27 research outputs found

    The influence of context on intentional service

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    International audienceSeveral service-oriented approaches promote the intention concept as a way to describe and document services based on user's requirements. However, these approaches have two main limitations: (1) they don't take into account the fact that a user evolves in a context that can influence his intentions, and (2) at the software service level, the corresponding intentional description of these software services is missing. Such a description should be a high level one, which is not directly connected to the software services. The objective of the paper is to propose a semantic service description that considers both intention corresponding to the service and context in which it is supposed to emerge. In addition, the variability embedded in the intentional description can be also affected by the user context. Such influence is also considered in our proposition

    Bringing context to intentional services

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    International audienceIn service-orientation, the notion of service is used in different views. On the one hand, several approaches have been proposing services that are able to adapt themselves according to the context in which they are used. On the other hand, some researches have been proposing to consider user's goals when proposing business services. We believe that these two views are complementary. A goal is only meaningful when considering the context in which it emerges, and conversely, context description is only meaningful when associated with a user goal. In order to take profit of both views, we propose to extend the OWL-S service description by including on it both the specification of context associated with the service and the goal that characterize it

    Dynamic service composition for telecommunication services and its challenges

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    As communication networks have evolved towards IP (Internet Protocol) networks, telecommunication operators has expanded its reach to internet multimedia web content services while operating circuit-switch networks in parallel. With the adoption of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) that enables service capability interfaces to be published and integrated with other service capabilities into new composite service, service composition allows telecommunication providers to accelerate more new services provisioning. From the perspective of telecommunication providers to deliver integrated composite service from different providers and different network protocols, this paper is aimed to present the current service composition based on middleware approaches; discuss the requirements of meeting the challenges; and compare the approaches

    Reliable Fault Tolerance System for Service Composition in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    A Due to the rapid development of smart processing mobile devices, Mobile applications are exploring the use of web services in MANETs to satisfy the user needs. Complex user needs are satisfied by the service composition where a complex service is created by combining one or more atomic services. Service composition has a significant challenge in MANETs due to its limited bandwidth, constrained energy sources, dynamic node movement and often suffers from node failures. These constraints increase the failure rate of service composition. To overcome these, we propose Reliable Fault Tolerant System for Service Composition in MANETs (RFTSC) which makes use of the checkpointing technique for service composition in MANETs. We propose fault policies for each fault in service composition when the faults occur. Failure of services in the service composition process is recovered locally by making use of Checkpointing system and by using discovered services which satisfies the QoS constraints. A Multi-Service Tree (MST) is proposed to recover failed services with O(1) time complexity. Simulation result shows that the proposed approach is efficient when compared to existing approaches

    Generativity of Business Intelligence Platforms: A Research Agenda Guided by Lessons from Shadow IT

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    To provide software platforms that are highly adjustable to users’ needs, recent literature proposes generativity, that is, platforms that may be supplemented in order to provide functionality that the designers of the platform did not have in mind. The research stream on generative platforms features a similar phenomenon as the research stream on shadow IT (SIT), because SIT also investigates supplements to integrated software-based systems that the designers of the software initially did not have in mind. Especially the domain of business intelligence (BI) is often flooded with SIT such as additional data marts and spreadsheets. However, while a wide body of literature has emerged that investigates SIT impacts, few, if any, studies examined generativity of platforms in general and BI platforms specifically. In this paper we present a literature review on positive and negative SIT impacts. Building on the results, we suggest a research agenda on generativity of BI platforms

    A user-centric vision of service-oriented Pervasive Information Systems

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    International audienceInformation Systems (IS) have massively adopted service orientation by exposing their functionalities as services. With the evolution of mobile technologies (smartphones, 3G/4G networks, etc.), such systems are now confronted with a new pervasive environment for which they were not originally designed. Indeed, pervasive environments are characterized by their heterogeneity and dynamicity due to their evolving context and their need for transparency. None of these features are particularly considered in traditional IS designed for stable and controlled office environments. In our new vision for service- oriented Pervasive Information Systems (PIS), the user becomes the center of these systems. This paper presents a user-centric service-oriented vision for PIS based on a context-aware intentional approach, which considers the user intention and the context in which this intention arises as a guiding principle for service description, discovery, prediction and recommendation

