10 research outputs found

    SCCharts: Sequentially Constructive Statecharts for Safety-Critical Applications

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    We present a new visual language, SCCharts, designed for specifying safety-critical reactive systems. SCCharts uses a new statechart notation and provides deterministic concurrency based on a synchronous model of computation (MoC), without restrictions common to previous synchronous MoCs. Specifically, we lift earlier limitations on sequential accesses to shared variables, by leveraging the sequentially constructive MoC. The key features of SCCharts are defined by a very small set of elements, the Core SCCharts, consisting of state machines plus fork/join concurrency. Conversely, Extended SCCharts contain a rich set of advanced features, such as different abort types, signals, history transitions, etc., all of which can be reduced via model-to-model transformations into Core SCCharts. This approach enables a simple yet efficient compilation strategy and aids verification and certification

    Time for Reactive System Modeling

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    Reactive systems interact with their environment by reading inputs and computing and feeding back outputs in reactive cycles that are also called ticks. Often they are safety critical systems and are increasingly modeled with highlevel modeling tools. The concepts of the corresponding modeling languages are typically aimed to facilitate formal reasoning about program constructiveness to guarantee deterministic output and are explicitly abstracted from execution time aspects. Nevertheless, the worst-case execution time of a tick can be a crucial value, where exceedance can lead to lost inputs or tardy reaction to critical events. This thesis proposes a general approach to interactive timing analysis, which enables the feedback of detailed timing values directly in the model representation to support timing aware modeling. The concept is based on a generic timing interface that enables the exchangeability of the modeling as well as the timing analysis tool for the flexible implementation of varying tool chains. The proposed timing analysis approach includes visual highlighting and modeling pragmatics features to guide the user to timing hotspots for timing related model revisions

    Sequentially Constructive Concurrency: A Conservative Extension of the Synchronous Model of Computation

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    Synchronous languages ensure deterministic concurrency, but at the price of heavy restrictions on what programs are considered valid, or constructive. Meanwhile, sequential languages such as C and Java offer an intuitive, familiar programming paradigm but provide no guarantees with regard to deterministic concurrency. The sequentially constructive model of computation (SC MoC) presented here harnesses the synchronous execution model to achieve deterministic concurrency while addressing concerns that synchronous languages are unnecessarily restrictive and difficult to adopt. In essence, the SC MoC extends the classical synchronous MoC by allowing variables to be read and written in any order as long as sequentiality expressed in the program provides sufficient scheduling information to rule out race conditions. This allows to use programming patterns familiar from sequential programming, such as testing and later setting the value of a variable, which are forbidden in the standard synchronous MoC. The SC MoC is a conservative extension in that programs considered constructive in the common synchronous MoC are also SC and retain the same semantics. In this paper, we identify classes of variable accesses, define sequential constructiveness based on the concept of SC-admissible scheduling, and present a priority-based scheduling algorithm for analyzing and compiling SC programs

    Interactive Model-Based Compilation: A Modeller-Driven Development Approach

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    There is a growing tendency for using domain-specific languages, which help domain experts to stay focussed on abstract problem solutions. It is important to carefully design these languages and tools, which fundamentally perform model-to-model transformations. The quality of both usually decides the effectiveness of the subsequent development and therefore the quality of the final applications. However, as the complexity and safety requirements of modern systems grow, it becomes increasingly burdensome to create highly customized languages and difficult to provide reasonable overviews within these tools. This thesis introduces a new interactive model-based compilation methodology. Compilations for arbitrary model-to-model transformations are themselves described as models. They can be instantiated for particular inputs, e. g. a program, to create concrete compilation runs, which return the result of that compilation. The compilation instance is interactively observable. Intermediate results serve as new inputs and as documentation. They can be used to create highly customized views and facilitate understandability. This methodology guides modellers from the start of the compilation to the final result so that they can interactively refine their models. The methodology has been implemented and validated as the KIELER Compiler (KiCo) and is available as part of the KIELER open-source project. It is used to implement the current reference compiler for the SCCharts language, a statecharts dialect designed for specifying safety-critical reactive systems based on a synchronous model of computation. The interactive model-based compilation approach was key to the rapid prototyping of three different compilation strategies, as well as new language extensions, variations and closely related languages. The results are verified with benchmarks, which are again modelled using the same approach and technology. The usability of the SCCharts language and the KiCo tooling is documented with long-term surveys and real-life industrial, academic and teaching examples

