3,742 research outputs found

    Predicting Audio Advertisement Quality

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    Online audio advertising is a particular form of advertising used abundantly in online music streaming services. In these platforms, which tend to host tens of thousands of unique audio advertisements (ads), providing high quality ads ensures a better user experience and results in longer user engagement. Therefore, the automatic assessment of these ads is an important step toward audio ads ranking and better audio ads creation. In this paper we propose one way to measure the quality of the audio ads using a proxy metric called Long Click Rate (LCR), which is defined by the amount of time a user engages with the follow-up display ad (that is shown while the audio ad is playing) divided by the impressions. We later focus on predicting the audio ad quality using only acoustic features such as harmony, rhythm, and timbre of the audio, extracted from the raw waveform. We discuss how the characteristics of the sound can be connected to concepts such as the clarity of the audio ad message, its trustworthiness, etc. Finally, we propose a new deep learning model for audio ad quality prediction, which outperforms the other discussed models trained on hand-crafted features. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first large-scale audio ad quality prediction study.Comment: WSDM '18 Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 9 page

    Um estudo piloto na aula de formação auditiva

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    This study aims to measure the impact of a multidisciplinary and multidimensional proposal on the auditory recognition of the rhythmic/metrical structure, melodic/harmonic organization, expressive elements and stylistic/instrumental diversity. Given the characteristics and the aims of the study was developed an experimental design of a control group with pre-test and post-test. Forty-two students of a higher education institution were involved in the study (n=21 experimental group and n=21 control group), their ages ranging from 18 to 49 years. The data were collected in the beginning and at the end of the implementation period (40 sessions of 30 minutes duration) through the application of the Individual Knowledge Test and the Auditory Recognition Test. The results reveal the existence of significant differences between the performance results of the experimental group and the control group regarding the auditory recognition of the rhythmic/metric structure and the melodic/harmonic organization. In the case of the remaining variables, there were no significant differences between the performance results of the experimental and control groups.Este estudo pretende aferir o impacto de uma proposta pluridisciplinar e multidimensional no reconhecimento auditivo da estrutura rítmica/métrica, organização melódica/harmónica, elementos expressivos e diversidade estilística/instrumental. Face às características e objetivos do estudo, foi desenvolvido um design experimental de grupo de controlo com pré-teste e pósteste. Participaram quarenta e dois alunos de uma instituição de ensino superior (n=21 grupo experimental e n=21 grupo de controlo), com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 49 anos. Os dados foram recolhidos no princípio e no final do período de implementação (40 sessões de 30 minutos de duração) através da aplicação do Teste de Conhecimento Individual e do Teste de Reconhecimento Auditivo. Os resultados revelam a existência de diferenças significativas entre os resultados de desempenho do grupo experimental e grupo de controlo relativamente ao reconhecimento auditivo da estrutura rítmica/métrica e organização melódica/harmónica. No caso das restantes variáveis, não existem diferenças significativas entre os resultados de desempenho dos grupos experimental e de controlo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Survey of AI Music Generation Tools and Models

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    In this work, we provide a comprehensive survey of AI music generation tools, including both research projects and commercialized applications. To conduct our analysis, we classified music generation approaches into three categories: parameter-based, text-based, and visual-based classes. Our survey highlights the diverse possibilities and functional features of these tools, which cater to a wide range of users, from regular listeners to professional musicians. We observed that each tool has its own set of advantages and limitations. As a result, we have compiled a comprehensive list of these factors that should be considered during the tool selection process. Moreover, our survey offers critical insights into the underlying mechanisms and challenges of AI music generation

    A Survey of Music Generation in the Context of Interaction

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    In recent years, machine learning, and in particular generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) and attention-based neural networks (transformers), have been successfully used to compose and generate music, both melodies and polyphonic pieces. Current research focuses foremost on style replication (eg. generating a Bach-style chorale) or style transfer (eg. classical to jazz) based on large amounts of recorded or transcribed music, which in turn also allows for fairly straight-forward "performance" evaluation. However, most of these models are not suitable for human-machine co-creation through live interaction, neither is clear, how such models and resulting creations would be evaluated. This article presents a thorough review of music representation, feature analysis, heuristic algorithms, statistical and parametric modelling, and human and automatic evaluation measures, along with a discussion of which approaches and models seem most suitable for live interaction

    Computational methods for percussion music analysis : the afro-uruguayan candombe drumming as a case study

