222 research outputs found

    Service Orchestration and Federation for Verticals

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    The next generation mobile transport networks shall transform into flexible and agile SDN/NFV-based transport and computing platforms, capable of simultaneously supporting the needs of different vertical industries, e.g., automotive, e-health and media, by meeting a diverse range of networking and computing requirements. Network slicing, has emerged as the most promising approach to address this challenge by enabling per-slice management of virtualized resources and provisioning and managing slices tailored to the needs of different vertical industries. Service orchestration is the key enabler for slicing that allows efficient placement of virtual network functions over the infrastructure as well as optimal allocation of virtual resources among all network slices to deliver guaranteed, reliable and scalable services of different verticals. Besides, due to the limited footprint of infrastructure operators, it is also required to enable the interconnection and federation of multiple administrative domains, to effectively allow services to span across several providers. This paper presents the design of Service Orchestrator (SO) in the 5G- TRANSFORMER system, which deals with service orchestration and federation across multiple domains.This work has been partially funded by the EU H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER Project (grant no. 761536

    A Framework for Orchestration and Federation of 5G Services in a Multi-Domain Scenario

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    First International Workshop on Experimentation and Measurements in 5G (EM-5G).This paper presents the design of the 5GT Service Orchestrator (SO), which is one of the key components of the 5G-TRANSFORMER (5GT) system for the deployment of vertical services. Depending on the requests from verticals, the 5GT-SO offers service or resource orchestration and federation. These functions include all tasks related to coordinating and providing the vertical with an integrated view of services and resources from multiple administrative domains. In particular, service orchestration entails managing end-to-end services that are split into various domains based on requirements and availability. Federation entails managing administrative relations at the interface between the SOs belonging to different domains and handling abstraction of services. The SO key functionalities, architecture, interfaces, as well as two sample use cases for service federation and service and resource orchestration are presented. Results for the latter use case show that a vertical service is deployed in the order of minutes.This work has been partially funded by the EC H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER Project (grant no. 761536)

    5G-TRANSFORMER: Slicing and Orchestrating Transport Networks for Industry Verticals

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    This article dives into the design of the next generation Mobile Transport Networks to simultaneously support the needs of various vertical industries with diverse range of networking and computing requirements. Network Slicing has emerged as the most promising approach to address this challenge by enabling per-slice management of virtualized resources. We aim to bring the Network Slicing paradigm into mobile transport networks by provisioning and managing slices tailored to the needs of different vertical industries, specifically: automotive, eHealth and media. Our technical approach is twofold: (i) enabling Vertical Industries to meet their service requirements within customized slices; and (ii) aggregating and federating transport networking and computing fabric, from the edge up to the core and cloud, to create and manage slices throughout a federated virtualized infrastructure. The main focus of the article is on major technical highlights of verticaloriented slicing mechanisms for 5G mobile networks.This work has been partially supported by the EU H2020 5GPPP 5G-TRANSFORMER project (Grant 761536

    Multi-domain orchestration of 5G vertical services and network slices

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    This paper presents an orchestration framework for the delivery of 5G vertical services and end-to-end network slices in a multi-domain scenario. The proposed architecture relies on a business model where verticals and service providers take the roles of digital service consumers, digital service providers and network service providers, each acting in its administrative domain. The interactions and delivery procedures among these entities leverage on standard solutions for interfaces and information models defined by ETSI and 3GPP. The paper also presents proof-of-concept applications of the proposed architecture in two H2020 European research initiatives

    5G-TRANSFORMER Service Orchestrator: design, implementation, and evaluation

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    European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2019)5G networks will pose complex network management challenges due to the variety of vertical services they will need to serve and the diversity and heterogeneity of underlying infrastructure. The service orchestration functionality is fundamental to enable fulfilling the requirements of the different verticals while efficiently sharing the infrastructure resources. This paper details the 5G-TRANSFORMER service orchestrator implementation and operation. It also evaluates and profiles service creation time showing how the automation offered by the platform allows reducing it from hours to minutes. It also shows that the most time-consuming steps correspond to the deployment of the virtual network functions and post-deployment configuration, which consume one order of magnitude more time than the rest of steps (e.g., network creation, port creation).This work has been partially funded by the EC H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER Project (grant no. 761536) and grants TEC2017-88373-R (5G-REFINE) and 2017 SGR 1195

    Automating vertical services deployments over the 5GT platform

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    This article presents a system for 5G networks that makes it possible to meet the diverse needs of vertical industries simultaneously sharing the same physical infrastructure. Orchestration, network slicing, edge computing, and federation are key technologies enabling industry verticals to have their own virtual networks, which might require aggregating transport networking and computing fabric, from the edge up to the core and cloud. Three novel building blocks are defined to meet these challenges in an automated manner: a vertical slicer as the entry point to create services and request slices, a service orchestrator to manage the services and decide their placement and allocation of required resources, and a mobile transport and computing platform virtualizing infrastructure networking and computing resources in an integrated manner. An experimental evaluation of the developed system shows its feasibility and confirms some of the benefits expected

    Federation of 5G services using distributed ledger technologies

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    This paper has been published in the special issue: Mobislice 2019 and Leveraging Advanced Technologies and Tools for Connected Vehicles.Federation of services, as a 5G networks concept, aims to provide orchestration of services across multiple administrative domains. In this paper, we are exploring a solution of applying distributed ledger technologies, precisely the combination of blockchain and smart contracts, to enable highly secure, private, fast and distributed interaction between administrative domains in the federation process. Along with the designed solution, we developed an experimental prototype that requires simple one-time setup and fast simultaneous registration time for multiple administrative domains. Obtained results show single service federation times (without considering the deployment time) of around 5 seconds.This work has been partially funded by the EU H2020 5GROWTH Project (grant no. 856709

    Network Slices for Vertical Industries

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    Network Slicing allows to simultaneously support the specific needs of vertical industries with a diverse range of networking and computing requirements. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) has been defined to deploy multiple network services on a common infrastructure. We extend the NFV concept to vertical services, i.e. services implemented on top of network services and providing the applications of the verticals. We present a component of the 5G-Transformer system, named vertical slicer, which acts as the interface to verticals. The vertical slicer has two main functionalities: allowing verticals to define vertical services based on a set of service blueprints and arbitrating among several vertical services in case of resource shortage.This work has been partially funded by the EU H2020 5G-Transformer Project (grant no. 761536

    Dynamic Interdomain Network Slicing for verticals in the 5Growth project

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    Proceedings of: IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), 9-11 Nov. 2021, Heraklion, Greece.This paper proposes and validates a Interdomain Network Slicing framework for verticals, allowing them to directly participate in the establishment and control of end-to-end Communication Services deployment across multiple inter-operator domains. The framework progresses the means made available by different standards and research initiatives to enhance service requesting and provisioning interfaces for the stakeholders involved, namely operators and verticals. The framework is validated under two different use cases, showcasing effective end-to-end service instantiation and a first assessment towards dynamic service modification capability.This work has been supported by EC H2020 5GPPP 5Growth project (Grant 856709)

    Resource Orchestration of 5G Transport Networks for Vertical Industries

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    The future 5G transport networks are envisioned to support a variety of vertical services through network slicing and efficient orchestration over multiple administrative domains. In this paper, we propose an orchestrator architecture to support vertical services to meet their diverse resource and service requirements. We then present a system model for resource orchestration of transport networks as well as low-complexity algorithms that aim at minimizing service deployment cost and/or service latency. Importantly, the proposed model can work with any level of abstractions exposed by the underlying network or the federated domains depending on their representation of resources.This work has been partially funded by the EU H2020 5G-Transformer Project (grant no. 761536)
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