    Language Design for Reactive Systems: On Modal Models, Time, and Object Orientation in Lingua Franca and SCCharts

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    Reactive systems play a crucial role in the embedded domain. They continuously interact with their environment, handle concurrent operations, and are commonly expected to provide deterministic behavior to enable application in safety-critical systems. In this context, language design is a key aspect, since carefully tailored language constructs can aid in addressing the challenges faced in this domain, as illustrated by the various concurrency models that prevent the known pitfalls of regular threads. Today, many languages exist in this domain and often provide unique characteristics that make them specifically fit for certain use cases. This thesis evolves around two distinctive languages: the actor-oriented polyglot coordination language Lingua Franca and the synchronous statecharts dialect SCCharts. While they take different approaches in providing reactive modeling capabilities, they share clear similarities in their semantics and complement each other in design principles. This thesis analyzes and compares key design aspects in the context of these two languages. For three particularly relevant concepts, it provides and evaluates lean and seamless language extensions that are carefully aligned with the fundamental principles of the underlying language. Specifically, Lingua Franca is extended toward coordinating modal behavior, while SCCharts receives a timed automaton notation with an efficient execution model using dynamic ticks and an extension toward the object-oriented modeling paradigm

    SCCharts: Language and Interactive Incremental Compilation

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    Safety-critical systems are a subclass of reactive systems, a dominating class of computer systems these days. Such systems control the airbags in our cars, the flaps of an aircraft, nuclear power plants or pace makers. Software for these systems must be reliable. Hence, a language and tooling is needed that allows to build and maintain reliable software models. Furthermore, a reliable compiler is required to obtain decent machine-understandable and executable code from highly abstract models. This thesis presents SCCharts, a Statecharts-based synchronous and visual modeling language for specifying and designing safety-critical systems and for deriving their implementations. It elaborates on why a control-flow oriented and synchronous language is desirable and how incremental language features are chosen to flatten learning curve. It presents an interactive incremental model transformation based compilation approach termed SLIC. It shows how SLIC helps in supporting both, the modeler and the tool smith for building reliable models and maintaining a reliable compiler, respectively. A SLIC-based compiler for SCCharts including its high-level model transformations is presented. Furthermore, practicality aspects of the KIELER SCCharts language and tooling implementation complete the considerations to validate the proposed approach.Sicherheitskritische Systeme sind eine Unterklasse von reaktiven Systemen, welche heutzutage eine der wichtigsten und größten Klasse von Computersystemen darstellt. Solche Systeme kontrollieren die Airbags unserer Autos, die Landeklappen eines Passagierflugzeugs, Kernkraftwerke oder Herzschrittmacher. Software für solche Systeme muß absolut zuverlässig sein. Daher werden Computersprachen und Werkzeuge benötigt, die es erlauben, zuverlässige Softwaremodelle zu erstellen und zu warten. Weiterhin braucht es zuverlässige Kompiler, die aus solchen abstrakten Modellen korrekten maschinenlesbaren und ausführbaren Code erzeugen. Mit SCCharts präsentiert diese Arbeit eine zustandsmaschinenbasierte und synchrone Modellierungssprache für den Entwurf und zur Implementierung sicherheitskritischer Systeme. Es wird betrachtet, warum sich dafür eine kontrollflußorientierte und synchrone Sprache besonders gut eignet und welche Wahl inkrementeller Sprachbestandteile die Lernkurve senken können. Die Arbeit zeigt, wie ein als SLIC bezeichneter, interaktiver, inkrementeller und auf Modelltransformationen basierender Kompilierungsansatz sowohl dem Modellierer dabei helfen kann, zuverlässige Modelle zu erstellen, als auch den Werkzeugentwickler darin unterstützt, einen zuverlässigen Kompiler bereit zu stellen. Es wird ein auf SLIC basierender SCCharts Kompiler inklusive seiner high-level Modelltransformationen vorgestellt. Weiterhin wird der vorgestellte Ansatz mit Hilfe der beispielhaft umgesetzten KIELER SCCharts Sprach- und Werkzeugimplementierung auf seine Praktikabilität hin überprüft