    Referenzarchitektur eines Frameworks für die Entwicklung kompositer, ubiquitärer Anwendungen

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    Durch die zunehmende Anzahl mobiler Endgeräte wie Smartphones sowie der Digitalisierung des öffentlichen Raums stehen ubiquitäre Umgebungen verstärkt im Fokus der Forschung. Werden die Endgeräte und zugehörigen Dienste einer solchen Umgebung zu einer kompositen, ubiquitären Anwendung (kubi App) zusammengefasst, so kann der Anwender auf diese über eine komposite Benutzerschnittstelle zugreifen, z. B. von seinem persönlichen Smartphone aus. Aus der Übertragung des Mashup-Entwicklungsansatzes auf ubiquitäre Umgebungen ergeben sich Implikationen, die im vorliegenden Beitrag untersucht werden sollen. Anhand der Untersuchung verwandter Forschungsarbeiten lassen sich wichtige funktionale Anforderungen aus der Perspektive der ubiquitären Umgebung und der Endgeräte formulieren, die im Rahmen dieses Beitrages vorgestellt werden. Anhand der Anforderungen wird eine Referenzarchitektur zu einem Entwicklungsframework für kubi Apps vorgestellt, die als Grundlage zur Entwicklung zukünftiger Laufzeitumgebungen dienen soll

    Enriched Semantic Service Description for Service Discovery: Bringing Context to Intentional Services

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    International audienceIn service-orientation, the notion of service is studied from different point of views. On the one hand, several approaches have been proposing services that are able to adapt themselves according to the context in which they are used. On the other hand, some researches have been proposing to consider user intentions when proposing business services. We believe that these two views are complementary. An intention is only meaningful when considering the context in which it emerges. Conversely, context description is only meaningful when associated with a user intention. In order to take profit of both views, we propose to extend the Ontology Web Language for services description (OWL-S). We include on it both the specification of context associated with the service and the intention that characterize it. This extended description is experimented in a semantic registry that we built for service discovery purposes. Such registry considers a matching algorithm, which exploits the extended description. Then, we present experimental results of this matching algorithm that demonstrates the advantages one may have on using the proposed descriptor. Thus, we propose a new vision of service orientation taking into account the notion of intention and context. This new vision is based on the extended semantic descriptor, which is necessary in order to enhance transparency of the system by proposing to the user the most appropriate service

    Emerging models for the development of social mobile applications: people as a service, and social devices. A proof of concept.

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    Nowadays mobile devices have gained a great importance in our society and they are present everywhere. These devices have a huge amount of data about their owners and context data of their surroundings, and many communication channels. Nevertheless with current models mobile devices cannot take advantage of this situation. For these reasons, new models for mobile applications have appeared recently. People-as-a-Service (PeaaS) allows interactions between mobile devices in their surroundings, using sociological profiles of their owners to create communication between interested devices. Social Devices is a recent model that implements the PeaaS concept, taking advantage the devices are almost always with the user it creates a new kind of interactions between nearby devices with the main target of improve social relations. For this purpose each device is able to provide services to nearby devices and consume them, keeping the user’s data in the device and sharing it only when it is authorized. This concept could be integrated with technologies like Internet-of-Things and Ubiquitous Computing, allowing devices to connect with nearby objects like elevators, traffic lights or your own vehicle. In particular, there is a new platform that implements both concepts, which is the study object of this work: OrchestratorJS. The platform is still under development and is not too stable yet, furthermore there is no documentation available. The main target of this work is to explore the platform and to create a basic documentation which could be used for anybody interested on the in, acting as a starting point for future works