83 research outputs found

    Oblivious buy-at-bulk network design algorithms

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    Large-scale networks such as the Internet has emerged as arguably the most complex distributed communication network system. The mere size of such networks and all the various applications that run on it brings a large variety of challenging problems. Similar problems lie in any network - transportation, logistics, oil/gas pipeline etc where efficient paths are needed to route the flow of demands. This dissertation studies the computation of efficient paths from the demand sources to their respective destination(s). We consider the buy-at-bulk network design problem in which we wish to compute efficient paths for carrying demands from a set of source nodes to a set of destination nodes. In designing networks, it is important to realize economies of scale. This is can be achieved by aggregating the flow of demands. We want the routing to be oblivious: no matter how many source nodes are there and no matter where they are in the network, the demands from the sources has to be routed in a near-optimal fashion. Moreover, we want the aggregation function f to be unknown, assuming that it is a concave function of the total flow on the edge. The total cost of a solution is determined by the amount of demand routed through each edge. We address questions such as how we can (obliviously) route flows and get competitive algorithms for this problem. We study the approximability of the resulting buy-at-bulk network design problem. Our aim is to _x000C_find minimum-cost paths for all the demands to the sink(s) under two assumptions: (1) The demand set is unknown, that is, the number of source nodes that has demand to send is unknown. (2) The aggregation cost function at intermediate edges is also unknown. We consider di_x000B_fferent types of graphs (doubling-dimension, planar and minor-free) and provide approximate solutions for each of them. For the case of doubling graphs and minor-free graphs, we construct a single spanning tree for the single-source buy-at-bulk network design problem. For the case of planar graphs, we have built a set of paths with an asymptotically tight competitive ratio

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle

    Algorithms and complexity analyses for some combinational optimization problems

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    The main focus of this dissertation is on classical combinatorial optimization problems in two important areas: scheduling and network design. In the area of scheduling, the main interest is in problems in the master-slave model. In this model, each machine is either a master machine or a slave machine. Each job is associated with a preprocessing task, a slave task and a postprocessing task that must be executed in this order. Each slave task has a dedicated slave machine. All the preprocessing and postprocessing tasks share a single master machine or the same set of master machines. A job may also have an arbitrary release time before which the preprocessing task is not available to be processed. The main objective in this dissertation is to minimize the total completion time or the makespan. Both the complexity and algorithmic issues of these problems are considered. It is shown that the problem of minimizing the total completion time is strongly NP-hard even under severe constraints. Various efficient algorithms are designed to minimize the total completion time under various scenarios. In the area of network design, the survivable network design problems are studied first. The input for this problem is an undirected graph G = (V, E), a non-negative cost for each edge, and a nonnegative connectivity requirement ruv for every (unordered) pair of vertices &ruv. The goal is to find a minimum-cost subgraph in which each pair of vertices u,v is joined by at least ruv edge (vertex)-disjoint paths. A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) is designed for the problem when the graph is Euclidean and the connectivity requirement of any point is at most 2. PTASs or Quasi-PTASs are also designed for 2-edge-connectivity problem and biconnectivity problem and their variations in unweighted or weighted planar graphs. Next, the problem of constructing geometric fault-tolerant spanners with low cost and bounded maximum degree is considered. The first result shows that there is a greedy algorithm which constructs fault-tolerant spanners having asymptotically optimal bounds for both the maximum degree and the total cost at the same time. Then an efficient algorithm is developed which finds fault-tolerant spanners with asymptotically optimal bound for the maximum degree and almost optimal bound for the total cost

    Computational Design of Wiring Layout on Tight Suits with Minimal Motion Resistance

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    An increasing number of electronics are directly embedded on the clothing to monitor human status (e.g., skeletal motion) or provide haptic feedback. A specific challenge to prototype and fabricate such a clothing is to design the wiring layout, while minimizing the intervention to human motion. We address this challenge by formulating the topological optimization problem on the clothing surface as a deformation-weighted Steiner tree problem on a 3D clothing mesh. Our method proposed an energy function for minimizing strain energy in the wiring area under different motions, regularized by its total length. We built the physical prototype to verify the effectiveness of our method and conducted user study with participants of both design experts and smart cloth users. On three types of commercial products of smart clothing, the optimized layout design reduced wire strain energy by an average of 77% among 248 actions compared to baseline design, and 18% over the expert design.Comment: This work is accepted at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023(Conference Track