    A sequentially constructive circuit semantics for Esterel

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    Static Single Assignment (SSA) is an established concept that facilitates various program optimizations. However, it is typically restricted to sequential programming. We present an approach that extends SSA for concurrent, reactive programming, specifically for the synchronous language Esterel. This extended SSA transformation expands the class of programs that can be compiled by existing Esterel compilers without causality problems. It also offers a new, efficient solution for the well-studied signal reincarnation problem. Finally, our approach rules out speculation/backtracking, unlike the recently proposed sequentially constructive model of computation

    Deterministic Concurrency: A Clock-Synchronised Shared Memory Approach

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    International audienceSynchronous Programming (SP) is a universal computational principle that provides deterministic concurrency. The same input sequence with the same timing always results in the same externally observable output sequence, even if the internal behaviour generates uncertainty in the scheduling of concurrent memory accesses. Consequently, SP languages have always been strongly founded on mathematical semantics that support formal program analysis. So far, however, communication has been constrained to a set of primitive clock-synchronised shared memory (csm) data types, such as data-flow registers, streams and signals with restricted read and write accesses that limit modularity and behavioural abstractions. This paper proposes an extension to the SP theory which retains the advantages of deterministic concurrency, but allows communication to occur at higher levels of abstraction than currently supported by SP data types. Our approach is as follows. To avoid data races, each csm type publishes a policy interface for specifying the admissibility and precedence of its access methods. Each instance of the csm type has to be policy-coherent, meaning it must behave deterministically under its own policy-a natural requirement if the goal is to build deterministic systems that use these types. In a policy-constructive system, all access methods can be scheduled in a policy-conformant way for all the types without deadlocking. In this paper, we show that a policy-constructive program exhibits deterministic concurrency in the sense that all policy-conformant interleavings produce the same input-output behaviour. Policies are conservative and support the csm types existing in current SP languages. Technically, we introduce a kernel SP language that uses arbitrary policy-driven csm types. A big-step fixed-point semantics for this language is developed for which we prove determinism and termination of constructive programs

    A Novel WCET semantics of Synchronous Programs

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    Denotational Fixed-Point Semantics for Constructive Scheduling of Synchronous Concurrency

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    The synchronous model of concurrent computation (SMoCC) is well established for programming languages in the domain of safety-critical reactive and embedded systems. Translated into mainstream C/Java programming, the SMoCC corresponds to a cyclic execution model in which concurrent threads are synchronised on a logical clock that cuts system computation into a sequence of macro-steps. A causality analysis verifies the existence of a schedule on memory accesses to ensure each macro-step is deadlock-free and determinate. We introduce an abstract semantic domain I(D, P) and an associated denotational fixed point semantics for reasoning about concurrent and sequential variable accesses within a synchronous cycle-based model of computation. We use this domain for a new and extended behavioural definition of Berry’s causality analysis in terms of approximation intervals. The domain I(D, P) extends the domain I(D) from our previous work and fixes a mistake in the treatment of initialisations. Based on this fixed point semantics the notion of Input Berry-constructiveness (IBC) for synchronous programs is proposed. This new IBC class lies properly between strong (SBC) and normal Berry-constructiveness (BC) defined in previous work. SBC and BC are two ways to interpret the standard constructive semantics of synchronous programming, as exemplified by imperative SMoCC languages such as Esterel or Quartz. SBC is often too restrictive as it requires all variables to be initialised by the program. BC can be too permissive because it initialises all variables to a fixed value, by default. Where the initialisation happens through the memory, e.g., when carrying values from one synchronous tick to the next, then IBC is more appropriate. IBC links two levels of execution, the macro-step level and the micro-step level. We prove that the denotational fixed point analysis for IBC, and hence Berry’s causality analysis, is sound with respect to operational micro-level scheduling. The denotational model can thus be viewed as a compositional presentation of a synchronous scheduling strategy that ensures reactiveness and determinacy for imperative concurrent programming