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    Most of the research conducted on information technologies applied to music has been largely limited to a few mainstream styles of the so-called `Western' music. The resulting tools often do not generalize properly or cannot be easily extended to other music traditions. So, culture-specific approaches have been recently proposed as a way to build richer and more general computational models for music. This thesis work aims at contributing to the computer-aided study of rhythm, with the focus on percussion music and in the search of appropriate solutions from a culture specifc perspective by considering the Afro-Uruguayan candombe drumming as a case study. This is mainly motivated by its challenging rhythmic characteristics, troublesome for most of the existing analysis methods. In this way, it attempts to push ahead the boundaries of current music technologies. The thesis o ers an overview of the historical, social and cultural context in which candombe drumming is embedded, along with a description of the rhythm. One of the specific contributions of the thesis is the creation of annotated datasets of candombe drumming suitable for computational rhythm analysis. Performances were purposely recorded, and received annotations of metrical information, location of onsets, and sections. A dataset of annotated recordings for beat and downbeat tracking was publicly released, and an audio-visual dataset of performances was obtained, which serves both documentary and research purposes. Part of the dissertation focused on the discovery and analysis of rhythmic patterns from audio recordings. A representation in the form of a map of rhythmic patterns based on spectral features was devised. The type of analyses that can be conducted with the proposed methods is illustrated with some experiments. The dissertation also systematically approached (to the best of our knowledge, for the first time) the study and characterization of the micro-rhythmical properties of candombe drumming. The ndings suggest that micro-timing is a structural component of the rhythm, producing a sort of characteristic "swing". The rest of the dissertation was devoted to the automatic inference and tracking of the metric structure from audio recordings. A supervised Bayesian scheme for rhythmic pattern tracking was proposed, of which a software implementation was publicly released. The results give additional evidence of the generalizability of the Bayesian approach to complex rhythms from diferent music traditions. Finally, the downbeat detection task was formulated as a data compression problem. This resulted in a novel method that proved to be e ective for a large part of the dataset and opens up some interesting threads for future research.La mayoría de la investigación realizada en tecnologías de la información aplicadas a la música se ha limitado en gran medida a algunos estilos particulares de la así llamada música `occidental'. Las herramientas resultantes a menudo no generalizan adecuadamente o no se pueden extender fácilmente a otras tradiciones musicales. Por lo tanto, recientemente se han propuesto enfoques culturalmente específicos como forma de construir modelos computacionales más ricos y más generales. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo contribuir al estudio del ritmo asistido por computadora, desde una perspectiva cultural específica, considerando el candombe Afro-Uruguayo como caso de estudio. Esto está motivado principalmente por sus características rítmicas, problemáticas para la mayoría de los métodos de análisis existentes. Así , intenta superar los límites actuales de estas tecnologías. La tesis ofrece una visión general del contexto histórico, social y cultural en el que el candombe está integrado, junto con una descripción de su ritmo. Una de las contribuciones específicas de la tesis es la creación de conjuntos de datos adecuados para el análisis computacional del ritmo. Se llevaron adelante sesiones de grabación y se generaron anotaciones de información métrica, ubicación de eventos y secciones. Se disponibilizó públicamente un conjunto de grabaciones anotadas para el seguimiento de pulso e inicio de compás, y se generó un registro audiovisual que sirve tanto para fines documentales como de investigación. Parte de la tesis se centró en descubrir y analizar patrones rítmicos a partir de grabaciones de audio. Se diseñó una representación en forma de mapa de patrones rítmicos basada en características espectrales. El tipo de análisis que se puede realizar con los métodos propuestos se ilustra con algunos experimentos. La tesis también abordó de forma sistemática (y por primera vez) el estudio y la caracterización de las propiedades micro rítmicas del candombe. Los resultados sugieren que las micro desviaciones temporales son un componente estructural del ritmo, dando lugar a una especie de "swing" característico. El resto de la tesis se dedicó a la inferencia automática de la estructura métrica a partir de grabaciones de audio. Se propuso un esquema Bayesiano supervisado para el seguimiento de patrones rítmicos, del cual se disponibilizó públicamente una implementación de software. Los resultados dan evidencia adicional de la capacidad de generalización del enfoque Bayesiano a ritmos complejos. Por último, la detección de inicio de compás se formuló como un problema de compresión de datos. Esto resultó en un método novedoso que demostró ser efectivo para una buena parte de los datos y abre varias líneas de investigación

    Content-based Controls For Music Large Language Modeling

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    Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of large-scale language models in the domain of music audio. Such models enable end-to-end generation of higher-quality music, and some allow conditioned generation using text descriptions. However, the control power of text controls on music is intrinsically limited, as they can only describe music indirectly through meta-data (such as singers and instruments) or high-level representations (such as genre and emotion). We aim to further equip the models with direct and content-based controls on innate music languages such as pitch, chords and drum track. To this end, we contribute Coco-Mulla, a content-based control method for music large language modeling. It uses a parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) method tailored for Transformer-based audio models. Experiments show that our approach achieved high-quality music generation with low-resource semi-supervised learning, tuning with less than 4% parameters compared to the original model and training on a small dataset with fewer than 300 songs. Moreover, our approach enables effective content-based controls, and we illustrate the control power via chords and rhythms, two of the most salient features of music audio. Furthermore, we show that by combining content-based controls and text descriptions, our system achieves flexible music variation generation and style transfer. Our source codes and demos are available online