25900 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. First author gratefully acknowledges the partial support provided by the postdoctoral fellowship BJT-304804/2014-2 from the National Council of Scientific and Technologic Development of Brazil (CNPq) for the development of this work.Reynoso Meza, G.; SanchĂ­s Saez, J.; Blasco Ferragud, FX.; MartĂ­nez Iranzo, MA. (2016). Preference driven multi-objective optimization design procedure for industrial controller tuning. Information Sciences. 339:108-131. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2015.12.002S10813133
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