    Separate, measure and conquer: faster polynomial-space algorithms for Max 2-CSP and counting dominating sets

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    We show a method resulting in the improvement of several polynomial-space, exponential-time algorithms. The method capitalizes on the existence of small balanced separators for sparse graphs, which can be exploited for branching to disconnect an instance into independent components. For this algorithm design paradigm, the challenge to date has been to obtain improvements in worst-case analyses of algorithms, compared with algorithms that are analyzed with advanced methods, notably Measure and Conquer. Our contribution is the design of a general method to integrate the advantage from the separator-branching into Measure and Conquer, for a more precise and improved running time analysi

    Polyhedra and algorithms for problems bridging notions of connectivity and independence

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    I denne avhandlinga interesserer vi oss for å finne delgrafer som svarer til utvalgte modeller for begrepene sammenheng og uavhengighet. I korthet betyr dette stabile (også kalt uavhengige) mengder med gitt kardinalitet, stabile (også kalt konfliktfrie) spenntrær og pardannelser (eller uavhengige kantmengder) som induserer en sammenhengende delgraf. Dette er kombinatoriske strukturer som kan generaliseres til ulike modeller for nettverksdesign innen telekommunikasjon og forsyningsvirksomhet, plassering av anlegg, fylogenetikk, og mange andre applikasjoner innen operasjonsanalyse og optimering. Vi argumenterer for at de valgte strukturene reiser interessante forskningsspørsmål, og vi bidrar med forbedret matematisk forståelse av selve strukturene, samt forbedrede algoritmer for å takle de tilhørende kombinatoriske optimeringsproblemene. Med det mener vi metoder for å identifisere en optimal struktur, forutsatt at elementene som danner dem (hjørner eller kanter i en gitt graf) er tildelt verdier. Forskninga vår omfatter ulike områder innenfor algoritmer, kombinatorikk og optimering. De fleste resultatene omhandler det å finne bedre beskrivelser av de geometriske strukturene (nemlig 0/1-polytoper) som representerer alle mulige løsninger for hvert av problemene. Slike forbedrede beskrivelser oversettes til lineære ulikheter i heltallsprogrammeringsmodeller, noe som igjen gir mer effektive beregningsresultater når man løser referanseinstanser av hvert problem. Vi påpeker gjentatte ganger betydninga av å dele kildekoden til implementasjonen av alle utviklede algoritmer og verktøy når det foreslås nye modeller og løsningsmetoder for heltallsprogrammering og kombinatorisk optimering. Kodearkivene våre inkluderer fullstendige implementasjoner, utformet med effektivitet og modulær design i tankene, og fremmer dermed gjenbruk, videre forskning og nye anvendelser innen forskning og utvikling.We are interested in finding subgraphs that capture selected models of connectivity and independence. In short: fixed cardinality stable (or independent) sets, stable (or conflict-free) spanning trees, and matchings (or independent edge sets) inducing a connected subgraph. These are combinatorial structures that can be generalized to a number of models across network design in telecommunication and utilities, facility location, phylogenetics, among many other application domains of operations research and optimization. We argue that the selected structures raise appealing research questions, and seek to contribute with improved mathematical understanding of the structures themselves, as well as improved algorithms to face the corresponding combinatorial optimization problems. That is, methods to identify an optimal structure, assuming the elements that form them (vertices or edges in a given graph) have a weight. Our research spans different lines within algorithmics, combinatorics and optimization. Most of the results concern finding better descriptions of the geometric structures (namely, 0/1-polytopes) that represent all feasible solutions to each of the problems. Such improved descriptions translate to linear inequalities in integer programming formulations which, in turn, provide stronger computational results when solving benchmark instances of each problem. We repeatedly remark the importance of sharing an open-source implementation of all algorithms and tools developed when proposing new models and solution methods in integer programming and combinatorial optimization. Our code repositories include full implementations, crafted with efficiency and modular design in mind, thus fostering reuse, further research and new applications in research and development.Doktorgradsavhandlin